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What is your IQ score?

What is your IQ score?

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Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Also, IQ tests are definitely bullshit if Speed Gavroche somehow manages to aquire a score of 115-129. The idea of him having a high IQ is laughable.

Just because Speed claims to be an extraverted sensing type does not mean he cannot be intelligent despite these dumb stereotypes that ES types are stupid as type does not determine intelligence and in fact it seems to be very common that the very most intelligent people end up being people you don't expect to be! Speed indeed is probably smarter than most of the people here who claim to be in the 130-144 range since at least Speed is not as much of a liar as these other douches though maybe he really does have above average IQ. You never know!

btw I have no idea what your IQ is Idealist and my IQ is 114 so I wouldn't be a good judge anyway with only "borderline above average" IQ!

Savage Idealist

Aug 17, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Even Speed Gavroche is special. If you'ld know the french better, you'ld know that most of them wouldnt even speak english with you and are very very traditionalist. France is a strong SJ culture with deeply rooted traditions, not exactly what you'ld call open-minded. In comparison Speed Gavroche is way ahead of his nation.

Then I pray for the well being for the future of France. In fact, didn't they just recently elect a socialist libtard president?

Just because Speed claims to be an extraverted sensing type does not mean he cannot be intelligent despite these dumb stereotypes that ES types are stupid as type does not determine intelligence and in fact it seems to be very common that the very most intelligent people end up being people you don't expect to be! Speed indeed is probably smarter than most of the people here who claim to be in the 130-144 range since at least Speed is not as much of a liar as these other douches though maybe he really does have above average IQ. You never know!

I wasn't basing SG's IQ based on his JCF/MBTI type. I was basing my assertion off his posts, arguments, and method of logic.

Are you being serious?



New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I have scored anywhere between 145 and 165. Thought about joining mensa, but I still doubt my abilities so I have never went to sit for a test. Just played around with the online questions on the mensa site which were fun.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012

I thought about MENSA, too BUT I can't rationalize paying to join. I did join another IQ society [that doesn't charge] but to tell the truth, this forum sees more interaction. I have come to realize that high IQ does not always equal deep or meaningful conversation. Sometimes, I find myself in an ego nest and I don't care much for that.


Aug 6, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I thought about MENSA, too BUT I can't rationalize paying to join ... Sometimes, I find myself in an ego nest and I don't care much for that.

Given that MENSA charges you can almost guarantee it itself is an ego nest. Very likely the more it charges the bigger the egos.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Well, we know for certain that half of us are above average (100) and half of us are below average except in Lake Wobegon.

But unfortunately IQ grew out of Eugenics in the United States.

And Eugenics is a pseudo science waging war on the weak.

Actually, I hate to say it, but you are right. I had to do a study on the history of IQ tests during my graduate work and you pretty much said in a nutshell what I found out. Also, IQ tests traditionally cannot measure right brain functions such as those which propelled such notables as DiVinci and Michelangelo to the state of genius. In my research I discovered that high IQ scores of over 120 are irrelevent unless they also are accompanied by significant contributions to society. So, my cousin whose IQ is over 165 but who can't hold down a job or maintain a relationship is no closer to being a genius than my brother-in-law whose IQ is 85. My grandmother, who graduated high school at 11 with an IQ in the 99% never held down a job, endured a horrible marriage, struggled with bi-polar tendencies and died at a young age. She was a precious person, but having an exceptionally high IQ did little to make her life better. For the record, the research I did also suggested that an IQ or 130 or more plus a talent is often more of an indication of genius than a raw score of say 150+. It is the exceptional talent and innate knowledge of how to use it that makes a genuis, not merely the number results.

Still, knowing all of that, as a part of the research, I took the tests.
I took two IQ tests and then one that simply tested verbal IQ. I took the old-fashioned paper kind where you're timed and not allowed to use a pencil. I had no prep for the test. Since that time I've learned that you can actually raise IQ scores by taking IQ tests [at least crystalized IQ], but who has time for that? Life is too short to spend it trying to prove how smart we are. I considered joining MENSA, as I said before, but I didn't, because as you say, Zelo, if you have to pay, it's probably an ego nest and I couldn't think of another reason to join other than to tell people that I was a member of MENSA but then I kept thinking how my granny would say, "Well, it seems kind of dumb to join a club so you can prove you're smart." I've also learned that not all IQ tests are created equal, but NONE of them should be a bases for dismissing another's point of view. And, one thing I've learned by being involved in the education field is that you can NEVER base a person's IQ on his/her temperament type. We can't put people into boxes. They have a tendency to carry pocket knives and cut their ways out. Some of them just use C4 and blow the boxes to bits.

Results. My first IQ test showed an IQ of 136. The second one, 140. The verbal IQ tests showed a verbal IQ of 140+, but did not specify the + because it only measured up to 140. Did these change my life? Not very much. It only made me aware that I was pretty good at solving somebody else's puzzle. It didn't make me more valuable, more important or more of anything...it did cause me to have to struggle with ego for a little while, but life has a way of knocking that out of a person! LOL.

Sorry to rattle on so, but I just thought I'd throw in my two cents worth. Oh, and as for the IQ society I did join, I'm not very active in it and many of its members are stuffy.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Given that MENSA charges you can almost guarantee it itself is an ego nest. Very likely the more it charges the bigger the egos.

Yes, I believe you are right.


Mar 20, 2008
What is interesting is that those with an IQ above 140 or below 60 are not only different intellectually, but different emotionally.

Those above 140 are said to have over excitability (OE), and those below 60 are said to be over trusting.

But both are not normal emotionally and are socially excluded by the normal.

And so often we will find a sympathy between the two ends of the spectrum based on social exclusion.

This is why it is most important for both groups to find their own peer groups so they will be socially included. And often their personal development will depend on this.


a scream in a vortex
Jul 22, 2007
yes but i'm not so sure it's that categorical, albeit even theories that are concerned with over excitability (high sensitivity) claim a categorical split between normal and high sensitivity. but it seems to be a statistical split, that is meaningless to the individual. fewer people might be in between the normal range and the high range, but some are.

anyhow the more intelligent you are, the more sensitive (overly excitable) you are. excitability concerns everything, not just emotions. it highlights all organs of the mind and blends them. for a thinking type, there will be this paradoxical struggle of his temperament being negligent about emotions (schizoid) and his emotions not allowing to be ignored at the same time. whereas in less intelligent thinking types, exclusion of emotion is achieved completely. so the smart thinking or feeling types are like a third type, because they can't easily be nailed down typologically. their thinking will be philosophically and their feeling will be systematic, consistent. whereas average intelligence comes with either a cold pragmatic thinking or a whimsy feeling. i don't take this from a book. you can really observe all of that in people here.

but your observation would be construed by having a confused understanding of who has which functions, which is common here. what i said can be observed in people with dominant perception. blending concerns the axillary functions (the preferred one and the other possibility), in their case that's T and F. for types dominant in judgement, there would be a blending of S and N, which is more difficult to observe, at least via internet. but with even higher blending, the dominant and the shadow will blend as well (T and F, for the J dominant).

over excitability does not correlate properly with IQ measurement, only roughly, due to the temperament bias of these tests. but overexcitably is the true factor of real world intelligence, that difference between nuking the world or improving it. it affects how much meaning one's mind creates. for example doing nothing but playing chess has no meaning and is therefore not all that intelligent, no matter how high the level of chess skill. the over-excitable mind isn't that focused one just one function, since it blends everything. blending is one key of what is appreciated as genius. the over excitable mind is less repetitive and more creative and that pays out in time, in how the over excitable mind develops faster and more importantly further in terms of stages of handling complexity of perspectives (regarded as states of psychological development). it develops further because it breaks habits. habits block development. in simpler words, the factors of blending and creativity imply constant questioning of self- and world-view, which creates a wisdom to guide your skills.

just one of many examples of developmental psychology is this exploration of the factor of integration http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_Disintegration

integration is the manifestation of what i call blending. first there is intuitive or subconscious blending, which is recognizes as "you are a weird impractical bird", then later in life the mind differentiates it, then synthesized it, creating what is recognizes objectively by psychology and called integration, or complexity of psychological structure.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
What is interesting is that those with an IQ above 140 or below 60 are not only different intellectually, but different emotionally.

Those above 140 are said to have over excitability (OE), and those below 60 are said to be over trusting.

But both are not normal emotionally and are socially excluded by the normal.

And so often we will find a sympathy between the two ends of the spectrum based on social exclusion.

This is why it is most important for both groups to find their own peer groups so they will be socially included. And often their personal development will depend on this.

Good points. In light of what you've mentioned, I do understand the need for IQ groups. Oh, and the OE...YES! That is one of my cousin's biggest issues. He seeks an environment of peace because he can't cope with everyday interactions. Hence, that's why he lives in a green house in his mom's yard.