Huh...I was gonna say ENTJ.
Why is he I?
Good question.
the theory behind the answer could be wrong, but i'll give it a try nonetheless.(i am no MBTI expert)
they have Fi as their last function.least developed.
that is why they don't know how to balance things out when they are -
rude or kind.
when they are rude they are supper rude and blows things in your face.
that is how they communicate almost all the time. Te+Se.
whereas when they are nice they go to the Fi function for a very small amt of time.
when they go there they make nice friendly comments and act like ISFPs, smiling all the time and all. out of proportion. And EMOTIONAL.
But they can’t hang on it for too long.
They go back to Te+Se. and tries to bring structure and order and the expense of emotions.
They don’t understand their own emotions.
That’s why ENTJs go from – :steam::steam::steam:

Whereas INTJ-
Have Fi as their 3rd.
This makes them understand their emotions better than ENTJs could.(tho they don’t know how to understand other people’s feeling at all).
And they don’t have Se Se Se to show their emotion.(they have it as their least developed)
Simon definitely looks like a person who understands his emotions more than a ENTJ.
But he doesn’t HAVE Se to show it.
If he is an ENTJ he would know how to show it cus they have Se as their 3rd.