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Would like to hear some insights here.

Jan 8, 2023
Hello there, here's another new user who wants to be typed. I have some knowledge on mbti and enneagram, but I am looking forward to receiving some insights that I've overlooked all along from other people.

I would like to express my gratitude in advance for those who take their time to type me. Feel free to ask away if my explanations are a little confusing/require more information.

1) Context:
a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?

I'm a university student whose upbringing was solely influenced by Asian cultures. No impairments. I'm a Buddist myself, but religious education has little impact on my own beliefs.

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven't you decided on one?
I'm still a novice at cognitive functions, my interpretations could be wrong here, so constructive criticisms are welcome. I think my ______ is:

Enneagram: 1w9, but my tritype and instinctual variants are still uncertain

MBTI: uncertain, but I think I have Te, Fi, Se, Ni

Socionics: uncertain

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?
To realize my vision and implement it as a part of my life. I have a passion that was discovered since young, and I've been refining relevant skills over these years. I hope that in the future, this skill of mine can get me a step closer to whatever that I've considered as life goals. "Passion won't charm one's way through life", I want to prove that this statement is wrong by having my interest field as my career and still achieving financial success, or even advance further. Previous steps have shaped who I am today, and I will continue to seize opportunities until my goals are all achieved.

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?
The most: Wrath. I can be unaware of my anger, and the way it comes in bursts can be unbearable at times.

The least: Lust. Perhaps it's because I have zero experience in romance and little interest in getting into one, I can't really understand why some people can't control their sexual desires. I don't see the thrill of having sex, because personally I see it merely an act for human reproduction, plus I'm repulsed by many intimate physical contact. But that's for now, I may be different if I find my Mr. Right.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:

a) The type of people you are drawn to:

People with similar values or interests with me are a bonus, but I still get along with different people. As long as they have a healthy mindset, are respectful, trustworthy, loyal, and can provide different perspectives that can help me grow as a person, they're in.

b) The type of people who are drawn to you:
If it's about sharing my knowledge, giving advice or getting things done, then it can be anyone. In many people's eyes, I'm extremely logical, and my judgements or evaluations are quite objective. Many would trust what I say and benefit from them.

Only a few feel connected to me, and the similarity among these people is that they are highly authentic. They feel heard or understood when talking with me, and even comment that their conversations with me are actually relaxing. These people would say that I'm equally rational and sentimental, which I don't agree with. I believe that my thoughtfulness is just a form of logical interpretation, but way more tender. I don't really share their feelings like empaths do, because I rarely pay attention to my own emotions, let alone other people's. Feeling exactly what people feel sounds surreal to me.

c) The type of people you are repulsed by:

Self-righteous, snobbish people who think they are above everyone else. Different people have different strengths and weaknesses, so no one's in the right place to ridicule one another. This behavior ticks me off the most. Some other turn-offs are abusive behaviors, lack of introspection and overreliance on emotions/feelings/subjective preferences.

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself?Elaborate.
People who truly know how to enjoy things in life. I have met people who would bring me along to enjoy many things in life, but I still couldn't enter the realm they're in. They can be fully immersed in their sensations, while all I can do is either evaluate those activities based on what I've sensed and some other criterias, or do something just to serve its purpose (eg: eating good food just to fill up my stomach, without paying much attention to how it tastes). That's why I've been roasted for not knowing how to have fun/enjoy.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:

a) Anger:

I can be really ill-tempered, despite this weakness being well-hidden in the public. Although the frequency of unconscious, sudden anger has decreased over ages, it's still one of my biggest flaws as a person. When I get mad, I assume people's intentions for triggering me, and misinterpret trivial things as a direct offense. Since I'm blindfolded by my own emotions in those scenarios, most assumptions are going to be inaccurate. Everytime I get mad, I try to divert my attention away from my emotions by doing other activities, but in worse scenarios, I find pleasure slamming doors and throwing some unbreakable objects.

b) Shame:
Except when I feel awkward when I do stupid things in public, nothing relevant comes to my mind, so I guess it's not my concern.

c) Fear:
I'm not someone who's haunted by insecurities and anxiety. I tend to see fear as something that can be controlled, resolved, and overcome. It's normal to be afraid of something, but people shouldn't abuse their emotions as an excuse for their inaction.

d) Love/passion:
My lack of expression is the reason why some people may confuse me as someone highly rational with less concern for passion/love, resulting in receiving criticisms for being "apathetic". Fortunately, my perceptions of myself for being "unable to love/care for people'' have been proven wrong, and I'm regaining confidence in this area. It's not that I don't care, it's just that verbally expressing my affection is not my default thinking. My mind focuses on something else rather than constantly thinking about this. When I actually care about people, service/concern that comes in small acts is always my go to, that's why it can be a miss for some people.

e) Conflict
I avoid them if necessary, but I won't back down if I get into one. I always get angry in family conflicts, but I have a surprisingly good temper when I have conflicts with other people. I say what I believe is right, but in a calmer and tolerable manner. I appear less offensive/aggressive when outside, so that's why I give off the false impression that I have a really good temper.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you've been unable to conquer, ect)?
I can be very careless on a daily basis. When I was still in elementary school, I lost around 15 marks in my mathematics test just by being careless. I remembered at that time, my mother was really concerned about my carelessness and asked about what I was thinking when solving mathematical questions. My response was, "Because I am thinking about what I should do next", so she told me to focus on what I'm writing instead of thinking ahead. "Focusing on what I'm writing" has proven to be useful over the years, but this act requires my control over my consciousness, or else it will easily revert back to autopilot mode that neglects most of the details.

Besides thinking of upcoming steps, I tend to take glances at the information and form my own notions from what I've understood. Explaining my ideas can be described as showing people a blurry image, without sufficient details, it's difficult for people to fully grasp what I mean. Experiences told me that not all people can connect the dots easily like I do, so I would always ensure that people understand me after I explain something. If they're still confused, I would explain it again by adding more details that I can recall, and even help them understand the "connection" between those dots.

8) Answer only one of the following:
a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?

I'm currently an Interior Architecture major. My passion in drawing/creating was discovered when I was a toddler. I used to draw my own comics, but it eventually upgraded to designing as I always find myself paying more attention to the background settings for every scene in my work, eg: space utilization and efficiency. If the designs are meant to be interacting with people, then they should be created appropriately to function well. Many only focus on designing something innovative, completely ignoring those designs' functionality. I find this rather concerning, and I want to be someone eligible for spreading relevant knowledge and correcting that mindset.

b)[Under college aged] What do you plan on studying/working as in the future? How did you go about deciding this? If this is not your ideal area of pursuit, what would be?

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?
I'm mostly curious about their personality. I observe from the sidelines, or interact with them directly. Their natural body language can tell something about them, and these trigger features or actions require some interactions. Those impressions, or I should say, the hypotheses I have on someone, require some upcoming events to prove its accuracy. But before that, my assumptions will forever be assumptions, they won't be an influence on my outward behavior around those people.

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?
Humanity is just shades of gray. While actions can be perceived as right or wrong, good or bad, the true intentions behind those actions could make the whole situation more complicated.

Political corruption, environmental issues, problems like that, but personally I am annoyed when people don't bother with the long-term consequences of their actions. Many undesirable situations can actually be avoided if most people think things through before making a decision.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
Typology: My initial purpose was only for self-development, but eventually I noticed that understanding different types can also be useful for writing my characters.

Writing my own stories: I have created characters with different personalities, and my knowledge of typology systems have made my characters more well-rounded. I enjoy imagining how my characters will behave/view things from different perspectives, and envisioning how events would play out. I'm happy about it when all of these aspects make sense and do not contradict with any of the existing ideas.

Video games: I like to try different types of games, and keep honing my skills in those I am interested in. I set targets/goals in the game, and strive for them. My friends find my gaming style fast-paced and stressful, but that's really how I unwind. My mind is in a relaxed state when I'm making progress towards my in-game goals, so I was quite surprised when my friends said so.

13) How do you usually "hang out" with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.
I prefer one-to-one interactions, group interactions make me feel awkward. Just like myself, friends that I'm close with aren't party people, so we usually have a gaming night, and even have an in-game casual chat. My friends initiate the conversations more often, but I'm equally talkative in those conversations. This statement can be a little exaggerated, but I personally view idle chats as one of the sources of accumulating wisdom as I get epiphanies from my friends' stories, experiences and perspectives. There's something behind those ordinary occurrences that can be learnt, so I find their words enlightening and enjoy talking with them most of the time.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?
While words are important to bring purpose, it's completely bullshit when no actions are taken to prove its worth. Words are plans, and plans need to be executed in order to determine its feasibility. If words serve as a promise, then actions would be a good reflection of someone's personality.

15) Oh dear, you've been cursed by a witch! It's ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose:
a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste
b) To be immortal
c) To lose your memories
d) To be poor for the rest of your life
e) Or to never experience passion

Elaborate on why!
As long as the food is edible and not disgusting, I would gladly accept them. I don't really pay attention to how I feel about what I've tasted, so a tasteless life won't have much impact on me.

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect.
Snobs scorn you for being part of inferiority, and only respect/try to please you when they perceive you as superior or worthy. This 180° change in their behavior is truly amusing to me, it feels like they're from a different timeline, the persona they put on makes them completely different. These people are really common in society, and to be honest, I find them pathetic. Therefore I worry that I may sacrifice my own moral codes for the sake of my career, and become someone I despise the most in the future.

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?
It's an "all or nothing" dichotomy, regardless of what my obsessions are about. I would rather wait than complete something that I don't even have sufficient inspiration/information to begin with, that's why I can be pretty idle or even perceived as procrastinating at first.

Once I start doing them, I want to persevere until my target is achieved, so I can be intolerant to interruptions and get annoyed with those who "disturbed" me. I may have acted like there's no tomorrow, but I know where the boundaries are and would not let myself go berserk with my obsessions all thanks to my health-conscious upbringing.

My interests and values are very different from others, so I don't really blend in with my peers. I don't really mind if everyone else doesn't click with me, because I find this situation normal for some reason. But if I get to meet someone I feel "merged" with, I'll definitely cherish them.

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are your preferences and tendencies?
My mind is an organized place, I produce organized work, my workplace is neat and tidy, but my own room is another story. Everything's in place, but the environment is dirty. I don't really care about doing chores, those dirty things would accumulate anyway, so I prefer to do them less frequently.

I prefer a headstart before doing something new, like a general plan or some basic information, anything that is required for preparations. Some people get flustered or confused when underprepared, so I would not wish to see myself in such situations. However if there's a sudden change, I can adjust my plans accordingly right on the spot. I'll definitely swear a little, but as long as I have enough knowledge/resources to play around and come up with alternatives, I'm pretty fine. Life is a mixture of expectations and surprises, so one should not be too fixated on something.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?
I feel comfortable when I can be free with my thoughts, without having any limitations or interruptions. Having my plans being disrupted can be really frustrating to me, so I'm still learning how to tolerate those things even better.

If it's about physical comfort, I'm less picky about where I live. Give me a bed, some furniture, food or drinks, basic cooking utensils, and a space to shower, I can live there like it's my home all along. I adapt to the new environment rather quickly.

I used to not give a damn about how I look, but I'm now selective of my fashion style. I prefer something comfortable, and at the same time it suits me.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
My best guess is some combination of 136 sp/so. I'm not sure on core type, any of those 3 seem reasonable. Possibly so/sp.
Last edited:
Jan 8, 2023
My personal guess is actually 135 sp/so, but the head fix can be either a 5 or 6. I have people from other forums (mis)typed me as a core 5; while one of my parents is an obvious core 6, so their influence on me over the past decades is definitely there.

Thanks you for your help, but may I know some of your reasonings for your typing?


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
My personal guess is actually 135 sp/so, but the head fix can be either a 5 or 6. I have people from other forums (mis)typed me as a core 5; while one of my parents is an obvious core 6, so their influence on me over the past decades is definitely there.

Thanks you for your help, but may I know some of your reasonings for your typing?
There's a lot of rigidity and motivation toward competence in your responses. I think it the way you describe your attitude toward others that made me think of 6 (plus the strong 1, of course).


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
IxTJ, lean more towards ISTJ moderatly strongly. 613. No offense, but probably socially repressed or at least depressed. Could be the result of your upbringing, though cant really offer a real opinion on that- its just interesting that its the first thing you sorta emphasized. Hopefully thats ok to say idk. Maybe Im ignorant or god forbid hopefully not racist, like really hope Im not being that.

Anyways. I think you are 6. You say theres no anxiety- but. I think theres anxiety- just not in the way you think. You seem to have a strong denial of strong feelings that usually makes me think 9- but its also a contempt of them, low key, which makes me think that instead of a denial for the sake of inner peace- its more of a denial for the sake of fear of self judgement/spiraling. I dont think yoy are an obviously anxious person, but you do seem to have a strong sense of how you “should be” which seems less values based and more anxiety based.

Anyways. Honestly, I dont know you. Im going off one post. And of the three Ive done tonight, Im speculating the most on you. So I could be waaay wrong.
Jan 8, 2023
The main purpose of this thread is to collect different perspectives. Though the descriptions of myself can be really off, people can be rest assured that no offence is taken here.

I'd assume that "socially repressed" indicates social anxiety. If that's the case, I would like to shed some light on this matter.

For my case, being awkward in group chats has no correlation with social anxiety. I should have further explained the statement, so apologies for not doing so earlier. I've received feedbacks on my ambiguous presentation style, and the ambiguity here is a portrayal of oversimplification or intangibility. I'm constantly figuring out different methodical approaches of explaining things, and tailoring them to different people, hence a group setting that comprises people with different learning styles would make the process more difficult. I know that it's nearly impossible to have everyone understanding my idea in one go, but I would always feel stupid and awkward when I find someone in the crowd do not get my ideas.

So, all things considered, I don't think I'm socially inept, and many people I know can actually back up on this statement. While it's true that I'm not a social butterfly, I can hold small talks/conversations with different people at ease when necessary. I'm approachable to many, but only a selected few can pursue deeper connection with me. My smaller-than-average social circle is purely a consequence of my lack of prioritisation in social interaction.

Could be the result of your upbringing, though cant really offer a real opinion on that- its just interesting that its the first thing you sorta emphasized.
Since my upbringing is influenced by traditional cultural values, I might as well mention the former. I actually have no other intentions except for meeting the question's requirements.

Anyways. I think you are 6. You say theres no anxiety- but. I think theres anxiety- just not in the way you think. You seem to have a strong denial of strong feelings that usually makes me think 9- but its also a contempt of them, low key, which makes me think that instead of a denial for the sake of inner peace- its more of a denial for the sake of fear of self judgement/spiraling. I dont think yoy are an obviously anxious person, but you do seem to have a strong sense of how you “should be” which seems less values based and more anxiety based.
This is certainly a food of thought, as I always believe that my defense mechanism inclines towards rationalization, with some degree of reaction formation. The emotion I'm most conscious of is anger, and when I can't hide them anymore, I would immediately admit and then justify my negative emotions and actions. It's to feed my ego, to inform that I'm right in that situation (even though deep down inside I know what are the mistakes/shortcomings that lead to the unfavourable outcome), so there's nothing to worry about. However, I'm not sure whether this behaviour applies with dealing with my fears, I've yet to observe an example like that.

I would say that I rarely pay attention, and I'm quite oblivious to how I feel in most cases. It's like our heartbeat, it occurs naturally all of the time, but we don't feel it unless we take the pulse. For example, I can have a false impression that I can remain calm under stress for an extended period just to have an emotional meltdown in a random event. This is only when I notice how overwhelmed I am after all those distressful occurrences. My uncontrollable weeping aroused my curiosity in my own emotions. It's not a big deal, why did I cry in all of a sudden? How long have I been feeling stressed? The more I contemplate, the more I feel. Delving deeper into my emotional triggers will only result in prolonged weeping, but it's better to let it all out in one go.

I couldn't fully understand my ego and subconscious, so for now, I would say that "how I should be" derives from a sense of self-judgement. "How I should be" is a emergence of multiple notions. I don't think these notions are triggered under the pressure of anxiety, I seem to be constantly scanning and absorbing the information about an experience as much as possible, then I'll automatically get a sense of what's right or wrong. My ego takes pride in those values that have been realized from different deeds, and it has a strong desire to follow those good ones in order to achieve the perfect version of self. I don't shy away from judging and criticizing myself, I actually enjoy self-mockery and do it in front of people naturally. Some people would perceive this as a sign of self-abasement, but I'm doing this just to remind myself of my flaws. If I am critical to myself before everyone else do, then no one would repeat the same thing about me. I avoid other people's judgements, because I fear to acknowledge that I'm actually worse than what I've perceived myself as a person. I've been trying to be the protagonist, but the process would be amusing if I'm actually a villain at core.

My 1w9 interpretations were deduced from the explanations above, but my considerations for e6 still stands. Sp1 and e6 can appear similar, and my understandings in enneagram is still lacking to distinguish between these two.

IxTJ is indeed my scope of consideration, but I'm leaning towards INTJ mainly due to my conceptual talk on a daily basis, and my oblivion to most of my own sensory impressions. Since there's little to zero reason for the ISTJ typing, I can't pinpoint what to be included in my reply.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Thanks for the reply, but would you mind explaining which part of my responses indicates Si? I'm still confused about the Si vs Ni axis up until today.

I'll give you one example:

The main purpose of this thread is to collect different perspectives. Though the descriptions of myself can be really off, people can be rest assured that no offence is taken here.

"Purpose" tends to indicate Pi (Ni or Si), but collecting things indicates Si. Admittedly, perspectives is more Ni, but it can be Si as well. Pi is very much about perspective.

You also say "rest assured". Sureness indicates Si. It is one of the primary indicators.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
It would help if you would post an essay-like description of yourself. I don't type well by questionnaires, because the writing is interrupted by the questions, ruining flow.
Jan 8, 2023
I'm certainly not the best at describing myself due to my overgeneralization or oversimplification in describing things, but I'll try my best here.

(Since I'm trying to discern my Pi-dom function, how I perceive things would be the focus here. A part of my journal here with some amendments is included here.)

I'm one of those people with typical detached + serious label. I may have a poker face, but I'm really easy to talk to when approached. People often say that looks can be deceiving, and social communication is an important skill, after all. Overall, people's impression of me are quite positive, but some of my friends joked about my "misanthropic" attitude. I don't think they meant it literally, could be merely a result of difference in perspectives. I won't have any friends if I'm truly antisocial.

I think one of the differences is that I believe that actively engaging in a conversation/an activity isn't always necessary to understand someone. I'm quite interested in human behaviour. Human personality is an infinite diversity, so I'm actually curious about what kind of humans I will encounter in my life. More often than not, I've uncovered people's true personality without communicating/being acquainted with them. However, making claims about someone (especially negative ones) based on a few ambiguous notations that I can't even recall isn't a rational move, so I would always keep my perceptions to myself unless there are some real life events that happen to be a good, evident reflection of someone's personality.

A worth-mentioning fact about this very same "observing from the sidelines" thing was the main reason I believed that I was an ambivert who can handle long conversations without feeling drained. I thought I was with those people all the time, but one of my friend's simple concern made me think otherwise.

"Hey, why are you sitting here all by yourself? Are you alright?"

That was when I realized that I had already withdrawn from the group and started my observation. An excuse to recharge before social exhaustion, without missing out on what's happening, I guess it's a win-win situation. Still, I find it funny how I was unconscious of my distance between others had increased when I decided step aside and sit in a corner.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Honestly, that post sounds FeNi.

I'm really confused.
Jan 8, 2023
Honestly, that post sounds FeNi.

I'm really confused.
Perhaps it's because I was outside my "default mode" when I was writing this journal. I may have a Fe in my function stack all along, or this topic is merely a coincidence that shows resemblance to Fe usage. I did consider the possibility of having Fe in my function stack, but never thought about Fe-doms (auxiliary being the highest position).

Any backup plans? 😅


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Perhaps it's because I was outside my "default mode" when I was writing this journal. I may have a Fe in my function stack all along, or this topic is merely a coincidence that shows resemblance to Fe usage. I did consider the possibility of having Fe in my function stack, but never thought about Fe-doms (auxiliary being the highest position).

Any backup plans? 😅
Well if you were outside your default mode then that's not gonna help with finding your primary type.

You probably have FeNi as a secondary type.