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Can You Please Help Me Find My MBTI Type?


New member
Dec 21, 2022
Whoever comes up with the most believable type guesstimation for me is crowned kqueeing of typology by yours truly šŸ‘‘ (Emperoress if you throw in an added enneagram cookie, too, cause f-ck it).

For reference: I've bounced between ENTP, INTP, INFP, and ENFP the most. Recently, I'm torn between ENTP and INTP. Before studying cognitive functions in length, I believed I was an INFJ.


a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?

I am a 24 year old female from Southern California in the United States.

I donā€™t think I have any impairments that would affect my answers, but I will say that I have been a generally anxious person since I was a very young child. And around middle school, I noticed that I began to sink further into depression and anxiety as a coping mechanism for emotional neglect at home, as well as judgment and ridicule I was subjected to in school from peers. However, I still maintained a large friend circle and was known to still be a loud jokester, yet conditioned myself to behave and express myself in a way that would protect me from possible teasing, bullying, or judgment/rejection, which are very sore spots for me, even today.

Now, as I am working on these issues, I am finding it increasingly difficult to settle on a type, because the way I am now is so different than how I have conducted myself over the last 13 years. Even my friends would say I am one way with certainty, but I feel that I truly, authentically, am another way. These conflicting opinions within myself compared to the opinions of my friend group have made it hard for me to feel confident in a single type.

Plus, I still suffer from anxiety. Although I am getting better at becoming aware of it, it is still in the background most days, and because of this, I donā€™t know if my actions are fueled from anxiety, or from an authentic space within me; do I shy away from social situations because I genuinely prefer to be alone, or because I am socially anxious and scared of judgment?

I would say I am a spiritually inclined person, and I donā€™t have any strong political beliefs at the moment.

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven't you decided on one?

At the moment, I believe I operate on Ti/Fe Si/Ne axisā€™ and due to this, I am considering either ENTP or INTP.

However, for a while, I was torn between INFP and ENFP, and even held an INFJ typing for several months before I started studying cognitive functions. So there is definitely still a chance that I could be NF and not NT, which is why I am very reluctant to settle on a type or quadra.

I havenā€™t decided between INTP and ENTP because, shamefully, the stereotypes associated with each type have made it hard for me to resonate with either. I donā€™t believe my Fe is low in my function stack as with the INTP, and I do enjoy socializing, engaging, and making people laugh (when I feel the environment is safe to do so). Also I would say I am intellectually inclined, yet I am not deeply invested into the sciences and often go after more creative, abstract pursuits such as fiction writing, painting, etc.

As for ENTP, I do like to debate and exchange ideas, but I am not as aggressive or eager to do so as the type suggests. Iā€™m quite conscious of how my opinions can affect someone else emotionally, and I am very good at formulating my words in a way thatā€™s digestible for someone. I donā€™t carry the ā€œbluntā€ or (sorry) ā€œassholeā€ or ā€œjerkā€ labels that ENTPā€™s can carry because of their openness to play devilā€™s advocate. I understand that these stereotypes donā€™t apply to all of them, but Iā€™ve noticed many ENTPā€™s scoring lower on agreeableness than me, and generally just less conflict adverse than I am.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?

I believe my purpose in life is to become an author, and to write a series that touches many people on a wide scale. I feel as if I am meant to create something to be shared publicly and have a huge effect on a particular demographic of people.

I have, however, been wondering where the root of this desire and purpose stems from, and if this is a genuine passion that this sense of purpose comes from, or the need for me to fill something within me that I felt I lacked in childhoodā€”recognition, praise, validation, adoration?

But, I digress.

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?

I am prideful. I donā€™t like to accept help, and I feel threatened when I am being perceived or potentially perceived as intellectually inferior to someone. I will be one of the last to admit openly my insufficiencies in a particular area.

Greedā€”Nope. I tend to me fine with what I have, and if I want more, Iā€™m practical about my desire and donā€™t feel the need to hoard resources or covet them from others.

Lustā€”Least relatable. Iā€™ve always been intrigued by the insatiable lustful urges some people struggle to control, as that hasnā€™t been my experience (at least not yet). Then again, I donā€™t see sex or sexual desire as inherently bad. Not until one is expected to be ashamed of such natural urges, then the repression of sexual desire can become unhealthy and manifest into addiction, violent and aggressive behavior, harmful taboos, etc.

ā€”I relate to this one the most. I feel inferior to people (particularly women) whom I deem to be either more beautiful or more successful than me, especially in the field I desire to excel in. Iā€™m not proud of feeling so envious, and it fills me with shame at times, but I am aware that I struggle with this.

Gluttonyā€”In times of stress, anxiety, depression, yes, I am a glutton. It helps shut off my mind when I binge eat or overindulge in cannabis, video games, movies, etc.

Wrathā€”I would say I struggle with this the least. My anger translates to sadness, not rage or wrath.

Slothā€”Guilty. Yet when I am feeling unmotivated or comfortable doing nothing for long periods of time, I sink further into unhealthy headspaces, so I am making a conscious effort to not be content with sloth.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:

a) The type of people you are drawn to

I love open minded individuals. People with a certain emotional and intellectual depth; doesnā€™t have to be expressed on first meeting, but I can usually sense itā€™s there. I love people with a sense of humor; people who can command a room with their charisma. Non-judgmental and excitable, full of ideas and insights, and not afraid to be playful. I also find I love befriending quiet, shy people, as I can sense thereā€™s more that meets the eye, and I am a disarming person who can make most people feel comfortable, and I enjoy giving people the space to feel safe and comfortable around me.

b) The type of people who are drawn to you

Trauma dumpers. Iā€™m half joking.

I attract a lot of talkers. I mean talkers. In twenty minutes, theyā€™re telling me their life story. It kind of annoys me; I donā€™t like being talked at. I prefer to have conversations where we are in an ebb and flow.

c) The type of people you are repulsed by

Repulsed is such a strong word. I think Iā€™m going to change this to, ā€˜people I have no interest in connecting with or struggle to connect with.ā€™

Those who are obsessed with material gains. Surface level conversations that I sense wonā€™t be able to go a bit deeper. Confrontational, argumentative people who allow their emotions to cloud their judgment; I hate feeling like I canā€™t have a healthy discussion or argument with someone as they become angry, triggered, and turn it into personal offense as opposed to understanding the root of the matter.

People who are belligerent. People who suffocate the space and donā€™t give anyone else the opportunity to express and respond with their own insights and character because they enjoy attention so much, they would prefer to hold onto as much of it in the environment as they can.

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.

Confidence. Being able to light up a room without fear of judgment. The ā€œI donā€™t give a f---ā€ attitude that allows people to accomplish so much without fear. In social situations, my defense mechanism is to make myself small until I feel itā€™s safe to be myself. I donā€™tā€™ like competing for space or attention in social settings, yet Iā€™m such a big personality, I grow resentful at the fact that Iā€™m afraid to be myself, because Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m too loud, too annoying, too this or too that.

Also, Iā€™m quite sensitive to criticism. And I have a hard time being firm with my boundaries.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:

a) Anger

I actually have a lot of repressed anger; I have many dreams where Iā€™m screaming at people, yelling at them, fighting them, scaring them into submission. But in real life, I channel my anger into passiveness, or I cry when Iā€™m angry. I think Iā€™m afraid to allow myself to feel angry. Iā€™ve never angrily yelled at someone in my life.

b) Shame

I had a lot of shame surrounding sex that I am dealing with right now. I translate my sexual interests and curiosity as something being inherently wrong with me, and something that needs to be hidden. Yet me spending years hiding these aspects of myself have corrupted my view on sex, so much so that I am almost afraid of true intimacy and find uninhibited sexual expression to be distasteful.

c) Fear

I am a fearful person. A lot of anxiety. I hate it. I wish I was more brave, but my mind goes into overdrive about everything that can go wrong, will go wrong, and it leaves me a bit paralyzed. If I see someone in public whom I deem to cause me harm, my first instinct is to immediately run away. I hate fear, I think it isnā€™t useful, and I want to try my hardest to overcome it.

d) Love/passion

Beautiful things, but I struggle with being vulnerable enough to receive love. Sometimes I wonder if I even know what love is.

e) Conflict

I donā€™t like it. And I hate that I donā€™t like it. I get very anxious around people who seem to want an argument. I will defend myself, but I tend to shut down if I feel as if emotions are starting to muddle in on their end. I always obsess over whether I was too harsh, too mean, said the wrong thing, and sometimes Iā€™ll even apologize when I donā€™t feel I was in the wrong, because Iā€™m afraid of being perceived as a bad person. Because of this, I grow resentful that I didnā€™t stand my ground.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you've been unable to conquer, ect)?

My anxiety has been the most debilitating aspect of my life. So many opportunities Iā€™ve missed out on because I was afraid of judgment and ridicule. So many ways I wanted to authentically express myself, yet I was too afraid of what other people would think of me, or that it would highlight the aspects of myself I donā€™t like. So many times I hid away, isolated myself, let my depression suffocate me to the point where I was a functioning depressive on auto pilot. So many times I made myself small to protect myself. Until 2020 hit, and the extent of a decade of emotional suppression hit me all at once all the way through 2021. A scary, painful, uncertain road the last three years have been, yet so enlightening at the same time. Iā€™m currently in a space where I am making an effort to fight through my anxiety and put myself out there, planning things for next year that Iā€™ve always wanted to do.

Iā€™m afraid of being seen, of being exposed, because in my mind, that opens me up to judgment, and ridicule along with judgment are the most painful and difficult themes Iā€™ve carried with me throughout life.

8) Answer only one of the following:
a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?

I am a freelance fiction writer. I am going back to school early next year to get my degree in creative writing.

I chose this because I was dreadfully unhappy with the 9-5, service industry, clock in-clock-out routine, and wanted to start working for myself. I had been writing online for years and amassed a following, but never made any money from it until this year. Plus, I am a talented writer with a lot of room to grow, so I figured it would make sense to capitalize on this talent.

If something more lucrative came along that I found enjoyment in, I donā€™t see why I canā€™t do both. Iā€™m always open to ways I can make money on my own, on the side.

My ultimate 5-year goal is to support myself completely with freelancing. After that, New York Times Bestseller?

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?

I focus on their tone, how much theyā€™re disclosing about themselves, how they react to what Iā€™m saying, and how they interact with other people. I can usually determine their place in a group dynamic by watching them for a few minutes.

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?

Iā€™m torn between wanting the best for us collectively and fantasizing about a highly intelligent and benevolent alien race coming down to swoop me up and away to their better functioning planet.

I feel some of the biggest issues our race faces areā€”generational trauma, reckless allocation of resources, corruption, emotional repression, and the gross lack of foresight. Our refusal to dive deep into our collective unconscious to uncover the root of the problems we face and have been facing for generations is the reason why these issues keep repeating themselves.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?

I love learning about random sh-t. Nature documentaries, space exploration, psychology, interpersonal relationships. When Iā€™m feeling inspired, I love to write fiction. I also enjoy painting, I love listening to music and I like to sing. Used to be a big Elder Scrolls nerd, and had an Instagram page where I would post lore about the Elder Scrolls; had admins and everything, got up to 10k followers. Eventually got bored with it and shut the page down, but I still love playing Skyrim when I jump back into it.

I love going for a walk through my cityā€™s nature center, or at the beach. Hanging out with friends and going on trips with family.

13) How do you usually hang out with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.

I spend a lot of time hanging out with my best friend. Weā€™ll go to Starbucks, go shopping, talk in the car for hours. When we can get my group together, we go out to dinner or hang out at a friends place and watch movies and clown them; thereā€™s about 6 of us when we can all link. I tend to initiate interaction, but I can also be responsive. I find I enjoy hanging out with a large group, as it increases the chances of the vibes remaining consistent.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?

Actions are more important. As Kendall Roy once said, words are just ā€œcomplicated air flow.ā€

I spend a lot of time fantasizing about all of the things I want to do, but I understand that these ideas donā€™t mean shit unless I implement them. This overwhelms me, as I often feel Iā€™m not doing enough.

15) Oh dear, you've been cursed by a witch! It's ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose
a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste
b) To be immortal
c) To lose your memories
d) To be poor for the rest of your life
e) Or to never experience passion
Elaborate on why!

Iā€™d definitely take being poor for the rest of my life. These last three years have taught me that contentment, joy, happiness, all of that good stuff, has nothing to do with the inherent value of the external object, but the way it makes you feel. And that can change depending on your mental state.

I was miserable and suicidal with all of my bills paid and money in the bank. Now, at probably the brokest Iā€™ve been since Iā€™ve started working, I have this outlook on life and myself that has kept me in such a good, consistent headspace. Even when I only have a dollar to my name, yes, it sucks, but at the same time, Iā€™m totally fine. Iā€™d take this over the depressed, anxious, miserable mess I was when I was making above minimum wage any day.

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect.

I hope to avoid being a victim. Iā€™ve been there, done that, itā€™s no fun. Itā€™s disempowering. I hate being in a space where Iā€™m blaming the world for any and everything. Itā€™s weak. I donā€™t want to be weak anymore. Iā€™m not, actually, because I recognize Iā€™m not a victim; Iā€™m the problem, but Iā€™m also the solution. I donā€™t want to be someone who canā€™t take care of themselves and takes no responsibility for their life.

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?

Hmmā€”interesting question.

I tend to get ideas, get excited about them, become obsessed with them, then drop them. This could be with interests such as TV, fictional characters, areas of research, my own fictional stories, genres of music, etc. It usually isnā€™t what other people are obsessed with, though. Itā€™s based on what I am personally interested in, and that could vary.

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?

I am...organized chaos.

My life is an absolute mess, complete with uncertainty, spontaneity, and never knowing what call Iā€™m going to get about which bill and which deadline and what obligation. I can assure you an ENTJ or ESTJ would look at the state of my life and be jaw-dropped at how Iā€™m fine with the mess. But in my head, it all makes sense and all has a purpose.

I try to use schedules, but I always ditch them. I find that I have an easier time just using my head.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?

I donā€™t like being too comfortable because to me, I feel like Iā€™m stagnant and not achieving anything of value. I feel a pressure to be doing something. I feel most useful when I can see that my life is moving in some direction.

Which is why this era of my life has been difficult, because the universe has forced me to do nothing but sit still and accept where Iā€™m at.

I have small things I enjoy that bring me comfortā€”music, food, my favorite movies. Lately rewatching Lord of the Rings trilogy brings me a lot of comfort.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
For enneagram, I think you're gut last, there's a lot more heart and head in your answers. I think your gut is likely 9w1, your head 7w6 (though 6w7 is possible too), and your heart is a bit more difficult, but my best guess is 3 (not sure on the wing as there's both 2 and 4 in your answers). So my best guess is either 379 or 739. So/sx.


New member
Dec 19, 2022
The writing feels like Te. It feels like something from delta quardra. So maybe TeSi or SiTe. But this is a low fidelity guess at best.
My opinion on tests is, they just do not work for assessing true type.
The only way is a flesh and blood person with some skill.

Aimee Y offers a typing service.
And Vultology.

I'm a fan of Vultology as it uses body language confirmed by psychology. It has the greatest probability of being correct. Aimee is just using psychology so she can make an error if one of your lesser functions is more developed. I know, you're going to have to pay a little, but there is no other way, in my opinion.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
The writing feels like Te. It feels like something from delta quardra. So maybe TeSi or SiTe. But this is a low fidelity guess at best.
My opinion on tests is, they just do not work for assessing true type.
The only way is a flesh and blood person with some skill.

Aimee Y offers a typing service.
And Vultology.

I'm a fan of Vultology as it uses body language confirmed by psychology. It has the greatest probability of being correct. Aimee is just using psychology so she can make an error if one of your lesser functions is more developed. I know, you're going to have to pay a little, but there is no other way, in my opinion.
So you're just here to advertise for people who make you pay to be typed?


New member
Dec 19, 2022
So you're just here to advertise for people who make you pay to be typed?
No, I get nothing for this, that is money. There is just no other way to do this quickly with a reasonable amount of accuracy. It has been said that 50% to 90% of communication is nonverbal. For instance, dating apps rely on a few photos and a blurb of text. And most people are very unsatisfied with the apps. In a two-minute face-to-face meeting, you will know more about who someone is than any dating app could ever yield. Self-awareness is hard without interacting with another real person.


New member
Dec 2, 2022
Hi. I can try to help, since nobody has answered yet (in regard to your cognitive functions/mbti), and that's what you asked for. However, I'm not as big of an expert as some of the people here. I have been looking at typology for a couple of years though, so I'll give it a go. Some input from others is better than no input.

I think a lot of the answers you've given could be an indication of the after-effects of trauma, not your cognitive functions. For example, this might be why you don't respond well to criticism, so I might be able to dismiss that as unrelated to your type. Then again, I'm not a doctor. What this boils down to is that I'd like to ask you some specific questions to narrow it down, if that's ok?

1. Which fictional characters do you relate to most?

2. If you are in conversation with a group of half a dozen people, and you realize that one of them is uncomfortable, or might be feeling left out, do you see it as your responsibility to help them feel better?

3. What matters more, helping other people avoid suffering the trauma you've suffered, or having an interesting debate? I'm not judging you by asking this. I know both are important. I'm trying to see how far Ti/Ne is on your function stack, compared to Fe or Fi.

4. Do you find it easy or hard to talk about your feelings? Not necessarily the feelings you have about your past, but feelings in general? Is writing them down easier than verbally expressing them?

5. Do you share ideas as you're having them, or after you've had the idea?

6. Do you feel the need to me admired, or just the need to not be criticized?

Answering those questions should help me to work out which of the four type options you've mentioned is most likely.


New member
Dec 21, 2022
Hi. I can try to help, since nobody has answered yet (in regard to your cognitive functions/mbti), and that's what you asked for. However, I'm not as big of an expert as some of the people here. I have been looking at typology for a couple of years though, so I'll give it a go. Some input from others is better than no input.

I think a lot of the answers you've given could be an indication of the after-effects of trauma, not your cognitive functions. For example, this might be why you don't respond well to criticism, so I might be able to dismiss that as unrelated to your type. Then again, I'm not a doctor. What this boils down to is that I'd like to ask you some specific questions to narrow it down, if that's ok?

1. Which fictional characters do you relate to most?

2. If you are in conversation with a group of half a dozen people, and you realize that one of them is uncomfortable, or might be feeling left out, do you see it as your responsibility to help them feel better?

3. What matters more, helping other people avoid suffering the trauma you've suffered, or having an interesting debate? I'm not judging you by asking this. I know both are important. I'm trying to see how far Ti/Ne is on your function stack, compared to Fe or Fi.

4. Do you find it easy or hard to talk about your feelings? Not necessarily the feelings you have about your past, but feelings in general? Is writing them down easier than verbally expressing them?

5. Do you share ideas as you're having them, or after you've had the idea?

6. Do you feel the need to me admired, or just the need to not be criticized?

Answering those questions should help me to work out which of the four type options you've mentioned is most likely.
Thank you so much for your reply! I'll try to answer these as best as I can.

1. Which fictional characters do you relate to most?

Hmm...Miranda Hobbs from Sex and the City. Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle. Gandalf the Grey (lol).

To be honest, I've never thought about this question before. I would say I see a bit of myself in these characters, but I don't think I relate heavily to any favorite fictional characters.

2. If you are in conversation with a group of half a dozen people, and you realize that one of them is uncomfortable, or might be feeling left out, do you see it as your responsibility to help them feel better?

Absolutely. I hate when I'm at dinner, and we're going around the table catching up, and the person who's talking is being interrupted by someone having a side conversation. I think it's rude, and I'll tell them to stop so someone else has the floor to speak for once.

3. What matters more, helping other people avoid suffering the trauma you've suffered, or having an interesting debate? I'm not judging you by asking this. I know both are important. I'm trying to see how far Ti/Ne is on your function stack, compared to Fe or Fi.

Interesting question. I would say helping other people avoid the suffering I've suffered. Although I do like interesting debate, I enjoy giving advice that could help someone make a better decision.

4. Do you find it easy or hard to talk about your feelings? Not necessarily the feelings you have about your past, but feelings in general? Is writing them down easier than verbally expressing them?

I do find it difficult, and nearly impossible to talk about them with people UNLESS I trust you. And I mean really trust you. I am a better writer than I am verbal communicator, yes.

5. Do you share ideas as you're having them, or after you've had the idea?

After I've had the idea. But I do like sharing my process with people and being affirmed.

6. Do you feel the need to me admired, or just the need to not be criticized?

Both ;) Probably more admired.


New member
Dec 2, 2022
Hi. Sorry it's taken me a while to give you an answer. I'm also sorry, but I'm not 100% sure what your type is. I agree with you that you have Ne. It's unusual for people with Fe to not share their feelings readily. It's more common for people with Se as their fourth function to react to stress by choosing to binge on various things. However, you know yourself better than I know you. If you're fairly sure that you're an INTP or an ENFP then the answer is simple: Introverts are energised by spending time alone, and extroverts are energised by spending time with others. Once you know which one you are, then you'll know if you're an INTP (introvert) or an ENFP (extrovert.) If it helps, I think I'm an INFP, and I'm not getting INFP vibes from you. INFPs have very high, black and white moral standards, so I think they'd react differently to you to the question "What kind of people do you hate?" Keep in mind that this is just my opinion though. I've found that this youtube channel is very useful for typing yourself: https://www.youtube.com/@AlexisKingsley.