My husband could give a crap about the enneagram. He considers it a total waste of time. Sorry, no help from him. I can tell you, though, I showed him a list of enneagram type motivations awhile back and he pointed to the two 'to be loved'. He said, "isn't it obvious?"
When we started dating I tried to end it, I told him he was too cheesy for me. So maybe your collage would work for him. He's just not a kitten and rainbows, work in the medical profession sort of guy. It's more like be entrepreneurial to help the local skateboard community, be supportive of his friends, work a corporate job to provide for his family, call his mom regularly to check on her, tell everyone that matters to him that he loves them regularly, very touchy-feely lovey dovey with his cold hearted snake wife, that sort of thing. He has his personal interests and he likes to have fun. He's no mother teresa.
I get a very nf vibe from it, maybe? He's a total sp.