So we finished our mutiny of the pirate ship last night, forcing the final two officers to crawl out the back windows of the captain's cabin and trying to row away on the captain's longboat.
Tyria did superbly awesome monk things. There was a guy running back the doorway chucking grenades, so she used her amazing movement and Athletics to run into the room, grab him, and drag him back out to the main deck for everyone to beat on him, while holding him in fire and using him as a body shield. (She still did get shot.)
When the last two officers escaped to the longboat, she dragged the burning corpse up to the top deck and proceeded to throw it down onto the longboat for comic effect, yelling, "Hey, don't forget your buddy!" resulting in a lot of shouting and swearing from their end.
And after one of them had been taken out by our spellcasters, she ended up firing two ballista bolts that punched through the remaining officer, finishing him off.
Later we got jumped by an ambush on a seemingly deserted fishing boat that was slowly sinking. Down in the hold, she started her monk rhythm, moving back and forth in striker fashion to do the smackdown and tripping and stunning, while forcing to come after her if they wanted to attack her.
I think my only complaint is the new character -- when we could see the fishing boat at a distance, he was like, "We should go rescue the people if we can." Like, dude -- we all agreed this was an evil/neutral campaign. Why is your character good? Tyria was happy to go to the boat, but more to create some chaos and to pirate anything useful on the ship and maybe get some more crew to man ours if there were survivors.