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MBTI Two sides of the same coin

killua zoldyck

New member
Aug 5, 2023
The Myers-Briggs company website blog

Do ambiverts exist?​

The world is divided between left-handed and right-handed people, right? Well, like so many things in life, it’s not that simple. While most of us who can use both hands have a preference for one hand or the other, some adapt to a style of their own. For example, a left-handed kid who can’t find a left-handed baseball glove may have to learn to play right-handed to make the team. They’re still “left-handed,” but watching them play baseball you wouldn’t be able to tell. A person who learns to use both hands more or less equally to do things is called ambidextrous—the Latin prefix “ambi” meaning both, and “dexterous” meaning skillful with the hands.

Two sides of the same coin​

We hear the same thing often about personality. Some consider themselves an Extravert, while others feel distinctly like an Introvert. Well, what if someone cherishes their alone time once in a while, but too much solitude leaves them wanting to see people? Conversely, what if a day packed with productive meetings is great—even necessary—but after a lot of socializing, they need to draw the curtains and be alone with a book, a show, a hobby, or simply their own thoughts?

Ambiverts: Switch-hitters​

Personality preferences such as Extraversion and Introversion are hardwired into our brains—just like being right- or left-handed. But being right-handed doesn't render your left hand useless. In fact, many people practice using their nondominant hand enough to become ambidextrous. It takes a lot of practice, but it can make them more versatile at a great many things.

Similarly, whether someone prefers Extraversion or Introversion, they will inevitably learn a wide range of behaviors over the course of their lives that will help them function better in the world. These behaviors include both extraverted and introverted preferences, which are required—depending on the situation, and in varying degrees—to operate effectively as human beings.

Posted 09 December 2019 by
Melissa Summer

8 cognitive functions for each pair,
Four functions ( at least ) act as an anchor connecting the two sides while the remaining four functions are both Introversion and Extraversion
( Right hand, Left hand )

INTJ/INFJ (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)
INTJ/ENFJ (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Fe - Ni - Se -Ti)
INTJ/ISTP (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)
INTJ/ISTJ (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)
INTJ/ENTJ (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
INTJ/ENFP (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Ne - Fi - Te Si)
INTJ/INFP (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Fi - Ne - Si - Te)
INTJ/ESTJ (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Te - Si - Ne- Fi)
INTJ/ESTP (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Se - Ti - Fe- Ni)
INTJ/ISFP (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Fi - Se - Ni - Te)
INTJ/ESFP (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Se - Fi -Te- Ni)
ISTJ/INTJ (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
ISTJ/ESTJ(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Te - Si - Ne- Fi)
ISTJ/ENTP(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)
ISTJ/ENTJ (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
ISTJ/ENFP(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Ne - Fi- Te- Si)
ISTJ/INFP (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Fi - Ne - Si- Te)
ISTJ/ISFP (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Fi - Se - Ni- Te)
ISTJ/ESFP (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Se - Fi -Te -Ni)
ISTJ/ISFJ (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)
ISTJ/ESFJ (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Fe - Si - Ne -Ti)
INTP/ENTP(Ti - Ne - Si- Fe)(Ne - Ti- Fe- Si)
INTP/ESTJ(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Te - Si - Ne -Fi)
INTP/ISTP(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Ti - Se - Ni- Fe)
INTP/ENFP(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Ne - Fi Te- Si)
INTP/INFP (Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Fi - Ne - Si-Te)
INTP/ESTP(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)
INTP/ISFJ(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Si - Fe - Ti- Ne)
INTP/ESFJ(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Fe - Si- Ne- Ti)
INTP/ENFJ(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Fe - Ni -Se- Ti)
INTP/INFJ(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Ni - Fe - Ti -Se)
ENTJ/INTJ (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
ENTJ/ISTJ (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)
ENTJ/ESTP (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Se - Ti - Fe- Ni)
ENTJ/ENFP (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)
ENTJ/INFP (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Fi - Ne - Si- Te)
ENTJ/ISFP (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Fi - Se - Ni - Te)
ENTJ/ESFP (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Se - Fi -Te - Ni)
ENTJ/ENFJ (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Fe - Ni - Se - Ti)
ENTJ/INFJ (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)
ENTP/INTP(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Ti - Ne- Si- Fe)
ENTP/ISTJ(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)
ENTP/ESTP(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Se -Ti - Fe-Ni)
ENTP/ENFP(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Ne - Fi Te- Si)
ENTP/ENFJ(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Fe - Ni -Se- Ti)
ENTP/INFP(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Fi - Ne - Si- Te)
ENTP/INFJ(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Ni - Fe - Ti -Se)
ENTP/ISFJ(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Si - Fe - Ti- Ne)
ENTP/ESFJ(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Fe - Si- Ne- Ti)
ISTP/ESTP(Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Se - Ti- Fe- Ni)
ISTP/INTP(Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Ti - Ne - Si- Fe)
ISTP/INTJ (Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
ISTP/ISFP (Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Fi - Se - Ni -Te)
ISTP/ESFP (Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Se - Fi Te- Ni)
ISTP/ISFJ (Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Si - Fe - Ti -Ne)
ISTP/ESFJ(Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Fe - Si - Ne- Ti)
ISTP/INFJ(Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Ni - Fe - Ti- Se)
ISTP/ENFJ(Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Fe - Ni- Se- Ti)
ESTJ/ISTJ (Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Si - Te- Fi- Ne)
ESTJ/INTP(Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Ti - Ne - Si -Fe)
ESTJ/INTJ (Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Ni - Te - Fi Se)
ESTJ/ENFP(Te - Si - Ne -Fi)(Ne - Fi- Te- Si)
ESTJ/INFP(Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Fi - Ne- Si- Te)
ESTJ/ISFP (Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Fi - Se -Ni- Te)
ESTJ/ESFP(Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Se - Fi -Te -Ni)
ESTJ/ISFJ (Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Si - Fe - Ti- Ne)
ESTJ/ESFJ(Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Fe - Si - Ne -Ti)
ESTP/ISTP(Se - Ti - Fe- Ni)(Ti - Se - Ni- Fe)
ESTP/ENTP(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)(Ne - Ti - Fe-Si)
ESTP/ISFJ(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)(Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)
ESTP/ESFJ(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)(Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)
ESTP/ISFP(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)(Fi - Se - Ni - Te)
ESTP/ESFP(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)(Se - Fi -Te - Ni)
ESTP/INTJ(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
ESTP/ENTJ (Se - Ti - Fe- Ni)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
ESTP/ENFJ(Se - Ti - Fe- Ni)(Fe - Ni- Se- Ti)
ESTP/INFJ(Se - Ti - Fe- Ni)(Ni - Fe - Ti- Se)
ENFP/ENTP(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Ne - Ti Fe- Si)
ENFP/ENTJ (Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
ENFP/ESTJ(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Te - Si- Ne- Fi)
ENFP/ISTJ (Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Si - Te- Fi- Ne)
ENFP/INTJ (Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Ni - Te - Fi Se)
ENFP/INTP(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Ti - Ne - Si -Fe)
ENFP/ISFP(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Fi - Se - Ni- Te)
ENFP/ESFP(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Se - Fi -Te -Ni)
ENFP/ISFJ (Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Si - Fe - Ti- Ne)
ENFP/ESFJ(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Fe - Si - Ne -Ti)
ENFP/INFP(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Fi - Ne- Si- Te)
ISFP/ENFP(Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Ne - Fi - Te-Si)
ISFP/ESTP (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Se - Ti -Fe- Ni)
ISFP/ISTP (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Ti - Se - Ni -Fe)
ISFP/ENTJ (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
ISFP/INTJ (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
ISFP/ESTJ Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Te - Si - Ne- Fi)
ISFP/ISTJ (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Si - Te - Fi -Ne)
ISFP/INFJ (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Ni - Fe - Ti- Se)
ESFP/ISTP (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Ti - Se - Ni Fe)
ESFP/ESTP (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Se - Ti Fe- Ni)
ESFP/ENFP(Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Ne - Fi - Te-Si)
ESFP/ENTJ (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
ESFP/INTJ (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Ni - Te - Fi Se)
ESFP/ISTJ (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Si - Te - Fi -Ne)
ESFP/ESTJ (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Te - Si -Ne- Fi)
ESFP/INFJ (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Ni - Fe - Ti- Se)
ISFJ/ENFP(Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)
ISFJ/ESTP (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)
ISFJ/ISTP (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Ti - Se - Ni- Fe)
ISFJ/ENTP(Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Ne - Ti- Fe- Si)
ISFJ/ESTJ (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Te - Si - Ne -Fi)
ISFJ/ISTJ (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)
ISFJ/INTP (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Ti - Ne- Si- Fe)
ISFJ/INFJ (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)
ESFJ/ENFP(Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Ne - Fi -Te- Si)
ESFJ/ESTP(Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)
ESFJ/ISTP(Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Ti - Se - Ni- Fe)
ESFJ/ESTJ(Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Te - Si - Ne -Fi)
ESFJ/ENTP(Fe - Si - Ne- Ti)(Ne - Ti- Fe- Si)
ESFJ/ISTJ (Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Si - Te - Fi- Ne)
ESFJ/INTP(Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Ti - Ne- Si- Fe)
ESFJ/INFJ (Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Ni - Fe - Ti -Se)
ENFJ/ESTP(Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Se - Ti- Fe- Ni)
ENFJ/ISTP(Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Ti - Se - Ni- Fe)
ENFJ/INFJ (Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Ni - Fe - Ti- Se)
ENFJ/ENTP(Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Ne - Ti - Fe-Si)
ENFJ/ENTJ (Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
ENFJ/INTJ (Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
ENFJ/INTP(Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Ti - Ne - Si- Fe)
INFJ/ENFJ (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Fe - Ni- Se- Ti)
INFJ/ESFJ (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Fe - Si - Ne- Ti)
INFJ/ISFJ (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)
INFJ/ESFP (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Se - Fi -Te- Ni)
INFJ/ISFP (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Fi - Se - Ni -Te)
INFJ/ESTP(Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Se - Ti- Fe- Ni)
INFJ/ISTP (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Ti - Se- Ni- Fe)
INFJ/ENTP(Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Ne - Ti - Fe-Si)
INFJ/ENTJ (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
INFJ/INTJ (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
INFP/ENFP(Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Ne - Fi- Te- Si)
INFP/ESTJ (Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Te - Si- Ne- Fi)
INFP/ENTP (Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Ne - Ti -Fe- Si)
INFP/ENTJ (Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
INFP/INTJ (Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
INFP/ISTJ (Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)
INFP/INTP (Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Ti - Ne - Si -Fe)


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Well this question reminds me of the number zero. Is zero even.

On a number line each unit value has a unit value of one and a power value of one. The base value and the unit value belong to the zero there for believe it or not, zero is host.

The zero is the third implicate it is the reconciling between two opacites. In this case odd and even numbers.

Zero I think of as being like neutral position between gears when changing gears when operating a manual gear box. Zero is like the sub conches space between the may gears of possible psychometric settings Fi or Fe or FxT or SxN or Sj or what ever.

The I, E, S, N, T, F, SxN, TxF, P, J can not be separated from the the third implicate what ever that third implicate may be mechanically within minds functionality.

The zero if it is host in the model of math then is the coin and odd numbers are on one face of the coin and even number are on the face of the other side of that same coin.

What is the coin? I will give you a tricky number pattern that relates to the universe that hosts.

But before I do that here is what I believe is missing.

Ambidexters: INTFP - Field of Interest.

Ambidexters: ESNTJ - Focus of Attention.

5w6 has an Ambidexters T&F function: INTFP its ambidexters focus being- Field of Interest.

1W9 has an Ambidexters S&N function: ESNTJ - Focus of Attention.

The coin is conches it has presence and must have these four properties. field, Interest. Focus, Attention.

The Coin I will link to what we understand about the universe so lets think about the Higgs field. I do this because it links to the idea that zero is host and zero is the centre within and between all layers from large to small.

You stated that the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field 246 GeV and I think that the value 246 GeV could possibly be linked to the dark energy number value of 122 decimal placings and a 138 I will explain why I think this maybe so below. This is my lateral thinking model.

The Dark energy number.


The counting numbers on a Cartesian plane have a base value of one and a exponent value of one the exponent value of one is generally called the power. The power and the base both belong to the zero, Zero is host.

Rule one: A number viewed from the hundred's Column must be counted three times as if it has the same count in the ten's Column and the units Column. A number viewed in the tens Column must be counted two times as if it has the same count in the tens Column as if in the units Column. And the units are counted once.

Rule two: Any number/ numbers on the other side of the decimal point is are treated differently. They are simply added to create a sum tally number.

Apply rule one and rule two:

-273.15 Absolute Zero.
-274.15 One degree below.
-275.15 Two degrees below.
-276.15 Three degree below.

2 = 6 Zero's, 7 = 14 Zeros, 3 = 3 Zero's, (decimal point) 1 + 5 = 6. -273.15 (6 + 14 + 3 + 6 = 29) Twenty nine zeros.
2 = 6 Zero's, 7 = 14 Zeros, 4 = 4 Zero's, (decimal point) 1 + 5 = 6. -273.15 (6 + 14 + 4 + 6 = 30) Thirty zeros.
2 = 6 Zero's, 7 = 14 Zeros, 5 = 5 Zero's, (decimal point) 1 + 5 = 6. -273.15 (6 + 14 + 5 + 6 = 31) Thirty one zeros.
2 = 6 Zero's, 7 = 14 Zeros, 6 = 6 Zero's, (decimal point) 1 + 5 = 6. -273.15 (6 + 14 + 6 + 6 = 32) Thirty two zeros.

29 + 30 + 31 + 32 = 122

Fifty-four elemental parts are said to make up the standard model of particle physics. Yes, there is a 54 within the number pattern on the left-hand side of the decimal point. 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 54.

Rule two: Any number/ numbers on the other side of the decimal point is are treated differently. They are simply added to create a sum tally number.

1 + 5 = 6

1 + 5 = 6

1 + 5 = 6

1 + 5 = 6

6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24

How many quantum fields are there? The answer is 24.

The quarks and leptons are fermions, which is why they have antimatter counterparts, and the W boson comes in two equal-and-opposite varieties (positively and negatively charged), but all told, there are 24 unique, fundamental excitations of quantum fields possible.

1 +1 +1 1+1 +1 decimal point 1 + 5
1 +1 +1 1+1 +1 decimal point 1 + 5
1 +1 +1 1+1 +1 decimal point 1 + 5
1 +1 +1 1+1 +1 decimal point 1 + 5
............. 24 ........................................... 24

1 + 5 = 6 also reminds me of Edward Witten's M-theory.

Hunting For Clues.

If we think of 95% of the universe as being Dark / invisible and 5% as being ordinary matter, how can we begin to search for clues as to the possible mechanical structure underpinning the prepose the nature of the Dark unseen component of the universe. I will have a go at making some progress. Ordinary matter is 1/20th of the universe so 19/20ths is Dark, energy or dark energy and dark matter. Latter in the post I will mention 19 Boundaries of Creation the Ordinary is made of atoms and 19 Boundaries is linked to the Periodic Table of Elements. All matter is made of subatomic particles and it is said that each component has an antimatter opacite. So a number vale of 38 is part of the hunt. I can see seven ways to construct 38 within my number pattern so the Helix and the triangle in the first image below will be of interest when thinking of how the mind of man fits into the model. 19+1= 20. 19 Dark energy side and 19 Ordinary matter side. 19 associated with the Unseen dark universe and 19 associated with the machinery of ordinary matter the atoms that the human body that host the mind of man.

All counting unit values on a Cartesian plane have a base value of one and a power value of one both the base and the power belong to the zero, zero is host. When we count the 138 we count 1 = 0 , 3 = three zeros, 8 = eight zeros. So 122 zeros and a 138 = 124 zeros. When I mention the 121 zeros and thirteen zeros the last zero I think of as belonging to the centre of the thirteen point Cartesian plane. The twelve from 1 + 3 + 8 = twelve zeros the twelve points on the X, Y, Z planes that surround the central zero. Another possibility is the 1, 3, 8 component of the thirteen zeros that adds to twelve is that it maybe the Higgs field the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field 246 GeV and following the lateral thinking process 2 + 4 + 6 = 12 twelve zeros.

We have the Dark energy number. 122 decimal places and a 138.


If we can't see the dark energy then that is a clue. We can relate to three dimensions we know there is such a thing as one dimension a line two dimension a flat sheet on a X Y plane and pure math tells us we can create models of 4, 5, 6, many models of higher dimensions and Edward Witten tells us we inside the Back Hole is a 1/2 dimension.

So what about an idea like Dark energy has a construct made of weird structures weird structures of different sizes of dimensions performing a mechanical role providing a structural latus.

Where to start? Author Russell A. Smith and his Book Gurdjieff: COSMIC SECRETS. YouTube: Mapping Gurdjieff's Enneagram to the Periodic Table of Elements, and all creation.

Lets go to page: 109

..... TI .....
SO ..... .....
..... LA DO
FA ..... ..... DO
..... ..... TI .....
MI SO ..... TI
..... ..... LA .....
RE ..... ..... ..... .....
..... FA ..... LA ..... DO
..... ..... ..... ..... TI .....
..... MI SO ..... ..... TI .7. .8. .9.10 .11.12. .13. .14. .15.16.17 .18 .19.
DO ..... ..... SO ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... LA ..... DO
TI RE ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... TI .....
..... ..... ..... FA ..... ..... ..... ..... DO
..... ..... MI ..... SO ...... ...... TI .....
LA DO ..... MI ..... SO ..... ..... TI
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... LA ..... ..... DO
..... TI RE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... FA ..... ..... LA ..... ..... DO
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... TI .....
SO ..... ..... RE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... FA ..... ..... LA ...... ..... DO
..... ..... ..... ..... MI ..... SO ..... ..... ..... TI .....
..... LA DO ..... ..... MI ..... SO ..... ..... ..... TI
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... LA ..... ..... DO
FA ..... ..... DO ..... ..... ..... ..... SO ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... TI ..... RE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... FA ..... ..... ..... LA ..... ..... DO
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... TI .....
MI SO ..... TI ..... RE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... FA ..... ..... ..... LA ..... ..... DO
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... MI ..... ..... SO ..... ..... ..... TI .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... FA ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... DO
..... ..... LA ..... DO ..... ..... MI ...... ...... SO ..... ..... ..... TI .....
RE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... LA ..... ..... ..... DO
..... FA ..... LA ..... DO ..... ..... MI ..... ..... SO ..... ..... ..... TI .....
..... ..... ..... ..... TI ..... RE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... FA ..... ..... ..... LA ..... ..... ..... DO
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... TI .....
..... MI SO ..... ..... TI ..... RE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... FA ..... ..... ..... LA ..... ..... ..... DO
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... MI ..... SO ..... ..... ..... ..... .... TI .....
DO ..... ..... SO ..... ..... ..... RE ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

That do you note? If you count all the DO RE MI FA SO LA TI

The count is 121 one short of 122 the one hundred and twenty two count of zeros in the dark energy number. What remains is one zero and a one three eight. If we continue our lateral think process we can think of the 0 1 3 8 as thirteen zeros and now we can view two patterns of zeros a thirteen pattern and and a pattern of 121 zeros.

My thinking is. Because we live in a three dimensional world the thirteen maybe linked to a Cartesian plane with an X, Y, Z three dimensional lattice. This thirteen point model with a zero at the centre and two points each side of the zero in the X plain and Y plane and the Z plane evenly spaced apart could be thought of as like a latus of Quantum Bits dark energy could be like a quantum mechanical lates.

I think Ordinary matter may be hosted by dark energy and all this may be linked to the dark energy number. The 1, 3, 8 component of the thirteen zeros the 0, 1, 3, 8 component of the 122 zeros and a one three eight. Or could a further one dimension be added to account for the strange structure presented above? Or possibility is the 1, 3, 8 component of the thirteen zeros that adds to twelve is that it maybe the Higgs field the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field 246 GeV and following the lateral thinking process 2 + 4 + 6 = 12 twelve zeros.

You model has 144 pears I find that interesting because if you follow my two rules and apply rile one to 144 the sum (1+1+1+4+4+4) = 15
Three one's because the one is in the hundreds column, two fours because the four is in the ten's column, and one four because the four is in the unit column. Via rule one (144) equals (1+1+1+4+4+4).

Rule one: A number viewed from the hundred's Column must be counted three times as if it has the same count in the ten's Column and the units Column. A number viewed in the tens Column must be counted two times as if it has the same count in the tens Column as if in the units Column. And the units are counted once.

If the sub conches is linked to the Higgs field via the workings' of the number zero and we work back wards from the 12 twelve zeros to the centre zero that is connected to the 122 zeros we then have a structure with the centre zero between the 12 zero at one end at the quantum level of creation and thinking of the 15 we have two zeros remaining to make up the 15 zeros.

Why cant those two zeros be related to the left and right in nature. Your two columns with 144 lines of opacites (Posted 09 December 2019 by
Melissa Summer) , act as a left and right.

Mind is apart of nature and has a two force mechanic going on that is apart of the Law of three.

Killua Zoldych you may have helped find another peace of the puzzle. The puzzle of how intelligence works in the human mind and within the universe as a mechanical mechanism.

I think it would be interesting if AI was able to prove a connection between mind and the larger universe.

The IEA Enneagram Questionnaire also has 144 questions.

And it was the search for 144 that led me to the number pattern above with 122 so it interesting to finally link that 122 number pattern to 144 because it was always about linking mind to Host, host being the larger universe.
Last edited:


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
In the post above the zero in my mind is thought of as representative of the sub conches.

Although this topic is about the MBTI I find it difficult to separate the MBTO from the Enneagram.

So I will shear some thoughts.

The counting numbers on a Cartesian plane have a base value of one and a exponent value of one the exponent value of one is generally called the power. The power and the base both belong to the zero, Zero is host.

When I think about this I'm am reminded of grade one in primary school when learning for the first time to count to ten. We learn this ion two steps. First we learnt to count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and the as a Second step we were introduced to the number zero. And learned to count 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I was perplexed by this and believed that there was two ways to count to ten and challenged the teacher and almost launched into a stand up argument.

I believed that the the two way to count ten was 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.

So why did I think this way all I had was the knowledge of my own experience my own understanding of mind and memory.

The reason was I was a wear that there was larger beeper field and I was a wear that there was nine energies. I was five years of age when I was in grade one.

So the zero for me and my logic was the sub conches and the count of one to nine was representative of the nine energies. In all Ten real things.

Miss Hills vs Mark.
I refused to accept the teachers perspective that there was only one way to count to ten and that served me well because it enabled me to manifest the number pattern above.

So why mention this? I do so because I am interested in teasing possible structures threads of structure that are beginning measurements to build upon to build a complex structure that may describe universal intelligence or part potion of minds connection to Host being the Universe. or its structures.

Ok so lets utilise a portion of perspicacity in or lateral thinking..

Zero is representative of of Host in a mathematic form representative of structure a kind of Neutral fractal starting point within structure acting between scales of size from host to large forms made of parts of parts of parts of parts.

We remember that Zero hosts the Base and the Power for each and every unit value/number.

So lets look for one more pattern and it turns out to be an enneagram pattern.

Nine multiplied three times equals twenty seven, twenty seven Tri-Types.

How do we find this in our number pattern?

We start with the zero and we acknowledge that the zero represents the sub conches that hosts the conches of the egoic mind and we acknowledge that via this line of thought that each of the nine unit values between a count of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 has a base value of one and a exponent/ power value of one and if we add the nine base value units and the nine power values units of one we have a count of eighteen and if we add the nine counting units the total sum equals twenty seven. that's pretty cool that good high quality remedial math.

Things work in layers things work thanks to parts.

It is easy to think that one number pattern is it but maybe that base number pattern has more that one part in play.

( Right hand, Left hand )

1. INTJ/INFJ (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)
2. INTJ/ENFJ (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Fe - Ni - Se -Ti)
3. INTJ/ISTP (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)
4. INTJ/ISTJ (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)
5. INTJ/ENTJ (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
6. INTJ/ENFP (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Ne - Fi - Te Si)
INTJ/INFP (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Fi - Ne - Si - Te)
INTJ/ESTJ (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Te - Si - Ne- Fi)
INTJ/ESTP (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Se - Ti - Fe- Ni)
INTJ/ISFP (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Fi - Se - Ni - Te)
INTJ/ESFP (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Se - Fi -Te- Ni)
ISTJ/INTJ (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
ISTJ/ESTJ(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Te - Si - Ne- Fi)
ISTJ/ENTP(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)
ISTJ/ENTJ (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
ISTJ/ENFP(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Ne - Fi- Te- Si)
ISTJ/INFP (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Fi - Ne - Si- Te)
ISTJ/ISFP (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Fi - Se - Ni- Te)
ISTJ/ESFP (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Se - Fi -Te -Ni)
ISTJ/ISFJ (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)
ISTJ/ESFJ (Si - Te - Fi - Ne)(Fe - Si - Ne -Ti)
INTP/ENTP(Ti - Ne - Si- Fe)(Ne - Ti- Fe- Si)
INTP/ESTJ(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Te - Si - Ne -Fi)
INTP/ISTP(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Ti - Se - Ni- Fe)
INTP/ENFP(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Ne - Fi Te- Si)
INTP/INFP (Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Fi - Ne - Si-Te)
INTP/ESTP(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)
INTP/ISFJ(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Si - Fe - Ti- Ne)
INTP/ESFJ(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Fe - Si- Ne- Ti)
INTP/ENFJ(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Fe - Ni -Se- Ti)
INTP/INFJ(Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)(Ni - Fe - Ti -Se)
ENTJ/INTJ (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
ENTJ/ISTJ (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)
ENTJ/ESTP (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Se - Ti - Fe- Ni)
ENTJ/ENFP (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)
ENTJ/INFP (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Fi - Ne - Si- Te)
ENTJ/ISFP (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Fi - Se - Ni - Te)
ENTJ/ESFP (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Se - Fi -Te - Ni)
ENTJ/ENFJ (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Fe - Ni - Se - Ti)
ENTJ/INFJ (Te- Ni- Se- Fi)(Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)
ENTP/INTP(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Ti - Ne- Si- Fe)
ENTP/ISTJ(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)
ENTP/ESTP(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Se -Ti - Fe-Ni)
ENTP/ENFP(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Ne - Fi Te- Si)
ENTP/ENFJ(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Fe - Ni -Se- Ti)
ENTP/INFP(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Fi - Ne - Si- Te)
ENTP/INFJ(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Ni - Fe - Ti -Se)
ENTP/ISFJ(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Si - Fe - Ti- Ne)
ENTP/ESFJ(Ne - Ti - Fe- Si)(Fe - Si- Ne- Ti)
ISTP/ESTP(Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Se - Ti- Fe- Ni)
ISTP/INTP(Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Ti - Ne - Si- Fe)
ISTP/INTJ (Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
ISTP/ISFP (Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Fi - Se - Ni -Te)
ISTP/ESFP (Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Se - Fi Te- Ni)
ISTP/ISFJ (Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Si - Fe - Ti -Ne)
ISTP/ESFJ(Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Fe - Si - Ne- Ti)
ISTP/INFJ(Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Ni - Fe - Ti- Se)
ISTP/ENFJ(Ti - Se - Ni - Fe)(Fe - Ni- Se- Ti)
ESTJ/ISTJ (Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Si - Te- Fi- Ne)
ESTJ/INTP(Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Ti - Ne - Si -Fe)
ESTJ/INTJ (Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Ni - Te - Fi Se)
ESTJ/ENFP(Te - Si - Ne -Fi)(Ne - Fi- Te- Si)
ESTJ/INFP(Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Fi - Ne- Si- Te)
ESTJ/ISFP (Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Fi - Se -Ni- Te)
ESTJ/ESFP(Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Se - Fi -Te -Ni)
ESTJ/ISFJ (Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Si - Fe - Ti- Ne)
ESTJ/ESFJ(Te - Si - Ne - Fi)(Fe - Si - Ne -Ti)
ESTP/ISTP(Se - Ti - Fe- Ni)(Ti - Se - Ni- Fe)
ESTP/ENTP(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)(Ne - Ti - Fe-Si)
ESTP/ISFJ(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)(Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)
ESTP/ESFJ(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)(Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)
ESTP/ISFP(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)(Fi - Se - Ni - Te)
ESTP/ESFP(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)(Se - Fi -Te - Ni)
ESTP/INTJ(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
ESTP/ENTJ (Se - Ti - Fe- Ni)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
ESTP/ENFJ(Se - Ti - Fe- Ni)(Fe - Ni- Se- Ti)
ESTP/INFJ(Se - Ti - Fe- Ni)(Ni - Fe - Ti- Se)
ENFP/ENTP(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Ne - Ti Fe- Si)
ENFP/ENTJ (Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
ENFP/ESTJ(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Te - Si- Ne- Fi)
ENFP/ISTJ (Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Si - Te- Fi- Ne)
ENFP/INTJ (Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Ni - Te - Fi Se)
ENFP/INTP(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Ti - Ne - Si -Fe)
ENFP/ISFP(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Fi - Se - Ni- Te)
ENFP/ESFP(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Se - Fi -Te -Ni)
ENFP/ISFJ (Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Si - Fe - Ti- Ne)
ENFP/ESFJ(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Fe - Si - Ne -Ti)
ENFP/INFP(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)(Fi - Ne- Si- Te)
ISFP/ENFP(Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Ne - Fi - Te-Si)
ISFP/ESTP (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Se - Ti -Fe- Ni)
ISFP/ISTP (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Ti - Se - Ni -Fe)
ISFP/ENTJ (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
ISFP/INTJ (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
ISFP/ESTJ Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Te - Si - Ne- Fi)
ISFP/ISTJ (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Si - Te - Fi -Ne)
ISFP/INFJ (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)(Ni - Fe - Ti- Se)
ESFP/ISTP (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Ti - Se - Ni Fe)
ESFP/ESTP (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Se - Ti Fe- Ni)
ESFP/ENFP(Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Ne - Fi - Te-Si)
ESFP/ENTJ (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
ESFP/INTJ (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Ni - Te - Fi Se)
ESFP/ISTJ (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Si - Te - Fi -Ne)
ESFP/ESTJ (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Te - Si -Ne- Fi)
ESFP/INFJ (Se - Fi -Te - Ni)(Ni - Fe - Ti- Se)
ISFJ/ENFP(Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Ne - Fi - Te- Si)
ISFJ/ESTP (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)
ISFJ/ISTP (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Ti - Se - Ni- Fe)
ISFJ/ENTP(Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Ne - Ti- Fe- Si)
ISFJ/ESTJ (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Te - Si - Ne -Fi)
ISFJ/ISTJ (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)
ISFJ/INTP (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Ti - Ne- Si- Fe)
ISFJ/INFJ (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)(Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)
ESFJ/ENFP(Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Ne - Fi -Te- Si)
ESFJ/ESTP(Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Se - Ti - Fe-Ni)
ESFJ/ISTP(Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Ti - Se - Ni- Fe)
ESFJ/ESTJ(Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Te - Si - Ne -Fi)
ESFJ/ENTP(Fe - Si - Ne- Ti)(Ne - Ti- Fe- Si)
ESFJ/ISTJ (Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Si - Te - Fi- Ne)
ESFJ/INTP(Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Ti - Ne- Si- Fe)
ESFJ/INFJ (Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)(Ni - Fe - Ti -Se)
ENFJ/ESTP(Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Se - Ti- Fe- Ni)
ENFJ/ISTP(Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Ti - Se - Ni- Fe)
ENFJ/INFJ (Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Ni - Fe - Ti- Se)
ENFJ/ENTP(Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Ne - Ti - Fe-Si)
ENFJ/ENTJ (Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
ENFJ/INTJ (Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
ENFJ/INTP(Fe - Ni - Se- Ti)(Ti - Ne - Si- Fe)
INFJ/ENFJ (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Fe - Ni- Se- Ti)
INFJ/ESFJ (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Fe - Si - Ne- Ti)
INFJ/ISFJ (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Si - Fe - Ti - Ne)
INFJ/ESFP (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Se - Fi -Te- Ni)
INFJ/ISFP (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Fi - Se - Ni -Te)
INFJ/ESTP(Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Se - Ti- Fe- Ni)
INFJ/ISTP (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Ti - Se- Ni- Fe)
INFJ/ENTP(Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Ne - Ti - Fe-Si)
INFJ/ENTJ (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
INFJ/INTJ (Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
INFP/ENFP(Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Ne - Fi- Te- Si)
INFP/ESTJ (Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Te - Si- Ne- Fi)
INFP/ENTP (Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Ne - Ti -Fe- Si)
141 INFP/ENTJ (Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Te- Ni- Se- Fi)
142 INFP/INTJ (Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Ni - Te - Fi -Se)
143 INFP/ISTJ (Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Si - Te - Fi - Ne)
144 INFP/INTP (Fi - Ne - Si- Te)(Ti - Ne - Si -Fe)

You model has 144 pairs I find that interesting because if you follow my two rules and apply rile one to 144 the sum (1+1+1+4+4+4) = 15
Three one's because the one is in the hundreds column, two fours because the four is in the ten's column, and one four because the four is in the unit column. Via rule one (144) equals (1+1+1+4+4+4).

That do you note? If you count all the DO RE MI FA SO LA TI ( reference first post).

The count is 121 one short of 122 the one hundred and twenty two count of zeros in the dark energy number. What remains is one zero and a one three eight. If we continue our lateral think process we can think of the 0 1 3 8 as thirteen zeros and now we can view two patterns of zeros a thirteen pattern and and a pattern of 121 zeros.

My thinking is. Because we live in a three dimensional world the thirteen maybe linked to a Cartesian plane with an X, Y, Z three dimensional lattice. This thirteen point model with a zero at the centre and two points each side of the zero in the X plain and Y plane and the Z plane evenly spaced apart could be thought of as like a latus of Quantum Bits dark energy could be like a quantum mechanical lates.

I think Ordinary matter may be hosted by dark energy and all this may be linked to the dark energy number. The 1, 3, 8 component of the thirteen zeros the 0, 1, 3, 8 component of the 122 zeros and a one three eight. Or could a further one dimension be added to account for the strange structure presented above? Or possibility is the 1, 3, 8 component of the thirteen zeros that adds to twelve is that it maybe the Higgs field the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field 246 GeV and following the lateral thinking process 2 + 4 + 6 = 12 twelve zeros.

so we can invasion a path of zeros going all the way to passably the structure scale of the workings of the Dark energy mechanical order. I think of it abstractly as a dense Field that hosts the twenty four fields. The field most likely has the law of three at work and the three dimensions of space maybe the practical lattice a practical expression of the Law of Three, That a big Idea. Thinking this idea allows for a count of twenty four fields plus a count of three plains X, Y, Z as one field to sum to twenty seven.

So now the the dark energy number has more possible depth to its possible meaning as a measurement.

The one hundred and twenty second and the one the eight I think of as X, Y, Z Cartesian plain that reaches all the way along the one hundred and twenty two zeros and in a sense it is one hundred and twenty five zero deep. If you count the remaining eight that are apart of the X and Y plains the sum tally equals (125+8) = 133. The remaining eight could be thought to be connected to the eight rows e.g. (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Ni - Fe - Ti - Se) and it is made of two sets of eight characters, (N I T E F I S E) (N I F E T I S E) = (125+8) as (1+2+5+8) = 16. 133+16+5, five for the hole brain model equals. 149. The five units after 144 could belong to mind and the Hole Brain Model.

One last layer is The principle of unification. I am open to the idea that there may be not just one axis 5w6 has an Ambidexters T&F function: INTFP 1W9 has an Ambidexters S&N but there maybe eighteen in play.

If we add two to 144 the sun is 146. 146 utilising rule two sums to ( 1 4 4 6 ) = 15 but the rule one has been not followed because to create this sum total of fifteen we did not count the one in the hundreds column in the tens column and the unit column meaning we counted it once not three times. This maybe a new mechanical structure within the mechanic structure.

That would be interesting is finding a number pattern that accounts for the 144 with the eight and the sixteen values in the MBTI Left and Right model the topic post is about. I have an impression in mind with the enneagram model as the framework wherein the Point nine is free because all process begin at zero at point nine and end at zero at nine at point nine so the sixteen and eight pairs in each of the 144 rows work on points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 via the Law of three. But it lacks body structural depth and breath.

Sloth and apathy prevents me from attempting to go within and intuit tease out a possible structure. I feel I am out of practice it has been at lest fifteen years sine I have processed psychometrics from within my sub conches and don't really want to impression all 144 e.g. 1. INTJ/INFJ (Ni - Te - Fi -Se)(Ni - Fe - Ti - Se)

I think one of the last time I did it was when I drafted an explained that the kabbalah Tree of Life was a Enneagram model, way back when the Enneagram Institute had its Discussion Boards. I did it on the spot with no knowledge of the kabbalah Tree of Life I did it just by intuiting the simple pattern within diagram. Can you see it? Can you see the working enneagram model within the diagram? I think after an argument I deleted it from the discussion board so It wont be in the archives unless all post including deleted posts were saved. I ladled the Kabbalah as hippy crap in protest of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.


I will think about it for a bit and see if I change my mind. If I come across some pharmaceutical grade LSD then I will have a go at holding one by one all 144 left and right MBTI pairs. But I don't think that is likely to happen.

I will think about it for a bit and see if I change my mind.
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