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All-Female Version of ‘Lord of the Flies’ Faces Backlash

Mar 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
The classic 1954 William Golding novel and freshman English class staple “Lord of the Flies” is getting another reboot — this time with an all-female cast, from male screenwriter-directors, Scott McGehee and David Siegel. Since so many people are familiar with the story, the decision to make a female version quickly reverberated across the internet.

Fans of the book took to Twitter to express their anger over the Warner Bros. project, saying that the intention of the novel was to explore how the savagery, machismo, and competitive masculinity leads to the downfall of the young boys stranded on an island. According to the fans, telling the same story with all female survivors is implausible and misses the point.

The film “is aggressively suspenseful, and taking the opportunity to tell it in a way it hasn’t been told before, with girls rather than boys, is that it shifts things in a way that might help people see the story anew,” McGehee said in an interview with Deadline, which broke the news of the project. “It breaks away from some of the conventions, the ways we think of boys and aggression.”

“It is a timeless story that is especially relevant today, with the interpersonal conflicts and bullying, and the idea of children forming a society and replicating the behavior they saw in grownups before they were marooned,” Siegel said.

Author Roxane Gay was among those expressing confusion.

An all women remake of Lord of the Flies makes no sense because… the plot of that book wouldn't happen with all women.

— roxane gay (@rgay) August 31, 2017

Others joked that a female version is actually the plot of “Wonder Woman.”

Hold on, hasn't there already been a recent film about what happens when a bunch of women end up marooned on an island? #LordoftheFlies pic.twitter.com/6NzNx4tVu5

— Jonathan L. Howard (@JonathanLHoward) August 31, 2017

The female remake of #LordOfTheFlies will be darker with more psychological torture then, yes? Not just a sexist rehash of the original?

— Spanna (@SpannaAF) August 31, 2017

#Lordoftheflies for girls:

Plane crashes, girls immediately assume team order, work together, build friendships, thrive peaceably.


— polly molotov 💖 (@NursepollyRgn) August 31, 2017

The Lord of the Flies movie feels like a studio had a big jar of "Make with Chicks?" ideas & just picked the one that made the least sense.

— Sam (@unegrandefemme) August 31, 2017

“Lord of the Flies” has already been adapted for film twice. The first was a faithful take on the novel by Peter Brook in 1963. The 1990 version by Harry Hook received criticism for its more liberal take on the source material.

In the case of “Lord of the Flies,” the controversy seems more about the underlying theme of the original novel and the fact that male filmmakers are taking it on. The 2016 female-led “Ghostbusters” reboot also faced criticism, but more over the idea of tampering with a nostalgic pleasure. Similar films in production are all-female reboot of the “Ocean’s” franchise and “Splash” with Channing Tatum as the mermaid.

Siegel and McGehee previously directed indie films including “What Maisie Knew,” “Bee Season,” and “The Deep End.”

What are your thoughts on Lord of the Flies with an all female cast? What else needs a gender-swapped remake?

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
The premise of an all-female island is intriguing for a film but I'm not sure how that would play out in a real-life scenario, and if it would play out like the all-male scenario in the novel. It should be noted the original all-male version is a work of fiction so there's no absolute guarantee that a real-life all-male scenario would play out like the novel either.


Kind of off-topic but
There was a Dutch version of Survivor that separated tribes into all women and all men, and there were some interesting results that suggested gender differences (whether those are due to biology or social conditioning is another discussion entirely), but this was hardly a controlled scientific experiment. Nor was it a scenario where the "survivors" were left completely to their own without the monitoring of cameras, emergency rescue, etc., so contestants aren't going to really act the way they would in a true life-and-death, survive-or-perish situation. There's also something to be noted about such shows. Contestants often seem to be chosen for their looks. In the case of men, that mean they're often in good physical shape (i.e. well built) that might lend an advantage whereas the women selected are often, if "classically" attractive, not necessarily in the fittest shape for the given scenario, and not always skilled in survivalism and skills that would be an advantage. Selecting a group of athletic women with skills in survival and carpentry and other useful trades would make more sense if you really wanted to see a fair match and comparison.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Indifferent. Not sure what the point is, except to say, "Hey, let's make some money doing it <like this> this time!"

I mean, do we even have an idea what this is? Is it humor/schtick? Action? Psychologically dark? What exactly? And is it just women dumped into acting in "male ways" or something different? I mean, if all it is is spin, then what's the point? If it can tell a unique version of the story, then whatever -- but then it's more like they are just borrowing the title to brand the movie.

There's just a lot of studios, all trying to come up with the next cash cow, and with the success of Battle Royale / Hunger Games and all that junk, I guess this is what they came up with next.

I'll say, when I saw it announced, my initial thought was "meh" and I moved on.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Apparently a lot of the backlash this time seems to be coming from feminists (as opposed to male neckbeards) suggesting the plot of the book wouldn't have happened that way with all women. (Becuz it's about toxic masculinity and women would be all kumbaya and apparently no one criticizing this remake has seen how women can be just as competitive and cutthroat and backstabbing as men. Ever seen a sales department with mostly women working for commission?)

But I'm not sure it would happen that way with all men/boys either.

Because it was a work of fiction. Men and women, in the right circumstances, have great potential to work cooperatively and peacefully for the survival of a group and the greater good. Goldman's book was a critique on society (written in the wake of colonialism and two devastating world wars) and largely allegorical and metaphorical. Not to say he was wrong or that such behavior isn't common with our species of hairless apes.

What would be more interesting than a gender-swap, but otherwise everything happens the same way version, might be a version or adaptation exploring how women tend to display aggressive behavior differently than men.


Aug 20, 2016
Instinctual Variant
i would like the idea more if they titled it differently and created an entirely different plotline... what they should make a film of is the butterfly revolution... i would like to see an intx lead in a new film...

post script:




Active member
Jun 21, 2009
What are your thoughts on Lord of the Flies with an all female cast? What else needs a gender-swapped remake?

I only ever saw the black and white movie, it was good, I did wonder why it hadnt been remade but I think there was a colour version, dont know it was a new feature or not.

To be honest, the female casting shouldnt make that much of a difference to the film, what I would say is that I think there ought to be more originality in film, maybe something other than a remake with a gimick would be nice. The lack of success for the last ghost busters film should have said it all.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Apparently a lot of the backlash this time seems to be coming from feminists (as opposed to male neckbeards) suggesting the plot of the book wouldn't have happened that way with all women. (Becuz it's about toxic masculinity and women would be all kumbaya and apparently no one criticizing this remake has seen how women can be just as competitive and cutthroat and backstabbing as men.

I noticed this, too. I think that supposition is kind of dubious. The way people act about gender swapping in movies kind of makes me want to move to a desert island.

I think the thing that really caused the commencement of eyebrow raising was the tweet calling the remake "sexist".... so if it the remake shows women in a heroic role, it's empowering, but if it shows negative behavior, it's sexist, even though the source material showed men exhibiting the same negative behavior? Umm, ok. Apparently, according to some people, it's sexist to show women as anything less than entirely benevolent and perfect.

It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the person who made that tweet was in her early twenties. People in their early twenties can be annoying like that.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Lord of The Flies was already made with an all-female cast. It was called Mean Girls.

[MENTION=4660]Osprey[/MENTION] I think the whole toxic masculinity and toxic femininity angle is shown via the above and done well. Mean Girls was toxic femininity among women. Aka women being assholes. I think the gender swap complaint here - depending how it's done - could just be "women acting like men" as opposed to placing more realistic context to how/why women can kill, or get to that point.

That would be an interesting topic for a movie! Just not sure LOTF would be the best vehicle to show that and also be true to the authors work. But who knows. Could be amazing. Make it. Who cares. It's a movie.

It would be like remaking Steel Magnolias with an all hetero male cast to show how men have to deal with DV and can survive in solidarity together.

It's just like, yeah...I mean they can and do deal with it but they *probably* aren't going to express that the *same* way by getting makeovers and shit. If that movie was made it would be accused of having some gay agenda or something. Hetero men would hate it but make that too! Who cares.


Sep 29, 2016
Eh. Just another pandering move to make more money.

I don't have strong feelings either way.
Mar 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Lord of The Flies was already made with an all-female cast. It was called Mean Girls.

[MENTION=4660]Osprey[/MENTION] I think the whole toxic masculinity and toxic femininity angle is shown via the above and done well. Mean Girls was toxic femininity among women. Aka women being assholes. I think the gender swap complaint here - depending how it's done - could just be "women acting like men" as opposed to placing more realistic context to how/why women can kill, or get to that point.

That would be an interesting topic for a movie! Just not sure LOTF would be the best vehicle to show that and also be true to the authors work. But who knows. Could be amazing. Make it. Who cares. It's a movie.

It would be Mean Girls minus the boy. We'd expect girls to start taking on more masculine roles, but as [MENTION=19700]asynartetic[/MENTION] said, they should also retain some feminine characteristics to make it interesting.
Mar 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I noticed this, too. I think that supposition is kind of dubious. The way people act about gender swapping in movies kind of makes me want to move to a desert island.

I think the thing that really caused the commencement of eyebrow raising was the tweet calling the remake "sexist".... so if it the remake shows women in a heroic role, it's empowering, but if it shows negative behavior, it's sexist, even though the source material showed men exhibiting the same negative behavior? Umm, ok. Apparently, according to some people, it's sexist to show women as anything less than entirely benevolent and perfect.

It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the person who made that tweet was in her early twenties. People in their early twenties can be annoying like that.

It seems trollish to tweet "but women are nice!" This wouldn't be about women. It'd be about little girls, and everyone knows little girls are evil little shits to each other.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
It would be Mean Girls minus the boy. We'd expect girls to start taking on more masculine roles, but as [MENTION=19700]asynartetic[/MENTION] said, they should also retain some feminine characteristics to make it interesting.

I would see this movie if it came out. I mean it has potential to be really good! Is this going to be female kids playing the parts? Because I could see that working with the book as the characters were like 6-13ish and the age into young adulthood on the island. (I think?) That would be well done and the story, which is really about bullying, unchecked power, cowardice of the onlooker, intimidation and aggression could still work. Mainly because kids are assholes, male or female.


You know, I forgot that it's Hollywood so they'll probably get some half-naked 18 year olds to play these characters stranded on an island. Have some bi-curious sex and then a murder takes place over jealousy! Maybe a boob falls out in a scuffle...

Anyway, if they make the kids older? The book doesn't work as well.


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
What are your thoughts on Lord of the Flies with an all female cast? What else needs a gender-swapped remake?
I had no patience for the original, and cannot see how changing the characters to girls will improve it any.

I would prefer to see a gender swap in something like Star Wars or James Bond or some other well-established franchise, to help break stereotypes and show how good plots and characterization really are independent of gender.


Talk to me.
May 14, 2016
Instinctual Variant
The novel had a purposeful reason for being all boys. Not that I'm against changing things for a reboot, but I'd rather "Lord of the Flies except with girls instead of boys" be it's own film instead of a reboot. Make it a tribute or something. Why does it have to be a reboot and not an original film based on a novel with a similar concept?
Mar 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
The novel had a purposeful reason for being all boys. Not that I'm against changing things for a reboot, but I'd rather "Lord of the Flies except with girls instead of boys" be it's own film instead of a reboot. Make it a tribute or something. Why does it have to be a reboot and not an original film based on a novel with a similar concept?

Yeah, I hate that when they remake something and everything's the same, short for shot, line for line. A reboot should be different and an improvement to the original. Otherwise, why bother? I could just watch the old one. What you're suggesting is what I would hope for. They could give it a title but similar title too, to reflect the changes.
Mar 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I had no patience for the original, and cannot see how changing the characters to girls will improve it any.

I didn't like the original either. Glad it is not just me. The concept is fun though, imo. If they cleaned it up and made it funnier, along with the gender swap, I would be interested.

I would prefer to see a gender swap in something like Star Wars or James Bond or some other well-established franchise, to help break stereotypes and show how good plots and characterization really are independent of gender.

Or ET, Goonies or Indiana Jones


Talk to me.
May 14, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Or ET, Goonies or Indiana Jones

Female Goonies would be fun. Then again, I really want to see more Sandlot-esque films. I think children and their relationship with technology would only increase the creativity.
Mar 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Apparently a lot of the backlash this time seems to be coming from feminists (as opposed to male neckbeards) suggesting the plot of the book wouldn't have happened that way with all women. (Becuz it's about toxic masculinity and women would be all kumbaya and apparently no one criticizing this remake has seen how women can be

I've known some women I wouldn't be stuck on an island with. I knew a cafeteria lady who would kill me in my sleep, not because she disliked me, but just because she could finally get away with it. My best chance would be to run and hide. That's what I would do.
May 19, 2017
No Indianah Jones or Jane Bond please. Those characters are established males ffs. Make a well rounded female secret agent and a well rounded female adventurer in their own movies with original worlds. I'm sick to death of reboots in general and then fucking with major facts of a franchise on top of it. Doctor Who as a woman is completely plausible because the character is constantly changing as it is and no one ever stated timelords can't regenerate into a different gender. James Bond is the same character played by different actors without acknowledging the change within the plot. James Bond has a penis. Always has, always should.

As for Dame of the Flies? Women in survival situations would be no less ruthless than men. It's survival. However it feels completely forced as an idea because Hollywood lacks creative vision nowadays and the courage to gamble on something new even though audiences would love for them to try something new. Classics are great but how do expect to create future classics by simply rehashing the same things over and over? The creative visionaries don't have any influence anymore only the suits who care only about guaranteed returns. Art is suffering because of it.

Alright rant over.