Alphas (ENTp, INTj, ISFp, ESFj) are looking into the abyss because "everyone wants to go to the big Beta party". Internally, they're pulled between Ne which defines internal qualities statically and Delta-ishly stable, and Beta Fe which is drawn towards internal experimentation and change. Alpha Ne/Si subtypes are going to peeking in from their birds eye view of the environment, Ti/Fe subtypes may be starting to actively move towards the abyss, exploring the possibilities of a gradual descent. Alpha looks into the chaos contained in the abyss but stays at enough of a distance to retain their mastery of their environment. This is a way they are "playful". They have the inclination towards mastery of the environment but the Ti/Fe preference seems to say "So what? Let's go try something different!"
Betas (ENFj, ESTp, INFp, ISTj) see themselves as completely trapped (placed) within external circumstances - both their external functions, Se and Ti, are static. Fe and Ni leads to an internality that's relatively in flux. Betas are in the middle of it all. Fe observes constantly appearing and shifting internal states, Ni questions the relevance of the existence of the abyss itself (it opposes longer strands of external environmental observation), Se sees each moment as distinct in its own right, and Ti finds ways to structure the whole mess into some kind of coherance. The interesting thing about being in the middle of the abyss is that you keep finding new ways to test the parameters, to discover the boundaries. I extrapolated smilingeyes material and say that Fe and Ti subtypes move downward into the abyss, and Se/Ni is being in the abyss. Beta Ti/Fe subtypes have pushed the boundaries of the exploration and then Ni/Se subtypes hit the middle point of the experiential perception, the deepest part of the hole.
Gammas (ENTj, ESFp, ISFj, INTp) are climbing/walking out of the abyss. If the Beta Se/Ni subtypes are all about the last few shovels/wildest disco/having sex with Satan, Gamma Se/Nis are the morning afters waking up and scrabbling at the walls up. In some ways, they're forever clawing the prison walls, a survivor of with the instinct of the dance fading away to be replaced with a determination of movement upwards. For these people the experiential quality has peaked and they possess the ability to survive admirably in the abyss. But their mindset is shifted upward and slightly away. For Gamma Fi/Te subtypes, the clarity of rock bottom has faded slightly. They're overcome with memories/instincts of it now and again but for a large part concentrate on the trek uphill.
Deltas (ESTj, ENFp, ISTp, INFj) see themselves as completely in control within themselves - both their internal functions, Ne and Fi, are static. Si and Te observe their environments to be in motion. So the rise and fall of nations, etc, all pass by their eyes and is seen on a long timeline. The Fi/Te subtypes perpetually walk up the last edges of the abyss - they've put in the work of the travel, but can't dismiss the miles their feet have come to know as they order their environment with skill. Ne/Si subtype Deltas are the Ents of the Socion and they hold a certain sadness. Time's on a spindle for these people as they watch travelers disappear into the depths of the abyss, some coming out weary, some hopeful - and some never come out at all. So they turn their backs to the abyss, a primitive sort of wisdom as they staunchly hold their place while echoes of the revelry/despair come floating up from below.