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Attitudinal Psyche Test Version 5 - Attitudinal Psyche
BEFORE YOU BEGIN • Answer with your immediate reaction. • Do not reflect, ask other people, think about options, or break down the logic of the sentence before answering. • Be honest about your initial reaction as this is your native attitude. • Listen to the cues your body gives you about the...

LEVF • The Visionary
LEVF is the Attitudinal Psyche type that seems the most interested in how they can envision and construct their reality to gain insight, meaning, and discover a philosophy that provides mental abundance. The LEVF appears to be protecting themselves from those who wish to take advantage of their philosophical nature by keeping their ideas close, resisting pressure, and putting conviction in their own ideas as the be-all end-all truth of the matter. They may come off as warm, intellectually lively, stoic, friendly, philosophical, perceptive, idealistic, succinct, dreamy, and at times reactive when others attempt to disrupt their decisions. The LEVF seems to want control over their identity through piecing together a philosophy that makes them feel at ease yet confident in the truth value held within the details.1-3 Subtype
The 1-3 subtype is the most raw about their own weaknesses and vulnerabilities with a strong focus on who or what is limiting them. They recognize how they could be destroyed by others and tend to openly reference and discuss it more than any of the other confident subtypes. They internalize and worry about what could stop them from bringing their best to a situation and do not mind sharing it with others. There is an inclination to dig at what the truth is regarding their own nature by blasting it from the rooftop. The 1-3 subtype needs to figure out how they could be harmed so they can protect their greatest gift within the first aspect. However, though they themselves are willing to share and be candid about what they are experiencing, this does not mean they want you to tell them what to do or how to live – and sometimes they would rather you not respond to them at all. They resist and downplay outside opinions as they believe their own candid nature is far superior to anyone else’s. The 1-3 subtype wants to perfect confidence by developing strategies to avoid the outside threats that could stop them.2-0 Subtype
The 2-0 subtype can be seen as the most to-the-point, no-nonsense, lax, chill, and untalkative of the bunch. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are shy because they often simply do not wish to waste time processing their own internal reactions out loud. They would rather save the processing that happens within the 2nd attitude for their own internal . This type can tend to think that all information regarding the 2nd aspect is obvious so there’s no need to over-process it, but will gladly put themselves in situations where others are discussing the aspect. The positives to this subtype is they are well attuned to keeping themselves from engaging in useless banter and extra information but the negatives are that they can fall into hibernation and cutting themselves off from showing their true selves to others and talking things out that need to be discussed. This type tends to be doubting of both their own positive and negative views of a situation. They often do not care about being overly talkative, seeming curious and interested in the aspect which can lead to mistyping as 3X or 4X. Eternal neutrality is often the resounding theme in their lives which confuses others who see them occasionally give feedback and engage in the aspect.3-3 Subtype
The 3-3 subtype is the easiest to identify as a true Insecure attitude as they generally do not hold back in negatively transmitting what makes them feel insecure. They will criticize and imagine others’ experiences next to their own to differentiate how they are in comparison. The 3-3 subtype wants to process out all possible negative outcomes with every individual involved in the aspect. They question anyone else’s authority over the aspect and prefer to create their own experiences and intricate opinions that no one can criticize. This subtype tends to be the most openly sensitive to outside attacks (as all are sensitive under the surface), whether perceived or real. This means that they often behave in a variety of ways making them difficult to pin down or “call out” as their third attitude is constantly shifting and reacting – which is par for the course for this position. They tend to immediately react to information related to the aspect held within, even if their response is totally disproportionate to what was said or declared.4-4 Subtype
The 4-4 subtype is the most apparent and easily recognizable of the unbothered subtypes. They tend to downplay the importance of their 4th aspect regarding their own needs but will easily incorporate new blocks of information from outside sources. They identify where they stand with the aspect with ease and are genuinely fearless and unconcerned with how it might affect them long term. Anyone can come along with an opinion and impart it on the 4-4 subtype, as there is an openness to incorporating information verbatim. The accentuated subtype is like a connoisseur of the aspect, as they can absolutely see how others are skilled or lacking within. They can appear to be entirely at the mercy of others and must watch closely for manipulation as they may fall victim to insidious opinions. The accentuated subtype has the easiest time shutting the aspect off when there are other issues happening affecting their first three attitudinal aspects. They behave as chameleons when information regarding the aspect is brought up, willing to go with others so long as it means they do not have to engage and process it themselves. The growth path is recognizing all the dormant potential of information that lies within the aspect. Rather than abandoning information as they normally do, they must learn to incorporate it into a holistic and meaningful understanding.————————————————–
**Below are unique elements of your subtype configurationFlow Aspect
You have a flowing aspect present, which means one of your aspects is pointing at another aspect. This means you will often connect these two aspects together and frequently discuss ideas surrounding the block that is formed. (Ex: VELF 2234 has a flowing aspect from 1-2 to 2-2 which is in the VE block so this person will often discuss motivation whenever V is brought up, mitigating the V conversation to E information.Second taking: (same type of LEVF)
1-1 Subtype
The 1-1 subtype is the easiest to identify because it is supremely confident and protective over its own understanding of the aspect held within. This is also the most common subtype for the confident attitude and the only common accentuated subtype. This type believes that their greatest gift lies within their ability to come up with quick answers regarding the aspect and will refuse to mitigate its understanding to other parts of the personality. The tendency is for the 1-1 subtype to come up with precise monologues about their opinions. They can come off as rude, cruel, or snappy if one criticizes their confident aspect – but will not see themselves as being this way. Instead, they view their opinions as standalone and obvious, so the internal thoughts are, “Why would I need to explain, as what I said speaks for itself.” However, they are also aware of how they can be harmed and make sure they are constantly developing their skills within the aspect to avoid weakness.2-1 Subtype
The 2-1 subtype is the most leaderlike of the flexible subtypes. They are prone to stating their opinions flat out regarding the aspect held within while retaining a self-focused demeanor. There is little holding back with this subtype as they are attempting to use their fearless aspect to lead by example. They seem to want to create higher levels of standards that others can observe and adopt for themselves without focusing on other people. The 2-1 subtype is still a process-oriented attitude at its core, so they are not trying to conclude the aspect like a true confident attitude would. However, they genuinely want others to follow their lead and overcome fears and obstacles by being as fearless as they present themselves to be. The follow-me subtype is looking for opportunities to express itself and become a bastion of hope for those who are less confident. This subtype is not as argumentative as the 2-3 subtype, but more unrelenting, blunt, and willing to impart its knowledge endlessly in a confident manner through long monologues. This type reports a strong need to guide others by example, so they can discover their best selves in the aspect.3-4 Subtype
The 3-4 subtype tends to focus on their own insecurities and fears and how it has ruined their own experience with the aspect. At times they can victimize themselves and mentally spin out about how the aspect has negatively impacted them. They will often attempt to manage their anxiety with step-by-step instructions of how to “fix” their issues within the aspect and they do this on their own time more so than the other subtypes due to being self-focused. This subtype tends to escape direct challenges of their opinion of the aspect and will use mocking sarcasm or underhanded jabs to get back at the culprit before disconnecting and isolating themselves. There may be more of a dormant phase of the 3rd attitude present with quick interweaving reactive phases throughout their lives. The 3-4 subtype frequently trivializes any attack made against them because others are not what matters in their perception of the aspect. What is unseen to the observer is that any attack does bother this subtype but by trivializing others they can process the insecurity on their own time.4-1 Subtype
The 4-1 subtype is the most flippant and results focused of the unbothered subtypes. When they do engage in the aspect, they tend to be bold, to-the-point, and quick to pick an answer that seems the most conclusive. This subtype rarely focuses on individuals which gives them an impersonal vibe. They can change their mind at a moment’s notice due to scanning for quick answers when they want them. The 4-1 subtype moves on even quicker than the accentuated subtype which can make them appear 1X. They can often miss details and ignore new suggestions given to them if they think they have the solution for how to do something “the right way”. For this reason, the 4-1 subtype can look shut off from others, preferring to be entirely self-sufficient. This subtype has an urgency about it that is reminiscent of the first attitude, yet it lacks the certainty, confidence, and true emboldened nature that the first attitude displays. They focus on saving time and replacing old ways of doing things with more efficient methods————————————————–
**Below are unique elements of your subtype configurationChain Aspects
You have a chain present in your subtype configuration which means you have one aspect pointing to another aspect which points to another aspect. This means that you may often cycle information through multiple aspects rather than staying put. You likely go through many different reactions in conversation and people may view you as vibrant, multi-faceted, complex, or even enigmatic.Double Flow Aspect
You have a double flowing aspect present, which means two of your aspects are pointing at another aspect. This means you will often connect these three aspects together and frequently discuss ideas surrounding the blocks that are formed. (Ex: VELF 2224 has a double flowing aspect from 1-2 to 2-2 and 3-2 to 2-2 which are in the VE and LE blocks so this person will often discuss motivation or education whenever V or E is brought up, mitigating the V and L conversation to E information.After the questions were edited somewhat, I got:
LEFV • The Daydreamer
LEFV is the Attitudinal Psyche type that seems the most interested in imagining new philosophies or ideas that can apply to humanity in a way that promotes open communication. The LEFV appears to be protecting their right to passionately state their own beliefs while refusing to feel strained or shamed into changing the methods in which they apply these beliefs. They may come off heady, deeply concerned, intellectual, day-dreamy, idealistic, illusory, thoughtful, reflective, and at times completely detached from their own desires and life goals. The LEFV seems to want control over their identity by confidently assessing how the world works and what they can do to keep themselves from falling victim to cynicism, overwhelm, and bodily harm.1-1 Subtype
The 1-1 subtype is the easiest to identify because it is supremely confident and protective over its own understanding of the aspect held within. This is also the most common subtype for the confident attitude and the only common accentuated subtype. This type believes that their greatest gift lies within their ability to come up with quick answers regarding the aspect and will refuse to mitigate its understanding to other parts of the personality. The tendency is for the 1-1 subtype to come up with precise monologues about their opinions. They can come off as rude, cruel, or snappy if one criticizes their confident aspect – but will not see themselves as being this way. Instead, they view their opinions as standalone and obvious, so the internal thoughts are, “Why would I need to explain, as what I said speaks for itself.” However, they are also aware of how they can be harmed and make sure they are constantly developing their skills within the aspect to avoid weakness.2-2 Subtype
The 2-2 subtype is the most obvious to identify out of all the flexible subtypes. They tend to have a huge range of information and opinions towards the aspect and involve all opinions and viewpoints of the people around them. There is a constant need to move forward with this subtype so they can explore every piece of information available, no matter the source. They can also focus on balancing information between themselves and others, while refusing to reach a conclusion. For this reason, they are always testing their opinions with others, desiring to have consistent dialogue. This subtype rarely ever gets tired of sharing information or expressing their opinion about the aspect. They may come off as overly talkative and unconcerned about getting a desired result as exploration is the focus. The 2-2 subtype can undergo the most intense pressure placed on it without budging. This is because they continue to be curious about the “why” behind every construct, even if it means putting themselves in precarious situations. They have the most patience for others who are destructive and skeptical.3-0 Subtype
The 3-0 subtype tends to be the most careless about defending itself. This type wants to ignore all insecurities that crop up in their awareness by neutralizing the problem and moving on. They may refuse to process sensitivities by acting as if nothing bothers them. “It’s fine” is a common phrase they incorporate into their dealings with the 3rd aspect. The 3-0 subtype has a difficult time realizing what the core issue is within themselves because they purposely obscure the feelings of dread as soon as they arise. They can tend to push things off until a later time or adopt a “nothing matters” nihilistic attitude about all things related to the aspect held within. This type is prone to outbursts after long periods of time suppressing their true frustrations and irritations surrounding the 3rd aspect. The aggression that comes spilling out of the 3-0 subtype may not be as explosive as other subtypes but it is memorable for anyone involved due to its surprising nature.4-3 Subtype
The 4-3 subtype is the most prone to self-disgust of all the unbothered subtypes. This subtype tends to resist the aspect by processing what is worth spending their mental energy on. They tend to isolate the aspect from others and have a distinct self-absorbed attitude about what wastes their time. This subtype easily imagines roadblocks that might get in their way but often has no idea what to do about them. In conversation, they may trail off into tangents or explanations of how they see things as useless or annoying within the aspect, but they also have no issue ignoring it until a later time. There is a true lack of anxiety that we see present in the insecure attitudes, as the 4-3 subtype is only using this skeptical nature to figure out what is worth inviting into their mental sphere. Once they have figured out what is worth their time, they move on. They can sometimes mitigate to their third aspect which does cause them anxiety and further causes them to ignore their fourth aspect. This mechanism can make the 4th attitude invisible to the individual. Like the 4-1 subtype, there is an annoyance with wasting time in the aspect, so figuring out how to be more efficient is always a boon.————————————————–
**Below are unique elements of your subtype configurationFlow Aspect
You have a flowing aspect present, which means one of your aspects is pointing at another aspect. This means you will often connect these two aspects together and frequently discuss ideas surrounding the block that is formed. (Ex: VELF 2234 has a flowing aspect from 1-2 to 2-2 which is in the VE block so this person will often discuss motivation whenever V is brought up, mitigating the V conversation to E information.
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