I had such a hard time in the beginning with self-doubt and working out how to tell him in a way that was obvious enough not to be misinterpreted, but subtle enough so as not to be crushing or friendship-ending if it wasn't reciprocated.
Yeah. I understand. UPDATE: I have recently spilled the beans to my INFP - not in person, but via email because the feelings are just too intense. I didn't hold back anything. At this point I don't care. I've been holding these feelings for too long. This has been going on for almost 2 years (I joke to myself, given this amount of time, we could have dated, had sex, married and had a child! This is too much!)
In retrospect it's silly, because he was totally into me and deep down I'm pretty certain I knew that
Same with me. Although he hasn't said it directly, I know he feels that same about me. He responded positively to my email even though I thought he might freak because I came across too strong. When I saw him next he was so very, very sweet to me that it moved me. He spoke to me in a soft voice almost as if he was speaking to a child - so loving (my heart melted). He also opened up about some of his feelings of insecurity about our relationship. This totally blew me away since I've never heard a man speak about his emotions like that before - telling me he was hurt by something I did and that he felt anxious when he felt I didn't want to see him. I was like wow, Wow, WOW! I've never, ever heard anything like that before. It was a special moment for me. I feel even closer to him then ever.
but I think if I hadn't made a move, he would've convinced himself that I wasn't interested.
I'd say, based on my experience with this INFP, there can be a lot of denial or self doubt on the part of INFPs regarding the interest of another party - even if it's extremely obvious. It's almost as if you'd really have to take your clothes off in front of them for them to take active notice. I feel like I've been too damn obvious. Not intentionally - but just bitten by the "love bug". I feel like I've made a complete fool of myself with all the flirting, complementing, eyelash batting, innuendo, laughing at things that aren't remotely funny.... His ability to remain unflappable is incredible. But I see through the mask...MWWWWAAAHHHHH!

Anyone who is interested in actively pursuing an INFP must be extremely persistent and patient, IMO.
I was fortunate enough to be presented with a deadline of sorts (I was moving away from a city), so in a now-or-never mode, I sent him an email about how much I loved being with him and how disappointed I was to be moving. This did the trick, as what I received back was a very intensely felt message describing how he felt about me. We've been very happily together for about six months, although the distance can be awful.
I wish I had that kind of deadline. That's funny about the email... since I used the same approach. I think it's a good idea when dealing with intense emotions. He actually confronted me about my feelings for him out of the blue. I didn't feel it was something I could answer "on the spot" since I felt it required some thinking in order to give a response that would really convey my feelings. I could have tried to come up with something on the fly, like, I like being with you, you're a kind person, I'm happy when I'm with you... But none of that would have done justice. Maybe infps would feel the same way when put under the gun.
Anyway, OP, you seem to be pretty self-confident and assertive, so if you're comfortable kissing him, that's probably your best bet. If not, there are other ways to feel it out more. I needed that distance and ability to process and write out my feelings before expressing them in person. But that's just me being more comfortable with written expression in general - it gives you both time to think about it before getting into a situation where the pressure is really on.
I totally agree with this statement. In my situation, the two of us are very intense. Most of what we communicate to each other is nonverbal. Actually articulating our feelings is going out on a limb. Since I think of us both being thoughtful individuals, it doesn't seem like it would be appropriate for us to just blurt something out. We're both self conscious (or aware) of the other's possible response or reaction. Since I know that he's sensitive (and I can be blunt), I try to be careful what I said so I don't hurt him or make him pull away.
To bring it back to topic, my INFP does the eye gaze, too. Sometimes in the beginning it made me slightly uncomfortable because that much eye contact is intense, but now that I know him well enough, I see that it's his way of expressing that he adores me. Next time it happens, maybe try asking him, "What are you thinking?" Sometimes the things you get in response will be as breathtaking as the eye contact.
Thanks for the suggestion. "What are you thinking?" is a good idea. I appreciate your post. Good luck in your relationship.