For some reason I find a lot of the super spacious, neat and tidy, uber modern chic type places to be really freaky and weird. I can't imagine living in one of those places would be fun... constant maintenance, can't spill your juice once in a while or all the white shit gets stained, and there'd be nowhere to paint! It just seems to be trying too hard... I guess it just isn't my style.
For our new apartment we will be moving in to in september, my girlfriend and I have been putting much thought in to the decor. For a lot of things we are just using whatever stuff we already have or just something cheap. For example, my desk is just a big board of white plywood on plastic stackable drawers and stolen milkcrates. For a few choice things, we are aiming for something more specific. We want to extensively use lamps instead of ceiling lights for the ambient feel they achieve, and except for the one or two lamps we have from previous apartments, we want to get really cool antiques. Preferably, early 20th century lamps would be the coolest, or from the 20's/30's (which is when I speculate our building was made).
Aside from the antiques, we are also going to incorporate some specific things that reflect our interests, namely video games. While our big thing is probably music, I will be littering the apartment with a wide array of instruments and our record player will likely have a focal location, so instead we are going to decorate with video game stuff. I'm doing a few paintings of 8-bit nintendo characters to hang around, and we bought some video game related placemats for our big antique hard oak table hahaha.
We didn't really put that much thought in to it though, its more like "antiques rule" "video games rule" "not spending a lot of money rules" and we created this bizarre combination of things from that conversation.