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Multiple Enneagram Subtypes/Instincts What's Your Instinctual Stacking?

What's your instinctual stacking?

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clever fool
Feb 13, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Took the E test on similar minds as well.

Type 1 Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||| 30%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 4 Individualism |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 5 Intellectualism |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 6 Security Focus |||||||||||| 50%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||| 42%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||| 58%

type score type behavior motivation
3 17 I must be impressive and attractive to survive.
5 16 I must be knowledgeable to survive.
1 15 I must be orderly/planned to survive.
4 15 I must be unique/different to survive.
7 15 I must be fun and entertained to survive.
9 14 I must maintain peace/calm to survive.
6 12 I must be secure and safe to survive.
8 10 I must be strong and in control to survive.
2 7 I must be helpful and caring to survive.

Your main type is Type 3
Your variant stacking is spsosx
Your level of health is average


Dec 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I can't believe I ever thought I was sp/so. That's laughable!


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I've been switching between sp/so, so/sp, and sp/sx.

Now that I've settled on 4w3 core, I think that so/sp makes the most sense for me.

neko 4

New member
Apr 13, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I always knew I was sp first, then I learned more and figured I'm sp/sx.

Froody Blue Gem

Necromancing Scapelamb
Dec 19, 2018
Instinctual Variant
I am 5w4 sp/so. I am a very sp person but my so is pretty balanced with my sp according to tests, it comes out more when I am comfortable in groups. Apparently, sx blindness is the most common blindspot among the masses (?) In the solid world of reality, my sx is a very illusive thing although it wants to rear it's head at times, certainly weak compared to my other two instincts. I also do relate quite a bit to social descriptions of 5 and 9, sp is just more on the nose.

Lady Lazarus

Jun 30, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Sx/sp. I'm not sp/sx according to e9 subtypes.

Earl Grey

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I always tested as either heavily sp or sometimes heavily soc, even ages back when taking tests for shits and giggles, never knowing what they actually meant. I thought I did have some sx but, after a good while, I've discovered everything I had ever thought was sx in me, was soc, not that I ever thought I was sx.

Now I type sp/so, even sometimes considering so/sp.


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I'm a sp/so and likely a fairly obvious sx blind. I've considered so/sp especially when I was younger just because I desired to be more soc (and also because sp isn't a glove fit I guess) and then again along sp/sx when I read into controflow theory. I think I'm a pretty standard sp/so though, despite me having some characteristics that could be mistaken for soc blindness, I think it would be hard for me to argue that I wasn't sx blind. In all the personality theories it's probably the one typing that I relate to most and decently well, which is a lot coming out of my mouth.
Apr 24, 2016
On the most superficial level of the instincts, I would be sp/sx and social blind because I've never related to group dynamics, being naturally turned off by it, and am way more comfortable one-to-one or by myself. I've never cared much about getting involved in such environments until I got older, or even things like labels. I wonder if this is something I've always been deprived of, and perhaps could be why I have a greater interest in social instinct related things now. On tests, I often get sp first as my result.

However, digging deeper in terms of enneagram subtypes, I mostly relate to the social 4 subtype based on the general descriptions of it being the most sensitive of the 4s and having big dreams to contribute something on a larger scale. I also feel like a fish out of water almost everywhere and have somewhat of an awareness of social standing while being pretty cautious about it, but then I often question that particular aspect on group awareness because everyone is aware on some level, I'd assume. In my case, I'm not sure in what capacity.

Under the subtype descriptions for social 4s, I relate to the so/sp description the most. I know for certain I have sp in my stacking in the top two somewhere because I'm naturally a very inward person with a need for strong boundaries in order to protect myself. Plus, my desires to seek outward or merge with others are more idealized in my head than something I actively seek myself. Moreover, I'm fairly intimacy avoidant, prioritize my own comfort, and am highly into self-care and health. On the other end, I also relate to the self-destructive side of self-preservation, being totally aware of it and wanting to desperately fix it. But then I still relate to sx 4 things like passion, competitiveness, concerns with being sexually appealing, and hot and cold inclinations. :/

Overall, I can relate to each instinct considerably well, being able to identify various traits from each of them. Although, it makes it exceedingly difficult to decipher my exact stacking for this reason. At this point, I've accepted that I just may never know.

Venus Rose

New member
Jul 8, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I'm doing these for fun...

Self-Preservation (Need to protect and preserve)
1. Do you tend to save money and are cautious about spending it? no, though I guess I should be
2. Are you security oriented? Ready to protect yourself, those close to you and your resources? not really
3. Are you fairly consistent? Like things known and regular? No big changes? I like changes
4. Do you dislike taking big risks unless it's a "sure" thing? kind of? what kind of risks? Risk if my career depended on it? no. Risk with something else? maybe. It really depends.
5. Are you fairly private? Not revealing too much to strangers? online I guess I have revealed some things, though I do like to write I suppose. In person, it depends. One on one, I can reveal things if I feel like it. Socially/group-wise I am quiet.
6. Do you tend to be introverted? yes
7. Do you understand money? Securities? Investments? not yet
8. Do you tend to plan for the future? Ready for emergencies? no, or a little bit, def. no for emergencies.
9. Are you concerned about health? Safety? Comfort? Home? Hearth? somewhat (health).
10. Are you worried about what may go wrong? Tend to imagine worse case scenarios? yup.
11. Do you like things spelled out? Details? Exact information? Guarantees? details not required but guarantees are nice I suppose.
12. In relationships do you take care of others financially? nope.

Social (Need for Social Validation) - Can show up with strong focus on groups, organizations, family, world, friends, your surroundings, your social image
1. Do you need or really like social validation? what exactly do you mean? I struggle with invalidation (not having as solid of a self-concept due to insecure attachment) so I seek validation in that sense. I don't particularly "need" validation of being a "socially, nice kind, generous person." If I am those things, it's usually a personal choice. But I guess I can have distaste for certain kinds of group public shaming behaviors, react pretty strongly to those.
2. Is social image important to you? barely
3. Do you have desires/fantasies of being rewarded in a social or public arena? a tiny bit
4. Do you think about your affect on others, groups, organizations, and the world? yes
5. Is it very important to you to look good in public, groups, work, and the world? Is name recognition important, either yours or others? name rec. not important though I do have this thing about being able to express my voice, but that's not about whether or not people like that, just that I need to do that. So "recognition" in that sense I guess, but I don't seek recognition or achievement generally speaking.
6. Are you upset if you don't get enough validation, reward for the hard and creative work you do in a social context or for a social cause? no
7. Are you involved in groups, organizations and team oriented activities? no, unless this forum counts
8. Is belonging to special groups or being a leader of a group important to you? no
9. Are you strongly upset if you feel not included or rejected by a group or family or not invited to a social event? i can be a little upset, it depends on what group that is.
10. Do you make your money through your association with groups affecting a large number of people? no
11. Do you get really upset if you make a social faux pas? Do you think about and plan out how you will be or present yourself in public? yeah I can get really easily embarrassed.
12. Are you the social instigator and connector in your family? nope

Relationship (Need for 1 to 1 or Relationship Closeness)
1. Do you define yourself through a romantic or close partnership? Is closeness with another person of paramount importance? yes
2. Do you like intense energy, particularly in relating to people? Are you energized when you have a revealing conversation or engagement with another, particularly a special other? yes
3. Do you tend to focus more attention on close relationships than money? of course
4. Does money relate to how a partner will see you more than security for yourself? i don't think about money currently
5. Are money and resources less for self and more to please an intimate other? see above
6. Does your attention go more to how well you relate to a partner or potential partner than to other concerns? yes
7. Would others describe you as dramatic? Do you like to go deep with things? idk how others would describe me, yes to the second one
8. Do you tend to be in the moment and not think as much about the future or your future security? yes
9. Do you have an urge to merge? Do you "lose yourself" with an important other at times? yup
10. Do you like risk taking? New experiences? Tend to get bored without enough stimulation particularly in the area of relationships? yup
11. Are you focused more on connection with another and forget your own priorities? what do you mean by "your own priorities"; wouldn't the priority be the other person...?
12. Do you focus a lot on sexuality, romantic fantasies or mystical spiritual experiences? second specially.


New member
May 9, 2016

When reasonably healthy, people of this subtype can be very engaging (for a Five). They smile a lot and are often friendly. Their energy is quite different from the social/self-pres subtype because both the social and sexual energies push outwards, and so partly balance out some of the withdrawing tendencies of the Five. This doesn’t mean that people of this subtype are necessarily any healthier however. The outgoing energy is not the result of true integration to Eight but is the result of the compulsive pull of the instincts. People of this subtype are usually warm and when feeling secure are likely to let people in and even to initiate contact. When they feel insecure however, they can actually go to the other extreme and be very shy. For this reason, people of this subtype could easily be mistyped; those Fives who withdraw from social contact because of feelings of insecurity, might not seem like social subtypes at all. It might not be obvious that they actually very much desire contact. For people of this subtype, the social instinct actually works as a release value for the sexual component. When relaxed and comfortable with others, the sexual instinct can easily be seen.

People of this subtype are very aware of how they “fit in,” and also experience the sexual drive of wanting to connect with intimates. Like other social/sexual subtypes, they have the tendency to cultivate many relationships. They want to be liked by everyone, but being Fives they also tend to hold a part of themselves back for fear of rejection or of being overwhelmed by the demands of the relationship. This subtype of Five is more likely to fear rejection than the other subtypes of Five. Because both of the dominant instincts are focused on people, any failure in the realm of interpersonal relationships triggers a fear that there is no safety in the world. Personality systems like the Enneagram function as tool to help this subtype of Five to feel safe in the world. People of this subtype tend to think that the more they understand people, the less chance they have of being rejected. This tends to be a blind spot for people of this subtype as they don’t see that what will actually help them to become healthier is gaining more life experience. This will help them to see that their world will not come to an end with a little rejection.

Or, the reason why I got confused if I was a 9 or 7 for years, but they never quite fit. Especially the part on researching personality systems in hopes of understanding others could lead to less rejection hits close to home. I also have sx 5 trait of using my own secrets as a currency with others to build bonds with them, but so-first makes it so that I always have an eye on just how much I can expose about myself with someone, and how much is "acceptable", both for the person I'm speaking to and socially. It is like an insurance-

I know same level of your dirty secrets, so you can't betray me by exposing me socially, even if said "secrets" aren't even that vile things. It is still a control over my social image, even if most people I know irl wouldn't peg me as a social subtype given I still am a 5 at heart, so don't play so-3 kind of social games much. Again, more of a quiet, unstated insurance, just in case.


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I'm quite confident about sx/sp now (thanks to [MENTION=35566]Luminous[/MENTION]). Just voted it and now it's the most common in the poll. I'm not going to copy and paste the description that many others already have.


New member
Aug 15, 2022
Instinctual Variant
I've definitely been torn on so/sx vs so/sp, doubly so because my main interest in personality theories and in general mental health, so I tend to jump into talking about those topics fairly easily if I ever end up being one-on-one alone with someone, but looking back, there was often self-preservation gauging who can be trusted with what kind of info (and what I have back on them as said confiding often would only occur if other side was willing to share a secret of theirs back, just in case they ever were to think out mine, as something that would hopefully discourage them from backstabbing me, even if I never intend to ever hold whatever they confided in me over their head otherwise with often more tending to remember those to point out in the future if a problem they are having currently could be linked to what they said to me before if they seemed confused about their own behaviour) and only revealing that much of myself to said person, beyond things I'm already open about how I view things.

So/sx definitely can be manipulative too, but I think it's a different kind of holding back with as much as seeing people bonding and having a nice time genuinely gets me emotional, I tend to hold back from it when the time shows up where I can engage with others beyond shared interests or something I can metabolize through what I analyze, including my own past and experiences really, compared to how so/sx people truly seems to be without inhibitions when they attempt to bond with others, at least with much less a sense for who's safe to share things with and who not.

For the stack, it works I think.


One might think that the energy of this subtype would be warmer and friendlier than that of the self-pres/social, but it doesn’t usually present that way. Because the social instinct is dominant, these Fives are much more aware of their role in the group. They are therefore more careful of their involvements with others. The social arena is more important and is invested with more energy, so these Fives will pull up faster and harder into self-pres mode if they should feel at all threatened. This will sometimes give others the impression of coldness. This subtype will center a lot of their intellectual interest around the workings of society, humanity or spirituality. This serves as their connection with people. By means of these abstract mental constructs, Fives of this subtype feel a sense of belonging socially, without having to be personally involved and invested. The healthier people of this subtype are, the more they are able to integrate their mental constructs with their actual experiences. They can really be content to adopt the role of “people watcher,” but they do it from a closer and closer perspective. Their blind spot revolves around the fact that they tend to convince themselves they can get along just fine in the observer role. It does feel safer to them. If they do have a few people relatively close to them, they can really strike a good balance between their need to withdraw and their need to connect to the larger social world.

This subtype could be seen as the most intellectual of type Five. The combination of the basic desire for knowing with the social instinct’s need to “fit in,” makes people of this subtype want to find a niche as the expert. Their interest in structure, especially social structure, accentuates their natural inclination for acquiring knowledge. With the sexual instinct least developed, this subtype is in the position of having a strong pull towards understanding the workings of the world around them, without the emotional intensity of the sexual instinct setting up any distraction. These Fives fit the role of the scientist or professor quite well in this respect.

Edit: I think I also was always torn between them in part because I developed my self image as someone who presents as someone rather cheerful/lighthearted with tending to go smiley when I'm face to face with someone and speaking to them, even if there can definitely be me coming off as too stiff or mechanical, with that being more associated with so/sx 5s in terms of being most 7 like 5s.
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Earl Grey

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I always tested as either heavily sp or sometimes heavily soc, even ages back when taking tests for shits and giggles, never knowing what they actually meant. I thought I did have some sx but, after a good while, I've discovered everything I had ever thought was sx in me, was soc, not that I ever thought I was sx.

Now I type sp/so, even sometimes considering so/sp.

As an update to this, sure, no one (including myself) has ever been deluded that I was anything other than sp/so (with slight brief bouts of so/sp 5), however, there has been instances of sx that made me wonder. Not enough for me to consider sp/sx (since my soc is obviously stronger) but to wonder how it works.

TLDR; mine flew very much under the radar bc a lot of the stereotype of sx is interpersonal intimacy/related to another person in some way, whereas mine is everything but. I also tap into it fluidly and comfortably without rejecting it, so it inhabits me comfortably and not in the overcompensating way it does sometimes for people who reject their last instinct, and since most people identify their last instinct as being the one they reject (instead of neutrally deprioritising), it made it fly under the radar as well. The '3 Zones' of each instinct explains this very well.

In addition, according to the theory, my soc is also the less interpersonal / "less friendly", if you will, kind of soc- but that comes to the surprise of no-one.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015

9w1 INFP Sx/Sp/So 1221 D type.

- Feeling at the Instinctual level Points one and two. Self Preservation Instinct.
- Thinking at the Instinctual level Points four and five. Sexual Instinct.
- Sensing at the Instinctual level Points seven and eight. Social Instinct.

Pic 11111.png

Points: 8 and 4 , Points: 1 and 5 , Points: 7 and 2

SinΘ∙CosecΘ=1 , CosΘ∙SecΘ=1 , TanΘ∙CotΘ=1

This maybe helpful for those who are thinking about intuitions of a spiritual order and the Heart and the divide between the three Instincts and the mechanical functionality of the Six Instinctual Variants. I suspect electricity is directly linked to the like force and the minds experiential cognitive activity. Many people maybe wondering when an individual is successfully makes the law of three happen within what is underpinning the vast contrast in experiential awareness. Is the shift linked to basic structure of electricity and the dual component's of electromagnetic radiation. I think intuition of a spiritual order may simply be generated by the magnetic phase wave length within electricity and the trinary of sensing and thinking and feeling at the Instinctual level and egoic mind set's activity maybe linked to the electricity component of the electric phase wave length of electricity/ electromagnetic radiation. Life is dependent of electricity electricity flows though living structures while they are alive.


What we define as the divide between egoic mind and authentic self the liberated Self maybe more simple than we realize. Often we over look the simple in search for an over complex explanation into what is going on who dose it work is the invisible able to be understood. Two different states of experiencing Being maybe simply explained by Magnet Field Oscillation and the Eclectic Field Oscillation.
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