Agree with the above

, always the one to push for the new, novelty and jumping in the ice cold water/be alittle daring etc XD.
Oh my...
hehe I used to think the same thing about what now is one of my bestest friends known since elementary. First time I met her I thought similar things.
She can definitely be open minded and actually her Ne usage is not invisible.
There will be times where we will delve into deeper issues such as N related topics but most the time it's Si-Te. I'm amazed at how balanced she is in her usage she can follow my wild tangents sometimes

*give her big credit/fact i'm alive is proof*.
But with that in mind she can use it but it's limited I could run on Ne like a car on gas constantly, she will get burned out hearing me shoot off all my Ne tangents after awhile so I've learned to can it or say it in a way she can appreciate. Most the time she's very flexible and will join in the playful-ness that is Ne such as puns, jokes, weird/funny connections *ISTj*. She can hold her own

I do notice a need whenever developing her very well established strategy
in anything new,risk taking she will use her Te-Ne in that way to make sure that every move is accounted for so as to deflect any negative result where at this point i'm just wanting to shoot for the moon *XD*. But it's amazing to watch.
Agree with TS I used to think internally " why wait?" " why so serious? Just try it." Even would wonder if she ever took a risk or did daring things, which she's just very strategic prior. I have a respect for her especially now cause I
used to think she was too narrow but then I saw how very opened minded she was once she got to fully analyze the whole situation and potential outcome

My sweet ISFJ mama is the same way. Very *maybe too* cautious and even alittle gun shy of new situations/changes. She is starting to try to cuddle with Ne but it's still not her thing which I respect

SJs keep rocking, I got enough admiration to go around for you guys
