Extraverted Feeling

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Extraverted Feeling is one of the eight function-attitudes defined by Carl Jung. Feeling (F) is an outlook that focuses on looking at the world in terms of people or humanity, and the elements that makes them “subjects”, which ultimately deals with the “soul”, with its emotions and values; usually with a focus on goals such as individual or group harmony. (They will often mirror the other person’s inner state and adjust their behavior accordingly). This leads them to “think” in terms of “good” or “bad”.
An "introverted" attitude (i) indicates that this outlook generally draws from the environment; or the outer world of the environment, instead of from the inner world of the "subject" (individual ego).

So extraverted Feeling (Fe) can be described as "an assessment of “like/dislike” or [soulish] “good” by an individual/natural standard, where one turns outward to an environmental/cultural standard of the proper relationship involving people. The individual’s assessment of good/bad (soul-affect of the situation) will be determined by the environment.
Every type does this, but for types who prefer Fe, it will be their main form of decision-making, rather than an individualized personal criteria (Fi), or an impersonal assessment of how things should work (T). These types will be denoted in the type code by an "F" and a "J"; i.e. "xxFJ"; the "J" pointing to Feeling, as the "Judgment" function, as being what is extraverted, or attuned to the environment.
The types holding the function as "dominant" are ESFJ and ENFJ, while for ISFJ and INFJ, it is "auxiliary". (For TP types, it is tertiary or inferior, and may also develop at some point in life).

Characteristics of Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

General comments

We all individually have our own feelings, but also live among other people, and thus must consider "our feelings." Fe types tend look at collective feelings - or "our feelings" - and that this is an important perspective to consider. Also, people who prefer Fi seem to understand their own feelings better than the feelings of others and people who prefer Fe seem to understand the feelings of other people better than their own.
An Fe perspective will generlaly "empathize", which in the Jungian definition meant "introjecting" or taking the feelings of others as their own.

  • Fi and Fe may often result in the same behavioral pattern-for very different underlying motivations.
  • Fi and Fe may often result in drastically different behavioral patterns-for very different underlying motivations.
  • Fi and Fe may result in drastically different behavioral patterns-for very similar underlying motivations.

Interaction styles are important in understanding how Fe or Fi manifests itself. The higher in the function order Fe is, the more likely the person is to care about outer organization and engage in organizational activity.

Fe Characteristics

As compared to those that use Introverted Feeling (Fi), individuals that use the cognitive function of Extraverted Feeling (Fe) tend towards the following:

  • seek to understand others behaviors, motivations, desires and beliefs
  • are ruled by objective and more broadly accepted values
  • express emotion with intentionality and forethought for optimal effect
  • seek to objectively understand the feelings of others
  • have a harder time confronting others; are more diplomatic
  • seek harmony with others
  • are more practical; willing to make compromises
  • focus on understanding how the group works, connects, gets along (or doesn’t) and all of their views, decides what course of action is most amenable to the intended goal while accommodating the most people
  • assess consistency of behavior of individuals and behavior with social protocols
  • focus on observable patterns of behaviors and motivations that others seem have
  • are focused on the dynamics of how people relate to each other
  • focus on how decisions, actions, or expressed opinions are going to be reacted to, countered or felt by others and weighing benefits and costs of the course of action