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Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Chronicles of Darkness, Other TTRPGs


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Becky says this was the building that was the TSR headquarters back in the 80's. Fascinating....



Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
So we're four sessions past the last time I reported.

Two sessions back, we were taking a train ride and it was attacked in the middle of the desert to recover my best friend (who is buggered up with nanites as part of an experiment). There were two tails on the train, one female, and right before drones exploded the train car, we ended up killing the female tail/agent and Zahra took her identity and defaced the body (uh, literally) so the dead woman couldn't easily be identified.

She has been pretending to be this woman for two sessions now, hoping to pretend to be her long enough to work back up the chain and get more insider knowledge on the conspiracy corporations. We knew this woman had some money, based on her designer bag and shoes, she is working for one of the conspiracy international corporations experimenting on people -- and she was staying in some expensive hotels and had a whole fancy itinerary/transportation set up for the next week. The one session Zahra was trying to figure out more about her life, going through her phone and social media and e-mails (she's actually a Jewish Austrian national who happened to be in Egypt on assignment), and scanning messages from her angry ex-husband presumably about alimony and child support for her five kids of ages 10-17 or so.

This past week, after spending the night in a ritzy Cairo hotel room that probably cost $1300 USD for a night at a time, she had clothing tailored for her same day for her and her bestie so they could attend this huge international science conference down in Aswan that Miriam was signed up to attend, and the bill for two rush ritzy expensive business attire + accessories ended up being $38K USD. (!!!) And Zahra pretending to be Miriam Weigle didn't have any issues having it put on her tab.

She checked her bank accounts via the phone and was completely floored: Miriam is worth (even after the divorce) about $760,000,000 USD and that's before any of her stock options in these huge companies she is working for would be counted.

Obviously the GM isn't going to let this continue for long, and frankly pretty soon people will realize that Miriam is dead and the accounts will get locked down. (Zahra is good, but can't speak German at this point in time + simply doesn't have all the inside/occupational knowledge that Miriam did to enable her to continue the ruse for long.) I think I'll see what our resident hacker Modi can do to siphon off some of this money at least. Maybe give other money to charity as possible? Lol. If too much money moves too fast, it will be noticed and of course it can all be tracked, so... it's up to Modi to get what he can.

But -- eat the rich? Hell yeah, the plasmoid girl's dream.

plasmoid girl - business suit.png

EDIT: And here is the writeup: "Session 17: Eat The Rich AND Steal Their Gold!"

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The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
It sucks, but is it really any different from what came before?
The history of D&D is filled with this sort of thing.
Sometimes I think George R R Martin was inspired towards game of thrones by paying attention to the business side of the TTRPG world.
But I bet I know what Hasbro is coming after next.​


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Well, we're now to the point of shark jumping in our campaign. We are nearing the end of this installment and it's not clear whether we'll be relocating to another location / doing an expansion later at some point. But Zahra (my plasmoid girl) is getting to be so much fun in what she can do and I don't want to stop playing her.

Her primary powers are
  • Inhuman body: She's bloodless, mindless, heartless, and breathless, so she doesn't need to breathe and won't be heard if she's not moving, won't bleed out, isn't affected by poison or disease, etc.
  • Boneless: She's basically a jelly in her natural state now, and can ooze/stretch/get through tight spaces and also grapple well.
  • Face Thief: She was primarily using this to still look human, but her skill to use it has increased so she can even mimic minute details including scent and voice, and last session she managed to use it to beat biometric safeguards to bypass a security door. She can imitate anyone of any gender/race from a child to a huge lumberjack in terms of size now. (Her final step in improving would also provide her with scraps of memory of the target in the moment to enable her to talk, respond, get into bank accounts, emulate that person, in the moment the need arises, but i just did not have enough points to buy it.)
  • Inhuman Digestion: Her form is acidic in nature and she can burn through / digest anything fairly rapidly. She's already used this to save her own / the group's bacon multiple times by burning through doors or even through walls and ceilings to create makeshift openings from rooms in which we were trapped.
  • Immunity: She's immune to fire, electricity, acid, being knocked down, blinded, or stunned.
  • Pseudopod: She can extend a lightning-fast lash with her pseudopod across distance to whack the target, coupling it with Inhuman Digestion to do aggravated damage (horrific acid damage that might never fully heal) and also suck that health back into her body to heal herself. This also will coat the target with acid that will continue to eat into it round after round.

She's also strong, resolute, intimidating/headstrong, and grapples very very well -- so imagine a green ooze woman chasing you, snagging you with a pseudopod, reeling you in, then just dissolving you like in the mid-80's film "The Blob." The party often asks her to "dispose" of dead bodies/captives, and she's had to push back since just because she CAN do this doesn't mean she enjoys it.

The funny thing is that she is trying to retain her humanity and personality, and she's also not nearly the most dangerous person in our group. The other is that she has basically become the face and/or infiltrator who copies people, takes their place, and does recon missions / gets into stuff that they have access to -- kind of like the T-1000 as a spy. She's also a crack interrogator, people reader, and investigator -- mainly from her personality and work as a safety inspector before her accident.

Her normal appearance (her original appearance) is that of a shorter and stockier Egyptian woman and she would resort to that to keep a grip on her sanity and personality, but she's finally become comfortable enough with herself to take on roles on the fly including older men and more conventionally beautiful women. For some time she passed herself off as a 50-something Jewish Austrian woman (the almost-billionaire) until the banks thought she was possibly dead and froze all of her accounts (alas). She has a number of people she's emulated now in her memory and could become them at a moment's notice. She has a best friend who was also experimented in, plus the little dog that belonged to the first person she copied (Jameela Jamil, not the actress but the same name), and that keeps her grounded, but it could become too easy to lose who she is playing another role.

Her latest upgrade, she now can emulate clothes with her body rather than having to discard / find REAL clothes -- which made me realize she can up her cool factor significantly by shaping sunglasses that she can even wear in darkened rooms and see just fine, because her eyesight can be on the surface of the glasses. Think everything Plastic Man can do and more. (And I am realize from seeing what a bastard Plastic Man is when he's turned evil in the comics, she could do even more crazy stuff.)


The one thing I need for her is to buy the Carapace (2) power so her jelly emulates a flak jacket and provides some absorb to bullets. She's been wearing a flak jacket but whenever she's had to escape quickly or hide and has to lose the jacket, she's pretty vulnerable because of how much damage bullets can do -- even if she is trying to mitigate it with not having blood (so it's all bashing damage) and can absorb health from her aggressor with her Inhuman Digestion. I think it makes sense for her to develop this ability over time (once I can pay for it), as she could stiffen up her outer layers at moment of impact and essentially absorb the bullets' velocity, then spit them out of her skin.

... but the evil superteam league just found us (they work for the conspiracy), so we might end up having this huge fight next session. We ran into them just the other week and escaped, so at least we know what they can do and can discuss how to mitigate their abilities. With Zahra immune to fire, she can hopefully make short work of the guy known as Flame, but she's more vulnerable to some of the others.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Was Zahra always a plasmoid?
No. It's a Chronicles of Darkness (white wolf) game and we are playing "Deviant: The Renegades" which in effect ends up feeling like "street-level superheroes who didn't ask for it." So you can end up being a triggered mutant, or the subject of a scientific experiment (usually against your will), or something similar, and your "enemy" is some kind of "conspiracy" in the world that basically created you somehow.

Zahra was investigating (as part of her safety inspection job) an experimental power plant after-hours and was too persistent/nosy and ended up getting thrown into the filtration system, and it turned her into a plasmoid for whatever reason. She's just 23-24 years old and was sharing an apartment with her best friend. She pretended to be sick with COVID for a few weeks to not have to go to work, until she managed to pull herself together (almost literally), and then she actually was TRYING to work but then was kind of put on probation/leave because again she was getting too nosy and pissed off the wrong people.

In our group, there's a 19-year-old raised by a cult with mental powers, a guy who was somehow merged with a mummy/spirit so he has access to memories 3000 years old or more and weird necrotic powers, a multi-personality woman (main personality is innocent and useless, but she can either be taken over by a streetwise woman OR a murderous male thug who can fire energy blasts), and a hacker who can duplicate himself and/or merge with machinery.

Worse, the conspiracy kidnapped Zahra's best friend and infected her with nannites / threatened to kill her, so now she's also superhuman.

Zahra's rage and desire for justice drives her forward and makes her focus on retaining who she was as a human, but it takes a lot of fortitude when you are not at all human but just pretending to be, and can also be anyone.

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
No. It's a Chronicles of Darkness (white wolf) game and we are playing "Deviant: The Renegades" which in effect ends up feeling like "street-level superheroes who didn't ask for it." So you can end up being a triggered mutant, or the subject of a scientific experiment (usually against your will), or something similar, and your "enemy" is some kind of "conspiracy" in the world that basically created you somehow.

Zahra was investigating (as part of her safety inspection job) an experimental power plant after-hours and was too persistent/nosy and ended up getting thrown into the filtration system, and it turned her into a plasmoid for whatever reason. She's just 23-24 years old and was sharing an apartment with her best friend. She pretended to be sick with COVID for a few weeks to not have to go to work, until she managed to pull herself together (almost literally), and then she actually was TRYING to work but then was kind of put on probation/leave because again she was getting too nosy and pissed off the wrong people.

In our group, there's a 19-year-old raised by a cult with mental powers, a guy who was somehow merged with a mummy/spirit so he has access to memories 3000 years old or more and weird necrotic powers, a multi-personality woman (main personality is innocent and useless, but she can either be taken over by a streetwise woman OR a murderous male thug who can fire energy blasts), and a hacker who can duplicate himself and/or merge with machinery.

Worse, the conspiracy kidnapped Zahra's best friend and infected her with nannites / threatened to kill her, so now she's also superhuman.

Zahra's rage and desire for justice drives her forward and makes her focus on retaining who she was as a human, but it takes a lot of fortitude when you are not at all human but just pretending to be, and can also be anyone.
I'm getting back into Chronicles of Darkness, with second edition. God Machine, and changeling for now, but Deviant is really interesting looking to me.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I'm getting back into Chronicles of Darkness, with second edition. God Machine, and changeling for now, but Deviant is really interesting looking to me.
It's a lot of fun, but note that is works "in reverse" from most games.

I.e., normally you "buy powers" and there is a positive angle to character development.

In Deviant, you actually "buy scars" (which are the negative scars to your psyche from what happened to you), and the size of your scars allows you to get powers of similar magnitude. All powers have to be attached to scars. If your instability (from failing rolls and/or succumbing to your scars) grows too large, you basically melt down and that's the end. YOu need touchstones to keep yourself focused and sane (either loyalty touchstones -- those things in your life that keep you anchored to your humanity -- or conviction touchstones -- typically enemies and elements of the conspiracy that you're so bent on destroying that they also keep you focused and functional).

If you cure a medium instability, you can actually increase a power for free; otherwise you use your accrued experience to increase a scar and can increase the power attached to it.

So Zahra has a number of scars. For example, her Conspicuous Appearance (social scar) tied to her Anomalous Biology will kick in if she ever fails to maintain her Face Thief on herself, which has some pretty bad repercussions socially. If she consumes a person, there's a chance her Tabula Rosa scar will kick in and deaden/block out her memories of having done so. Lashing out with her Pseudopod can on occasion launch her into a Murderous streak. She has a physical scar that deadens her senses of taste and smell. I tried to tie it all thematically to the changes in her body.

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
It's a lot of fun, but note that is works "in reverse" from most games.

I.e., normally you "buy powers" and there is a positive angle to character development.

In Deviant, you actually "buy scars" (which are the negative scars to your psyche from what happened to you), and the size of your scars allows you to get powers of similar magnitude. All powers have to be attached to scars. If your instability (from failing rolls and/or succumbing to your scars) grows too large, you basically melt down and that's the end. YOu need touchstones to keep yourself focused and sane (either loyalty touchstones -- those things in your life that keep you anchored to your humanity -- or conviction touchstones -- typically enemies and elements of the conspiracy that you're so bent on destroying that they also keep you focused and functional).

If you cure a medium instability, you can actually increase a power for free; otherwise you use your accrued experience to increase a scar and can increase the power attached to it.

So Zahra has a number of scars. For example, her Conspicuous Appearance (social scar) tied to her Anomalous Biology will kick in if she ever fails to maintain her Face Thief on herself, which has some pretty bad repercussions socially. If she consumes a person, there's a chance her Tabula Rosa scar will kick in and deaden/block out her memories of having done so. Lashing out with her Pseudopod can on occasion launch her into a Murderous streak. She has a physical scar that deadens her senses of taste and smell. I tried to tie it all thematically to the changes in her body.
This reminds me of the tone of Promethian The Created. I just love the hell out of White Wolf/Onyx Path RPGs

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Less of a complaint and more of a lament. While I enjoy the new things Im seeing in 2nd edition... I miss the lurid graphic horror of times gone past. While I understand providing less horrific exposure in the game about horrific exposure(somewhat...enough to stay quietly polite about it lets say) But boy howdy I would just love some good ol fashioned black dog gaming publications for Changeling the Lost and Chronicles of Darkness. I miss that pulpy taboo sexy over the top tempting horror of nights gone by. LOL Ive taken to calling it the Long Night, because you never truly appreciate the dark ages till they're several centuries behind you. But dang. I like whats happening, but I miss what isnt anymore. The best thing about reading old white wolf is because its confirmation that Im not the only person who thinks about and is entertained by just soul cleaving horror of gritty world/Chronicles of Darkness.

Ah well. Im sure we'll see more in the coming nights.

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
he clearly doesnt like hunter or beast, but i enjoy hunter as a supernatural fan, and his bitching about beast made me like it more.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
he clearly doesnt like hunter or beast, but i enjoy hunter as a supernatural fan, and his bitching about beast made me like it more.
ROFL what a dick.

That being said, maybe in our last campaign there was one beast (?) -- I am not sure, because some of it blends in with Changeling and Werewolf. We definitely ran across NPCs (some friends, some foes) of each type, especially hunters (who worked for the conspiracy). I'm not really excited much by hunters either, it feels kind of boring.

Werewolf is definitely the big kick-ass physical melee build. They are absolutely brutal and never seem to permanently die.

However, I found the Mages to be really overpowered depending on the build. They are versatile and can bend their spells / apply them in different scenarios, and just can do impossible things as needed.

Deviants really is more checked-and-balanced, and about the only outrageous things i've noticed in gameplay is that if you buy Rapid Healing 5, you never die -- and too many fucking people buy Rapid Healing 5 (which also should be including a horrific scar). Too many people have had Rapid Healing 5 and I'm not sure what scar is impacting them if any -- it should be debilitating -- and I don't think it really fits the character concepts for some people but they just bought it anyway. I did not buy it because I was trying to be true to my character; Zahra mitigates by being Bloodless (turning all physical lethal damage to bashing), being invulnerable to certain elements (like fire), and using use Inhuman Digestion at range to do agg + heal the same amount done -- and I'll buy Carapace for her if the campaign is going on so she'll have inherent 2/4 flak jacket protection due to what she's made out of. Even not taking lethal damage from bullets, right now if a few people shoot her at once, it can wrap around into lethal and disable her, which is just dumb; hence needing bulletproof protection.

One thing I appreciate more about CoD is that it's not dependent hard-and-fast on a game map. D&D and Pathfinder and many games are so dependent on specific movement / positioning and you have to do a lot of practical maneuvering to utilize your abilities. CoD is more raw storytelling.