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Lumi's Type Emporium: Do You Wanna Get Typed


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant

Welcome to my emporium!

We have a fine selection of typings:

  • Enneagram Type & Instinctual Stacking
  • MBTI by dichotomy
  • Collage (I make a collage from whatever vibes I get from you)

Due to supply chain issues, we do not offer Socionics or Attitudinal Psyche at this moment.

If you require specific typing, please request which type you'd like.

If I do not know you very well, please fill out this questionnaire by the brilliant RadicalDoubt: https://www.typologycentral.com/threads/new-questionnaire-to-fill-out.98380/
Bonus points for making a collage of images that appeal to you.


Terms and conditions:
This typing is non binding, not guaranteed, nonrefundable, unreturnable. Typing is not waterproof or water resistant. Read all labels before washing. If you want the best ginger cookies, follow my Grandmother's recipe. You should all be excellent to each other. The information in this typing is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. Batgirl didn't do the plot of Batman any favors, what were they thinking? We are not responsible for any misuse of said typing. Airplane! is one of the best movies ever made. Do not use the information in this typing to dictate major life decisions, or what you should eat for dinner. The answer to that question is always pizza. Pizza is always the answer. This typing does not constitute legal or medical advise. Frosty should stop being so mean to Stigmata, what did he ever do to her? Frosty makes some really delicious looking stuff. Those of us here at TypoC could have a really fantastic pot luck. It's really hard to fill up very much space with such a small text size. Disclaimer: Our Disclaimer was last updated on April 1, 1984. Interpretation and Definitions Interpretation The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural. Definitions For the purposes of this Disclaimer: "Company"(referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Disclaimer) refers to Lumi's Type Emporium. "You" means the individual accessing the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable. Duh! "Website" refers to this website (how shocking!), accessible from (you're already here, do you really need me to link it?) Disclaimer The information contained on the Service is for general information purposes only. The Company assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the contents of the Service. In no event shall the Company be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or any damages whatsoever, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tort, arising out of or in connection with the use of the Service or the contents of the Service. The Company reserves the right to make additions, deletions, or modifications to the contents on the Service at any time without prior notice. If I type you as an ENTJ one day, I reserve the right to type you as INFP the next. The Company does not warrant that the Service is free of viruses or other harmful components. This Disclaimer was generated by TermsFeed Disclaimer Template for purposes of creating more small print that you aren't reading because you stopped reading several lines above, so now is the perfect opportunity for me to admit that I'm actually a dupe. Use of the advice and information contained herein is at your sole choice and risk. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any nutrition or exercise program. Even if your exercise program consists solely in disagreeing with whatever typing I provide, please check with your doctor prior. If You choose to use this information without prior consent of your physician, You are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your decisions and agreeing to hold harmless the Company. If you get athlete's foot at the gym because you didn't wear sandals in the community shower, it's NOT my fault! Please note that the Company does not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any information on these external websites. Views Expressed Disclaimer The Service may contain views and opinions which are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other author, agency, organization, employer or company, including the Company or Batman. Comments published by users are their sole responsibility and the users will take full responsibility, liability and blame for any libel or litigation that results from something written in or as a direct result of something written in a comment. The Company is not liable for any comment published by users and reserves the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever. Frosty was right. Everyone on this site is actually Fidelia. That's who I am a dupe of. No Responsibility Disclaimer The information on the Service is provided with the understanding that the Company is not herein engaged in rendering legal, accounting, tax, or other professional advice and services. As such, it should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional accounting, tax, legal or other competent advisers. I am not an accountant. If I find that your personality type never owes the IRS, and the IRS disagrees, you choose who you should believe. In no event shall the Company or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with your access or use or inability to access or use the Service. If you suddenly forget how to read between your request for typing and the posting of said typing, maybe get a friend to read it to you. "Use at Your Own Risk" Disclaimer All information in the Service is provided "as is", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Since everyone is actually Fidelia, whatever typing I give your carefully constructed dupe will obviously not be accurate. The Company will not be liable to You or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information given by the Service or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Neal Caffreynated is a really amazing person. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. I wish I was as funny as Stigmata.

Saturnal Snowqueen

Solastalgia 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Jan 9, 2019
Instinctual Variant
I'm in!

I think you know me far well enough to type me, but I wanna do the collages anyway, for collages' sake.



Bonus: Here's a familiar face(I was just wondering what IVs the collage seemed, since it's an sx blind trying the capture the essence of an sx dom:

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Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
You are funny!

I would assume you know me well enough but if you want me to answer anything I happily will!


Dec 13, 2013
Instinctual Variant

1. How would an author describe you in a book? Write the paragraph that would introduce you in a novel.

An impulsive character, that may pop shrooms and get drunk on Christmas day only to come out with decorated antler ears, and a cigarette in his mouth in all fours, thinking he's a deer, only to seek reformation and salvation in hope of quitting and some day getting his act together, a mad man that seeks pleasure when in confusion, to shoot himself in chasing after his girlfriend into the after life and ending up in mind state of confusion.

2. Think over the past day or week and make a mental list (you can also write it here) of ways other people have annoyed, angered, or otherwise bothered you - any situation where people have done one thing, while you wished they would have done another. Look at each of these instances and answer (you can make a list or make note of general patterns - an example is good):

I easily forgive and forget, but manipulative people or rude people anger me especially if they are trying to sabotage or control me, I went angry and irreverent at the institutions and traditions of my parents because I didn't want to be a divine puppet and due to the idea of algorithms and the second law of thermodynamics, entropy solving the issue of creation in the first place, imagine the universe going forward, an animate universe, into chaos, but in the same time there is an inanimate universe that is going backwards to create the cosmos and keep everything in control, the simultaneity of game theory in the harmonically whole of an orchestra. I went to sleep that night and dreamed a video tape being played of a scattered image, and spaghettis, realizing that William James Sidis(IQ OF 260), was probably high or watching pornographic images when creating the theory for the animate and the inanimate, or perhaps it had the same affect on me(his theory) that porn does, an exhilaration while escape, a man creating a spirit in a jar, in the image of God only to realize that his front is that of hiding his monster away, intimacy problems.
a. How would I characterize the trait that bothered me?
The thought of someone else in control of me scares me, because it means I no longer have the will to overcome, but i came to slowly learn that I need help.
b. Why did it bother me?
I was in a state of confusion of identity, which I dislike because I needed to learn to be self aware.
c. How did I react?
I begin acting impulsively and without self respect, also prideful in thinking I am a super genius and everyone else is below me.

d. How do I wish I would have reacted?

In humility and reverence.
e. If there was a discrepancy between c. and d., why did it come up?
Yes, because I wish that I didn't think that I was better than everyone else, there is no reason for being stuck up especially when we can learn from one another.
3. What holds you back in life? This can be an internal or external force. If that thing were gone, what would be different? What would you do?
My lack of focus on details such as resume changes and I do wish my will power was stronger but I will overcome this nicotine addiction.

4. Your deepest secret has just been revealed to the person or people from whom you most wished to keep it. How do you feel? How do you react? What are the results on your life?

I like to have my secrets in the open and transparent i just don't like the entire universe knowing especially if someone will try to put hurdles in my direction, when I see a target I achieve my goal or do the best I can.

5. You are offered one of three gifts: a bottle filled with water from the Fountain of Life, a crown which will give you peaceful dominion over the world's people for your entire (full) lifetime, and a ring which will unite you with your true love and ensure a happy, passionate marriage. Which do you choose and why? What are your hesitations and motivations?

The ring, I like my crush and will be willing to spend time with them in their best and worst and perhaps even go on the cross for them.

6. You are offered one of three houses. The first is located in a big city and has historic and artistic value: it was designed by a great architect and was owned by interesting people in the past. Owning this house is very prestigious and guarantees you social status and a circle of friends, but it also comes with responsibility - you must keep the house up to code, manage the household, and give parties and events. The second house you may design using your imagination - literally your dream house - it is located in a very secluded location and no one is allowed to visit this house except you and your immediate family. The third house is very nice, but has no particular aesthetic appeal - a McMansion in short. It is in an extremely convenient location and is very secure. It is impossible for thieves to break in and it has no danger of natural disasters. You are guaranteed to be able to sell the house for double the price in twenty years. Which do you choose and why? What are your hesitations and motivations?

I will like to build a house in the beach with a pool and jacuzzi.

7. You are offered one of three doors. The first opens to a world that is dangerous and demands mental or physical skill to navigate through, but also has great rewards to be gained: think of the worlds portrayed on the shows Game of Thron. The second opens to a world that is full of wonders, magic, and knowledge, which can be learned or experienced, but there is little solid resting ground - think of the worlds portrayed in the shows Do. The third opens to a world where you may experience a life of peaceful, uneventful poverty - think of the hobbits in the series Lord of the Rings or most of the animals living in Narnia. Which do you

Narnia, I love Narnia and the magical escape it gave the children.

8. What do you wish people understood about you? Talk about a time you were misunderstood.

I do have drive and consistency to reach my goals, I just need to work harder as I am not a workaholics, it leads people to think that I am too chill.

9. What do you hope people won't notice about you? What are you uncomfortable being teased about?

I let people notice whatever they want of me.

10. What's worse - to be seen as caring more than you do or less than you do? Why? Do you think you come across one way or the other? Do you typically pretend to care more or to care less?
I hate being perceived as fake, but I do love caring and helping others.

11. Think about a time that someone else tried to control your actions - to tell you what to do, to manipulate you, or influence you. How did you feel and how did you react? What went through your mind?

It leads to impulsive behavior in rebellion.

12. When you first meet someone, what are your first thoughts? What judgments do you make and what kinds of considerations do you have? Are you more concerned with what they think of you or what you think of them? If you are preparing to meet someone new, what do you hope about them and what do you fear about them?

I hope their interesting

13. Think about the last time you cried (if you've recently lost a loved one or gone through another similarly difficult experience, you can go back further and choose a random instance). What caused this? Who was around? Were you crying out of sadness, joy, frustration, or some other factor? How did you feel afterwards? Did it change anything? Is this typical for you?

The last time I cried was over a dead girlfriend, remembering her and speaking to her in my mind lead to tears.

14. Think about the last time you felt really happy, joyful, or satisfied. What caused this feeling? What was different? What keeps you from feeling this way all the time?

I enjoy family gatherings and they always bring me joy.

15. If you were a tragic hero what would be your fatal flow ? If you were a character in a comedy, what would be your distinguishing trait (i.e. stingy with money, fastidious, shallow, pretentious, etc.) Do you think others would agree with these?

I think my greed and need for materialistic goods will be my fatal flaw as it will lead me to be a mercenary.

Annoying by asking people stupid questions that I already knew the answer too, or irrelevant quips.

16. Think over the past day or week and make a mental list (you can also write it here) of ways that you have done badly - by yourself, by others, etc. - any time that you have done something, and wish you would have done better. How would you characterize these instances? What caused you to fail and what was your reaction? Are you more likely to be hard on yourself or to find excuses for yourself?

I hate not saving up money and falling to my compulsive behaviors, yes I am hard on myself but I stand back up and do my best to do better.

17. a. Imagine meeting an evil version of yourself - your 'dark side' - and describe this person.

Someone that will seek out pleasure for the sake of pleasure, cynical, aloof, and violent, not caring for anyone but his significant other, either a hacker or an arms dealer.

b. Describe your ideal self.

Just not to be fake and too be healthy.
18. What is your experience with and how do you deal with the following:

a. loneliness - I enjoy my alone time, I no longer fear loneliness as I am always lonely.

b. doubt - Growing up i had a fear of being an undesirable so I acted in a way to get attention unto myself.

c. boredom -I do something, anything when i am bored which has lead to dependency, but I have also found things to do such as read Mark Twain or do chores to increase serotonin levels.

d. laziness : I love to work, but can take shortcuts or easily annoyed especially when I want to read a book.

e. temper - Sometimes I will burst out in anger for a minute, or say a couple of words out loud and then quickly apologize.

19. Which of the 'seven deadly sins' - pride, wrath, sloth, envy, lust, gluttony, avarice - do you relate to most and why? Which do you relate to least and why? Feel free to go into depth about these.

I don't know
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Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I'm in!

I think you know me far well enough to type me, but I wanna do the collages anyway, for collages' sake.

Your collages seem very so/sp, very sx blind. The colors and pixelated nature feel strongly 6 and 7ish to me, possibly combined with 4, but I'm not really sure why exactly. The very lovely collage you made for me :wubbie: for the Secret Santa exchange (I think, it's hard for me to know since I don't know precisely what I'd think if I didn't know you made it/it's hard for me to completely remove that I know you made it for me from my judgment) is probably somewhat easily seen as being from an so dom. I say that because, though there are aspects and styles that you incorporated (and did very well!) like the overlay of the roses, and closeups of petals, the flowing movement of fabrics which are sx, there are more so elements than there likely would be from an sx dom (or at least a 9sx), like the way the lady in the top left is posed, and the way the images are laid out. I hope that answers your question (it also makes me think of an idea for a new collage game! :happy2:)

So, as I am not in your head and can't read your thoughts, forgive the parts where I may make erroneous assumptions:

For enneagram: For heart: Clearly not 2, I could see either 3 or 4 for you. You would like to be seen as important, desirable, you seem goal oriented and status seeking (though perhaps that is so), and you'd also like to be seen as special, are self conscious, withdrawn, feel different, and there's a sense of frustration. 4 fits better than 3. So I'd go with 4w3.
For head: Clearly not 5. You seem heavy on both 6 and 7, really. Self doubting, testing, rebellious, ambiguous like a 6, adventurous, fluid, sensation seeking, focused on the novel, frustrated like a 7. I'm not sure how much 6 there is that those of us outside can't see - how much fear and danger attunement. From here, you seem more 7. 7w6.
For gut: Clearly not 8 or 1. 9. 9w1, with you having the accommodating, agreeable yet stubborn, withdrawn, optimistic, unassertive, stability seeking 9 as core.

947: a heady mixture of positive outlook mixed with frustration, sarcasm, and disdain. Decadent escapism but also aesthetic sensitive dreamer.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: Self care seems to be an area of high focus for you (food, rest, relaxation, comfort). And you seem to put a moderate healthy focus on resources and home life.
SX: You don't seem to focus very much on the attraction or merging zones of this instinct, but you do put focus into exploration.
SO: This instinct seems to be the main area of painful focus for you. You're very aware of connecting or the lack thereof, and to seek to participate, both of those are areas of high focus and seem to also be frustrating. The zone of interpretation seems like a moderate area of focus, likely because it's less painful.

So/sp seems accurate. You vibe contraflow in that there feels like there's a wall or blockage.

For MBTI: I feel like on some of these, I may be way off, because it is based purely on your forum presence... but here we go:
The Extraversion-Introversion Facets: I
Initiating-Receiving: Receiving ... I
Expressive-Contained: Generally more contained...I
Gregarious-Intimate: Here I'm not so sure... more intimate? Maybe more toward middle range?... leans I
Active-Reflective: Also more toward the middle, but probably more reflective (at least on the forum)... leans I
Enthusiastic-Quiet: Toward the middle, you're a good combo of both. Sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes quiet... middle

The Sensing-Intuition Facets: N
Concrete-Abstract: I think you lean more A... so N
Realistic-Imaginative: Imaginative... N
Practical-Conceptual: Conceptual... N
Experiential-Theoretical... theoretical... N
Traditional-Original... Original... N

The Thinking-Feeling Facets: Leaning F.
Logical-Empathic: Hmm, I guess midrange.
Reasonable-Compassionate: again, midrange, leaning F.
Questioning-Accommodating: Leaning accommodating: F
Critical-Accepting: midrange.
Tough-Tender: midrange.

The Judging-Perceiving Facets: Leaning P.
Systematic-Casual: leaning Casual... P
Planful-Open-Ended: more open ended it seems: P
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: Early starting leaning: J
Scheduled-Spontaneous: Not sure... midrange? Leaning Spontaneous: P
Methodical-Emergent: Emergent? P

So INFP seems accurate.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
You are funny!

I would assume you know me well enough but if you want me to answer anything I happily will!
For enneagram:
For heart: 4, followed by 3, followed by 2. And I think it's fairly clearly your core. I think you're likely 4w3, as I can see more 3 than 5 in you. You want to be special, are self conscious, can be decadent and wallow in the depths of emotions (that isn't necessarily in a bad way - you have great depth of feeling), are hard to get, self revealing, while also being withdrawn, introspective, feel different, frustrated, wish to be rescued, focus on what's missing, emphasize suffering, can be envious, feel broken, and vulnerable like a 4. And you seem far more 3 with wishing to be composed, goal oriented, status seeking/wanting to be the best, seeking stimulation, focus on success, fear failure, compare yourself to others, and a tendency toward impatience rather than the 5's systemic, miserly, impractical, ungrounded, fear of intrusion.
For head: Lots of 6, so much that it wouldn't seem off for it to be your core. You're dependable, self doubting, testing, rebellious, ambiguous, dedicated, have a sense of being superior, are more work than play/your play is work, untrusting, loyal, fear being without support, insecure, have a need to vent, are vigilant, checking, risk taking, contrary, strategic. I'm not entirely sure on the wing, but I think probably more 5 than 7.
For gut: It's really hard to read your gut. You've got a lot of anger and frustration, but they're tied up with 4 and 6 and sx. 1 is possible, but 9 is too, since it's last in your tritype. You're stubborn, and can put yourself aside for the people important to you. But you can also be rigid and controlled, perfectionistic, fair, action oriented, principled, dedicated, conscientious, seek justice, appear cold, have fear of being corrupted, are particular, prone to guilt, uncompromising, improving, disciplined, responsible, consistent, self punitive. Okay, 1 seems more clear now. 1w9.

4w3 6w5 1w9 with your discontented perfectionism, sourness, "soldier for principle", self-lacerating, steady hurt. Double reactive, double frustration, and double competency seem to fit you well.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: I think you score pretty high on the self-care zone as you tend to be focused on your body and what's happening with it, food, exercise, sleep, stimulation, comfort, health, are all a focus. And you seem to have a moderate score for practicality and resources - you neither obsess about them or entirely neglect them. The same for your focus on your home. It's important, but neither an obsession or something that gets neglected. A balanced focus.
SX: You're one of the most sxy people I have met. It's so clear to me that you're sx dom, I don't really need to go through it, but I will a bit: It's clearly a source of pain, sensitivity, and focus for you, for all three of the zones - attraction, exploration, and merging. You are focused on whether you're attractive, attracted, why, how, what you display, who you choose. You are focused on finding the edge and riding it, going for it, risk, being activated, being out of your comfort zone. And you are focused on involvement, losing your self with another or an activity, spending your energy, finding passion.
SO: I think you're good at some of these, but they aren't necessarily areas of high focus: interpretation, connection, and participating. You are good at interpreting others, but it's more a moderate area of focus, I think. It's not something you tend to talk about nearly as much as you do sx or sp concerns. The connecting zone is more a focus, in wanting to create and sustain the important relationships, but it's one of those where I think you're like me, and it can feel confusing and hard to know what to do.

I think you're pretty sx/sp. And some descriptions of 4sx and 6sx fit you very well (AND you're a great example of the beauty of those types which can be very reactive and can often be described in very negative ways).

The Extraversion-Introversion Facets: Forgive me if I'm way off on these.
Initiating-Receiving: Initiating - E
Expressive-Contained: Expressive - E
Gregarious-Intimate: balanced.
Active-Reflective: Active. - E
Enthusiastic-Quiet: Enthusiastic. E

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: I think Concrete? - S
Realistic-Imaginative: Imaginative - N
Practical-Conceptual: balanced.
Experiential-Theoretical: balanced.
Traditional-Original: Original - N.
Leaning N.

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: pretty balanced, I think.
Reasonable-Compassionate: Leaning Compassionate. F
Questioning-Accommodating: More Questioning. T
Critical-Accepting: Probably more Critical. T
Tough-Tender: Leaning Tough. T
Pretty balanced, but leaning T

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: Systemic J
Planful-Open-Ended: Open-Ended? P
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: Pressure P
Scheduled-Spontaneous: Not sure?
Methodical-Emergent: Likely more Methodical J
lol ... balanced.

So Entx? but all but the E are toward the middle and overall, you're quite balanced. :)
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Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I want to mention that I'd love feedback, either here or more privately, whatever you like, with your thoughts, especially about the mbti facets. Tell me where I'm wrong! You know yourselves better than I do. :alttongue:


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I sent you a profile comment with feedback but I'll post here too focusing on the facets since I've now read the link about them.
The Extraversion-Introversion Facets: Forgive me if I'm way off on these.
Initiating-Receiving: Initiating - E
I think I'm balanced. I'm heavily "initiating" online (which you've seen), but I'm more "receiving" in-person. Though, in person, I'm fine initiating more so on light "social" things and anything with romantic or sexual tension I'm really nothing but receiving. Agree, maybe 60% E here.
Expressive-Contained: Expressive - E
Oh yeah, 100% E here. I'm expressive to a fault, not much more to say.
Gregarious-Intimate: balanced.
I think I'm more Intimate in general, but it's pretty balanced. I'm okay with group conversations but I basically use them to seek out people I can be more intimate with. Probably 55% I here.
Active-Reflective: Active. - E
This is what makes me consider extraverted MBTI types. Pretty much any activity I enjoy most is "active." I agree with almost everything in that description, but I don't like this statement: "They may also prefer work and activities there they can contribute by speaking rather than writing." I prefer writing and I think it can be active. About 90% E here; of course I want some reflective time too.
Enthusiastic-Quiet: Enthusiastic. E
Yes, especially online. I'm still more enthusiastic than not in person, but it's more subdued and I'm more quiet than actual hardcore extraverts. But I'm observant, energized by communication, and like being the center of attention. Maybe 65% E.

Conclusion: Good set of facets. Well, I think I'm an Extravert based on these standards, just because of my outward focus and energy, and my need for stimulation. That can also be described by 4w3 + frustration + sx.

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: I think Concrete? - S
I think I'm one of the most concrete people I know. I tend to talk in a concrete way too. I also learn more from things being explained literally. Also, this was extremely relatable: "For them, the world primarily consists of things that can be perceived by the senses and verified experientially. Such verification must be based on some physical, sensory process that is directly experienced by themselves or others. Verification is thus central to a Concrete view of the world. Concrete people tend to rank things according to how verifiable or real they are." I'd say 75% S.
Realistic-Imaginative: Imaginative - N
Sometimes people describe me as a realist, which I understand in ways, but I also think I'm more idealistic. I like to play with ideas. Sometimes unhealthily TBH. Maybe 60% N.
Practical-Conceptual: balanced.
Same, I'm about 50-50 here, slightly more Practical maybe, so 55% S. "They value intellectual and scholarly pursuits over practical and active endeavors." This line bothers me in Conceptual because this is already pretty much covered in the Active versus Reflective facet. I can be Conceptual and Active.
Experiential-Theoretical: balanced.
Agree for balance. I love theorizing, but what's theorizing without experiences? And what is experience if I don't look at the patterns behind it? They need to go together for me and I have a hard time understanding how people can prioritize one but not the other. I have a slight preference for Experience so maybe 55% S.
Traditional-Original: Original - N.
Definitely, I'm not into traditions and I value uniqueness, but also, this is a facet that I don't like. I don't think S-types should be "faceted" as traditional. (For example, have you ever met an ISFP who considers themself traditional?)

Conclusion: This is the worst set of facets to me. For a few of them, I personally cannot comprehend using one without the other, and I have problems with the "Traditional" dichotomy anyway. I think I'm actually a facet Sensor here, but the Traditional/Original Dichotomy makes me an Intuitive. I'll actually type myself as S here.

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: pretty balanced, I think.
Same. I don't think it's a good idea to make a judgment without using both logic AND empathy, it would be incomplete. Too much logic without empathy, you're getting rid of the human element and not validating what's natural. Too much empathy without logic, you're putting yourself and others at harm, and I'm going to be honest, it's not wise. I think I have a slight preference for empathic because that's what comes more naturally, but otherwise balanced, maybe 55% F.
Reasonable-Compassionate: Leaning Compassionate. F
Yeah, I usually score T on dichotomy tests, but reasonability is where I falter. Also, unless the person is REALLY fucking up, I don't like giving practical advice because I think I'm unqualified, and compassion/validation helps more in those cases. Everyone's case is different so that's important to take into account. Maybe 65% F.
Questioning-Accommodating: More Questioning. T
I always score disagreeable, I don't relate to the word Accommodating at all. I mean, I'm a 6 fix, so yes, I'm Questioning. "A third approach to Questioning is in dealing with other people. Questioning people may raise questions or objections when they are asked to accept or conform to things that don't make logical sense." Also, this. If I'm going to accept a statement from another person, it needs to make sense and have proof. I can and will validate their emotions, but for me to accept something for myself, Questioning is necessary. Around 85% T on this one, I think.
Critical-Accepting: Probably more Critical. T
Yeah. Like I said, I can and will validate emotions, but truth is more important overall and my focus to search. Truth is most important: "Truth is so valuable to Critical people that they find it distasteful and dishonest when others try to smooth over disagreements or disagree so mildly that their objections are not registered. They do not value merely getting people to agree because that might compromise the truth and make things worse. Hurting someone's feelings is a small price to pay for needed corrections and improvements." That's why whenever I fight with someone and ask for feedback, instead of explaining my feelings, I try to show the conversation so it's truthfully conveyed. 70% T here.
Tough-Tender: Leaning Tough. T
Just based on these words, I wasn't expecting the facet descriptions to be the way they are. I related to the first sentence of Tender: "For people at this pole, the effects one's decision may have on others far outweighs any logical process by which one reaches the decision." But I don't relate to the rest of that description. My focus is on being right, just, and truthful, and I think that should have the best effect on people in general. God damn, I really am a 1 fix, huh. I think my 1 fix makes me quite faceted T. Probably 65% T.

Conclusion: I thought I was pretty balanced and maybe slightly more Feeling, until I read the facet descriptions and I think I'm definitely more Thinking. It's weird, because I am very emotionally-oriented from being a 4-core, but these facets are different from that. My 1 fix and focus on truth > feelings (which I also don't think is contradictory to 4) definitely makes me a dichotomy Thinker.

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: Systemic J
I... honestly don't know which one fits me more. I think I agree that I'm more Systematic in terms of preference, but due to chaos in my life, it's hard to follow it as well as I want, and that makes me appear more casual. But the preference is for Systemic. 60% J.
Planful-Open-Ended: Open-Ended? P
I don't talk about this much, so I have some things to say.
I don't really like open-ended for short-term things. "In such situations, Open-Ended people may cancel preset plans rather than miss out on a more appealing activity." I don't like cancelling preset plans unless the person cancels on me first or pisses me off. "For Open-Ended people, variety and having the freedom to choose among the events that present themselves are what is most important" is me though, so I actually don't say "yes" to plans right away, I think about it first. My 1ishness makes me not want to cancel big plans on others and I get devastated when it happens. I like knowing my schedule for the day a couple of days before to make sure I value everyone else's time. Long-term, I'm more open-ended for sure because things can change. I have to accept not knowing.
Maybe I'm about 55% J here, in my opinion.
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: Pressure P
Agree, I'm a procrastinator and what gets me to finish things is pressure. I also do get a rush from doing things last-minute. And a lot of process work gets done. 85% P.
Scheduled-Spontaneous: Not sure?
IDK either. I think I'm more Spontaneous naturally (and I agree about the part about being garbage when it comes to remembering birthdays and holidays), but OCD tendencies make me Scheduled when I don't want to be. Mental health stuff isn't really fair game for typing, though. Going to say 60% P.
Methodical-Emergent: Likely more Methodical J
Agree, slightly more methodical J. I'm pretty by-the-book on projects that have instructions, that makes me get it done. I'm actually good at following directions even though I try to be all independent. I was more Emergent with school papers, but for bigger projects, more Methodical. 60% J.

Conclusion: Yep, I'm balanced as fuck here. Uh, I think maybe I'm a bit more P. I don't know though. I like these J versus P Facets but for me in particular it's kind of hard to tell which one I do more.

I type myself as ESTP based on the facets, and balanced except for the E, so I agree with you. I think I'm more T than F in terms of Facets, but the enthusiasm and emotionality that I have is explained by Extraversion.

Saturnal Snowqueen

Solastalgia 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Jan 9, 2019
Instinctual Variant
Your collages seem very so/sp, very sx blind. The colors and pixelated nature feel strongly 6 and 7ish to me, possibly combined with 4, but I'm not really sure why exactly. The very lovely collage you made for me :wubbie: for the Secret Santa exchange (I think, it's hard for me to know since I don't know precisely what I'd think if I didn't know you made it/it's hard for me to completely remove that I know you made it for me from my judgment) is probably somewhat easily seen as being from an so dom. I say that because, though there are aspects and styles that you incorporated (and did very well!) like the overlay of the roses, and closeups of petals, the flowing movement of fabrics which are sx, there are more so elements than there likely would be from an sx dom (or at least a 9sx), like the way the lady in the top left is posed, and the way the images are laid out. I hope that answers your question (it also makes me think of an idea for a new collage game! :happy2:)

So, as I am not in your head and can't read your thoughts, forgive the parts where I may make erroneous assumptions:

For enneagram: For heart: Clearly not 2, I could see either 3 or 4 for you. You would like to be seen as important, desirable, you seem goal oriented and status seeking (though perhaps that is so), and you'd also like to be seen as special, are self conscious, withdrawn, feel different, and there's a sense of frustration. 4 fits better than 3. So I'd go with 4w3.
For head: Clearly not 5. You seem heavy on both 6 and 7, really. Self doubting, testing, rebellious, ambiguous like a 6, adventurous, fluid, sensation seeking, focused on the novel, frustrated like a 7. I'm not sure how much 6 there is that those of us outside can't see - how much fear and danger attunement. From here, you seem more 7. 7w6.
For gut: Clearly not 8 or 1. 9. 9w1, with you having the accommodating, agreeable yet stubborn, withdrawn, optimistic, unassertive, stability seeking 9 as core.

947: a heady mixture of positive outlook mixed with frustration, sarcasm, and disdain. Decadent escapism but also aesthetic sensitive dreamer.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: Self care seems to be an area of high focus for you (food, rest, relaxation, comfort). And you seem to put a moderate healthy focus on resources and home life.
SX: You don't seem to focus very much on the attraction or merging zones of this instinct, but you do put focus into exploration.
SO: This instinct seems to be the main area of painful focus for you. You're very aware of connecting or the lack thereof, and to seek to participate, both of those are areas of high focus and seem to also be frustrating. The zone of interpretation seems like a moderate area of focus, likely because it's less painful.

So/sp seems accurate. You vibe contraflow in that there feels like there's a wall or blockage.

For MBTI: I feel like on some of these, I may be way off, because it is based purely on your forum presence... but here we go:
The Extraversion-Introversion Facets: I
Initiating-Receiving: Receiving ... I
Expressive-Contained: Generally more contained...I
Gregarious-Intimate: Here I'm not so sure... more intimate? Maybe more toward middle range?... leans I
Active-Reflective: Also more toward the middle, but probably more reflective (at least on the forum)... leans I
Enthusiastic-Quiet: Toward the middle, you're a good combo of both. Sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes quiet... middle

The Sensing-Intuition Facets: N
Concrete-Abstract: I think you lean more A... so N
Realistic-Imaginative: Imaginative... N
Practical-Conceptual: Conceptual... N
Experiential-Theoretical... theoretical... N
Traditional-Original... Original... N

The Thinking-Feeling Facets: Leaning F.
Logical-Empathic: Hmm, I guess midrange.
Reasonable-Compassionate: again, midrange, leaning F.
Questioning-Accommodating: Leaning accommodating: F
Critical-Accepting: midrange.
Tough-Tender: midrange.

The Judging-Perceiving Facets: Leaning P.
Systematic-Casual: leaning Casual... P
Planful-Open-Ended: more open ended it seems: P
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: Early starting leaning: J
Scheduled-Spontaneous: Not sure... midrange? Leaning Spontaneous: P
Methodical-Emergent: Emergent? P

So INFP seems accurate.
Since you want feedback, sure!

I don't think you're off on the dichotomies. I am a little surprised by the high T, but also I shouldn't be when I hate being perceived as warm and fuzzy. So yeah, I think that's why I come off high T. Do you have a link for a breakdown on the dichotomies? From what I can gather they're pretty accurate! Although I can be pressure prompted, but that's usually when I start something and then take a break and then get prompted by pressure. It used to be the other way around, though. Also depends on the sort of thing I'm starting on, how easy it is to get out of the way or how inspiring it is. Nothing wrong with going off my forum presence, that's where I spill my guts out after all.

I'm actually really surprised you went with 7! Like I remember you saying you predicted my enneagrammer guess to be 6 core, you said I acted 6 core on the how the person acts on forum thread, gave me 6w7 as a potential core in my old typing thread(I know some of this is a little old but it's a pattern I've noticed).I was sure you thought I was 6 core instead of 9 for a moment. So is there anything else that changed besides what you wrote? I am definitely both strong in 7 and 6 like you said, and honestly I'll still always doubt my head type. A lot of my 6 is probably disintegration. Do you think gentle spirit fits me the best triadically? And yeah, there's nothing else to consider gut wise lol. I was telling Morpeko too, honestly both SP and SO things cause me pain so it's been really hard to decide on the ordering of them. But yeah, I've been typing as so/sp lately and SO things do feel like more of a mission to me. SX is the only thing that doesn't cause me any pain, probably cause it isn't even in my stack to begin with, just something I like to dip my toes in once in awhile.

"A heady mixture of positive outlook mixed with frustration, sarcasm, and disdain. Decadent escapism but also aesthetic sensitive dreamer."-Digging this


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Do you have a link for a breakdown on the dichotomies?
Yes, here it is:
I'm actually really surprised you went with 7! Like I remember you saying you predicted my enneagrammer guess to be 6 core, you said I acted 6 core on the how the person acts on forum thread, gave me 6w7 as a potential core in my old typing thread(I know some of this is a little old but it's a pattern I've noticed).I was sure you thought I was 6 core instead of 9 for a moment. So is there anything else that changed besides what you wrote? I am definitely both strong in 7 and 6 like you said, and honestly I'll still always doubt my head type. A lot of my 6 is probably disintegration. Do you think gentle spirit fits me the best triadically? And yeah, there's nothing else to consider gut wise lol. I was telling Morpeko too, honestly both SP and SO things cause me pain so it's been really hard to decide on the ordering of them. But yeah, I've been typing as so/sp lately and SO things do feel like more of a mission to me. SX is the only thing that doesn't cause me any pain, probably cause it isn't even in my stack to begin with, just something I like to dip my toes in once in awhile.
Honestly, I find it hard to choose between 6 and 7 for you, but essentially here, I was looking at my notes more and thinking about how well they fit, and 7 really seemed to fit more. I don't think you're double reactive. Double positive outlook fits better, and double frustration. In favor of 6, you are self doubting, ambiguous, seem to feel inferior, insecure. In favor of 7, you're adventurous, sensation seeking, frustrated, seem to fear deprivation, want to try it all, free spirited, and somewhat dispersed. It comes down to which triads work, and the fact that combined with 4, 7 works far better than 6 for you.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I figured I would answer questions to make myself more "known" for kicks and grins, no pressure. I did not feel like polishing this, though, so it's kind of a jumble... I am out of energy. :(

1) Context:
(a) Influences: Early 50's, east coast USA. No impairments. Despite an extensive religious background (Christianity), I identify as agnostic, and I am also not really attached to any political party but just to issues stances.
b) Prior typings: I started looking at type back in the late 90's and typically have identified as INTP, e5w4, tritype 549 / 594, either SX/SP or SP/SX variants, although I've dabbled at times with other things... but none match up as well.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?
Explore and understand new frameworks of thinking; find patterns in reality that can reflect and clarify each other; capture these experiences and truths and communicate them in ways that others can resonate with; tap into something profound, deep, and meaningful that is common to life / human experience; provide a new way of seeing to others

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?
Probably sloth or greed are the ones I relate to most -- i tend to retain inertia (so when I am not moving or not investing energy, it it hard to get moving; and when I am moving, it is hard to stop), and also I tend to hoard resources / don't feel like anyone else will provide for me, so i need to store things up in case something bad happens. These are just isolated facets of those two "sins," I don't really care to accumulate lots of wealth (greed) or be lazy for laziness sake (sloth).

I don't understand pride or envy at all. I tend to undermine myself / always see what I am lacking and second-guess myself rather than being full of hubris (pride), and I don't understand why seeing someone else having something is a cause for me to want to take it from them (envy). I am very capable of looking at someone who has more than me and/or things I wish I had, and not begrudge them having it.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
a) The type of people you are drawn to: Quiet, considerate, passionate, intelligent, thoughtful, great senses of humor, artistic,

b) The type of people who are drawn to you: none? I honestly don't know anymore, I don't feel attractive or interesting to anyone. I feel pretty invisible again.

c) The type of people you are repulsed by: arrogant / boastful, greedy, accusatory, cowardly, manipulative, people who purposefully misrepresent others to win points, people who lie lie lie lie lie. Also people who live in total fear and never taking risks, or who have no imagination and purposefully try to ruin those who do.

5) What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself?
I admire people who can express emotion passionately, also people who can fight for others tirelessly or continuously take care of others / show ongoing compassion. I just don't have the energy or ability to be so expressive or overtly compassionate. My strengths are elsewhere.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:

a) Anger - Didn't feel anger for many years. Nowadays I feel angry more about the state of the world and the kinds of people I listed in #5 who are destroying the world. Most of my anger (what bit I had) when young, I would punish myself for my inability to conform to my logical ideals. I also can get pissed when driving, but that's kind of a lark. I also can feel angry at hypocrisy and people who approach political and social issues cynically (i.e., they claim to believe one thing while living a different way, all for the purpose of political gain).

b) Shame -- I lived a long time in shame and can still struggle, feeling like I'm inadequate and have accomplished nothing with my life or am wasting my life.

c) Fear -- Fear has been another part of my life. For a long time, I would avoid confrontation and not enter into risky situations out of fear (fear of making a mistake, fear of losing something, fear of rejection?) I can be a very anxious person despite my calm demeanor and always think ahead about risks with doing or saying something. The fear has lessened later in life. Also, weirdly, "courage" became a valued quality to me in my 30's, especially with my transition. Engaging life is an act of courage in itself, rather than avoiding potential conflict. Put another way, I feel like I grew a spine. I'm more liable to just state what I think nowadays, and also believe I can defend myself or succeed in trying circumstances.

d) Love/passion -- I always wanted to find "kindred spirits" when younger, locating the people I could just melt into so we could be part of each other. But that wasn't my marriage, and the few people I found who I felt like that was possible with (friends or lovers) have melted way over time, so i am alone. I feel like I threw everything I had at trying to make relationships work and nothing ever lasted. I don't even blame myself, because i also see other people not persisting long term either *(relationships are two-way)... although I do feel like there is just something I am missing and/or don't know how to do. (Despite having a family when I was growing up, we existed in silence and I feel like i never learned whatever I needed to learn.) Anyway... I feel like a poet / philosopher soul who can't connect well on a practical/emotional level and will now probably never find someone who I resonate with and vice versa.

e) Conflict -- I spent a lot of life avoiding conflict / keeping things stable. Now I find I have the capacity to scrap and fight for what I want or what I believe... but I still don't much care to, it just seems pointless to fight if you can find understanding with another and a compromise that benefits you both somehow.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you’ve been unable to conquer, ect)?
Obvious one is the gender issues, where I suffered horribly for almost four decades before finally reaching a point of peace and self-embrace, and it kind of changed my entire approach to life and my basis for decision-making.

Theme #2 -- finding god / higher truth / beauty. I have moved away from a search with an anthropomorphic focus, but some of the most beautiful things I experience involve profound engagement with nature (like in the movie "Sunshine" when Capa experiences the destructive + creative energy of the sun in a moment that stretches on for eternity, it's profound!)

Theme #3 -- loneliness. I have always felt alone, and now I feel like I will always be alone, there seems to be some uncrossable gulf separating all entities as a simple parameter of individual nature. At best we have others for a little while, and then the boats drift apart on the vast ocean. I wonder if i would feel differently if I had felt truly known and loved when I was young.

8) Answer only one of the following:
a) [College aged and above] I am a systems analyst (team lead), currently working on legacy systems for a fedgov agency. My degree was a Bachelor of Arts (writing/English) and I had a lot of computer programming background for a non-major. I chose it because I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life and at least lucked into a viable career -- my first job was being a copy editor for technical books, and then I became a technical writer and documentation person, and then I became a systems analyst.

Looking at it overall, it is a good fit for me in terms of my skills and ability -- and as a lead I get to indulge in some high-concept/overview thinking rather than just working in the trenches all the time. I also make a lot of money, so I don't have to worry about income (aside from wondering if I will have enough retirement funds).

To be honest, I always wanted to write fiction, put together books, draw cartoons, and compose music. I spent a lot of effort on this when younger but failed mostly because I just did not have the connections I needed to succeed + was married with kids and just didn't have the time to focus on it all. I feel like there should have been more to my life than what I have done; I don't feel like I have had much value to a lot of people.

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?
Their demeanor, their sense of humor, whether they communicate well, whether they are open-minded, the kinds of questions they ask, etc.

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?
Kind of depressed. Individuals can be great, but society is like melting down a bunch of colored crayons -- it all becomes this gooey brown blah mess instead of retaining all of the bright individuality. I also watch culture cycle through repeatedly, the same mistakes are made repeatedly by human beings. Our toys are more complicated, but they just create more problems -- humanity's problem is inside itself, not external necessarily. We are self-centered and self-focused too much to engage the outside; or we are just so afraid of losing something we want that we destroy the other, or we destroy new ideas without examining them first. We also lie to ourselves a great deal / pretend things are okay when they are not, so nothing gets fixed. How many fucking problems do we actually create for ourselves, when there was no problem really?

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
Books, cinema, drawing, RPGs, drawing, walking/hiking, music

13) How do you usually “hang out†with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.
I no longer have any friends. I mean, I have "friends," but I only spend time with people at work as we work on things together. I do game twice a week via Discord, so that's fun but again limited to just RPGs. I comment on FaceBook (other people's posts) a bit, daily. I watch films with and talk to my eldest kid. I post here a bit each day. That is it.

When I would get together, typically it was just one-on-one (my preference). We'd go places, go shopping, get together for a meal, etc. I feel like my world got very small without me even trying.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?

Actions, in the end. Words are just words. But i do love words. Words are beautiful. Words take abstract ideas and put them together / boil them down so that they CAN be acted upon.

15) Oh dear, you’ve been cursed by a witch! It’s ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose….
a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste
b) To be immortal
c) To lose your memories
d) To be poor for the rest of your life
e) Or to never experience passion

Wow, these all suck. I guess that's because they are "curses."

The most palatable is to be immortal. I guess if I had relationships, I wouldn't be as keen to watch everyone die, but since I'm rather alone, this gives me lots of time to observe, explore, and understand the world.

I already don't experience passion. I don't like being poor / not having my basic needs met or not having opportunities afforded by having some money. Losing my memories is actually death --- if we don't remember who we are, the identity ceases to be. And not being able to taste? It's the only sensuality I currently have in my life.

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect.
Never wanna be an invader or stalker
Or a hyprocrite or abuser
never be the reason another crawls back in their cave
or the one who crushes all their dreams and hopes
don't wanna be the one who sucks them dry
or the one they give up everything for because I can't live up to that price

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?
My natural tendency is to find things I resonate and merge with them. I would never "possess" another, but when I say merge I mean "secret sharing / everything known and no judgment issues, just love/acceptance." Two people that know each other fully and are like merged souls.

Is it obsessive to find a piece of music I like, or an actor/director I like, or an author I like, and then immediate plunge into that entire genre/repertoire and become intimately involved with the details of that artist? I guess it could be, but that's what I do. I would never invade their privacy (and in fact feel stilted -- I'm scared to talk to people I admire because I never want to be seen as a pest or invader), but I will definitely learn everything I can quickly until there is no more I can find. I tend to know a lot about the things that resonate with me.

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?
I am spatially organized but can't look neat and pressed even if I tried. I remember where I put various things even if it looks chaotic to anyone else, and it's all in relation to other things. I do think ahead and plan about things that matter (i.e., if the risk of failure would be too great, I plan) but always adjust my plan as I go and sometimes I just want to wing it so I can react the best in each moment. Very open-ended, very P.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?
I don't like feeling miserable, and I do have a cubby-hole of a house, with the most comfortable food, surroundings, options. I keep the temperature at a consistent range (around 68-70F all year). I am a comfort eater, which isn't good for me honestly. i hate feeling on edge or in a constant state of deprivation. But i also don't like to sink a lot of time or resources into it, so never really become carnal.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Yes please. :heart:

You mentioned not seeing any 5 influence once, and you're way more knowledgeable about ennea than me, so I'm curious
For enneagram: You are hard for me to type. Very hard. (Which can especially show up for attachment types). So if I'm way off somehow, I apologize.
For heart: I don't really see much 2 influence at all. There is a decent amount of 3 and of 4. For 3, you are goal oriented, focus on productivity, seek to be independent, initiating, seek stimulation, detached, seek praise, are willing to cut corners, success is important, you fear being nobody/failure. For 4, you seem to want to be seen as special, are self conscious, can be decadent/wallowing, self revealing, withdrawn, feel different, untrusting, frustrated, want to be rescued. I think I'd go with 3 over 4, all considering, it seems more important for you to be the best than to be special.
For head: 6 is very strong with the doubting, testing, duteous, rebellious, ambiguous, more work than play, untrusting nature, etc etc. As for 5: I'm not sure how much knowledge is an end in itself for you. You're studious, but not secretive. You're somewhat withdrawn, but is it so much that it could be the wing on your core type? I'm not sure about that. I think that the wing will show up quite strongly. You're rather detached, offer your talents, do fear being helpless (but I think you may fear pain and deprivation more?) For 7, there's the fear of pain and deprivation, quickness in acting, sensation seeking, unpolished, independent, frustrated, uncensored, self focused, busy, seeking of freedom and wishing to throw off structure, impatience, and impulsiveness. 5 doesn't work very well with 3 for you, you're not surgical enough, there's too much reactivity. For 7, 3 doesn't work so well either, but it feels like you are more apt to be showy when you're doing something well. You do withdraw, but I think it's more in order to make room for your own space required to meet what you deem successful (like to study to pass exams, rather than just because you need to conserve energy). You seem apt to create distractions and chaos for yourself.
For gut: For 1: you're principled, rigid, action oriented, frustrated, seek justice, focus on what needs to be fixed, suppress your emotions, are critical, but I think 6 accounts for most of this and 1 + 6, is likely too much, as if you had them both, you'd have more moral outrage/be more punitive. You don't seem to have the protective forcefulness of an 8. For 9, you are stubborn while also being accommodating, can put your own needs aside, are somewhat withdrawn, have a fear of loss and conflict. 9w1.

6w7 3w4 9w1 triple attachment, a hefty dose of frustration. Questioning, tracking, escapist egalitarian.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: I think I'd rate you moderate to low for the zone of self care, balanced in practicality/resources, moderate to a lot of focus on home life. Background, family, and health all play roles here, but you pay attention to some things while ignoring others.
SX: You've got a complicated relationship with parts of sx. I don't think I'm going to say anything you don't already know.
SO: You're very focused on the interpretation zone - especially adapting and reading between the lines, and on the participating zone.

There's a heaviness/blockage that feels contraflow, and I think so/sp fits you pretty well. The sp is blocking your so from your sx (much the way it blocks my sx from my so). There isn't the airy sort of lightness that so/sx would bring, and sp/so would create less turbulence, I think.

The Extraversion-Introversion Facets: Forgive me if I'm way off on these.
Initiating-Receiving: leaning receiving - I
Expressive-Contained: leaning contained - I
Gregarious-Intimate: leaning intimate - I
Active-Reflective: balanced?
Enthusiastic-Quiet: leaning enthusiastic - E.
Overall, I.

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: abstract - N
Realistic-Imaginative: balanced, I think you do both and do them well...
Practical-Conceptual: leaning conceptual - N
Experiential-Theoretical: leaning experiential - S
Traditional-Original: original - N
Overall, N.

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: logical - T
Reasonable-Compassionate: reasonable - T
Questioning-Accommodating: questioning - T
Critical-Accepting: critical - T
Tough-Tender: tough - T

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: casual - P
Planful-Open-Ended: balanced?
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: pressure - P
Scheduled-Spontaneous: leaning spontaneous - P
Methodical-Emergent: leaning methodical, but I'm not sure? J
Overall, P.



Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
what information do I need to provide
You can fill out the questionnaire or make a collage if you like, or I can just type you based on what I know about you already from your presence here.