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New member
May 31, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Maybe I like thinking aloud. And shearing my thoughts.

Can you make that ok?

I can make the things I don't particularly like ok and move on. How about you? [MENTION=25268]Zay[/MENTION]

No, I can not make it ok and I can not move on. Stop shearing your thoughts and stop thinking aloud.


New member
May 31, 2015
Instinctual Variant

Sounds like the neurotic part of your inner Sx/Sp/So is at work-KitchenFly

Do have much on going troubles with this over compensating part of your being?

4's 2's and nines can have This sheared inner difficulty "team is impotent" we kinda have to survive together would be a topical articulation a simpatico inspired hop to connect believe that self and other are on the same page connected as one on the same Planet.

Are you by chance a Sx:4 ? [MENTION=24144]KitchenFly[/MENTION]

It's interesting how the two Sp functions work within the overcompensation of the type via the sub conches needs to feel centred and free within the psychodrama of selfs need to de expressively free willed.

You seek to limit free will and choice with an other rather than accept diversity within the multiplicity and move on enjoying the aspects of being that generate aliveness within self.

So/sp instinct has its complicated stress stress structure, I know I am human to. Perhaps you would like to shear you hart felt experience as to the type you see your self as being and I could illuminate for you the structure and mechanics that are moving you while your self is focused upon holding balance rather than embracing the a texture of the posture of this inmate controlling component of Being.

Please do tell your story [MENTION=24144]KitchenFly[/MENTION]


New member
Oct 5, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Fascinating thread but over my head and beyond my areas of expertise. Excellent read, however, and an interesting correlative theory.

:sage: :thumbup:


The more you know..
Oct 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Who are you?! 0_0


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
I am Mark friend of God.



Active member
Feb 5, 2015
The instinctual variant structures is a fascinating subject and is a subject.

There is much movement more movement in fact than is commonly recognised.

In my opinion the instinctual variant's are connected to the primary triangle Point:3 sense, Point:9 relate, Point:6 feel.

I also suspect that the instinctual variant structure has a structural connection within the 18 subtype structure at the level of Tri type. My thoughts are, the subtype energy component of self has a extended capacity and that capacity is a second Tri type structure that is directly connected to the intelligence of identifying traits behaviours and attitude orientated mannerisms that stem from the cognitive phycology output generated from the six instinctual variant head's innate.

To be helpful the nine energies and the six instinctual variants are interconnected. Stemming from the complexity, is a structure much like a multiplicity (two subtype wing structures) one that generates an agenda orientated focus and the other a mood related orientated focus.

As an example I Am 9 , INFP 9w1 , 936 963 369 Sx/Sp/So , 9w8 5w6 4w5

The (936 963 369) is linked to the structure (Sx/Sp/So) but via intense Presence a second tritype structure is able to become active and this structure is able to witness and describe in typology like manner the instinctual variant head structure.

I am unsure as how the larger synergy actually works it maybe that two tritype structures one from each subtype wing structure influence contributes to the over all cognitive ability. But I do know that three shocks are involved and it is my belief that the three shocks are the awakening of the three lenses the three components of the second Tritype structure innate via the primary subtype structure.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
What MBTI/Socionics type do you identify with, KitchenFly?

INFP, I don't know anything about the Socionics structure, every time I think about it lately I am thinking that it's a lens view out onto the human condition from the SP view point. I wonder if there is a 36 perspectives structure within the Socionics model. Sixteen ways to interpret four actions.

But I don't know I have never spent more than ten minute at a time looking at the system [MENTION=25594]CognitiveLiberty[/MENTION]


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Seems like you are trying to correlate and combine all kinds of theories and information in order to create your own theory and understanding of things which, when translated into words and posted on forums makes no sense to everyone else. Even crazier is that you have been busy with this for 25 years.

Your confusing posts are all over the internet, with your first MBTI/Enneagram correlation article (which you also post everywhere) being posted all the way back in 2007. Which was the same year you quit your business in Australia? :p

He says he is an INFP 9w1 sx/sp.
Well yer, So..? Good detective work on your part and what of it?

Is it right wrong or nether right or wrong just simply is... All over the Internet since 2007 when I deregistered my provisional patent entitled: A System For Identifying Personality Type. An Australian Provisional Patent Application.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Not may people will have an interest in this but I am going to post and add to it kinda like a thought blog, modelling note page.

There will most likely be simple spelling errors so please be forgiving and if in drought think of the word phonetically and you most you will be able to follow along, and post spelling errors and I will fix then.

I will kinda be all over the place compiling and bring old and new number patterns to the table.

First I will start with the Dark Energy Number, then my Carbon Number, and my Absolute number pattern and then I will present some number pattern's that I have posted recently on the forum.

I will post pictures of tables and interesting stuff like that to help other see and follow along and think there own thoughts and do there own thing if that may choose.

For me it is an interest a curiosity some thing I like to do and something I be leave is important so I give my self the response ability to undertake the exploration.

I will be doing a very nine thing I will be endeavour to synthesise things together in a global way because I am very much a global thinker big picture thinker.

An example is my latest train of thought linking DNA & RNA from both genes and bacterium to the Dark Energy number giving an explanation as to a posable purpose for the first part of the number 122 zero's, and if it is correct then it helps to understand how to ex spore the dark matter number and its role within the fixed design of the Human condition.

Some would say this is type six terrain but I say it is everyone's terrain and all I will do is provide a simple over view and then leave it to smarter people them my self to do the work I am unable to do and that is to advance it and work out its complexity from a simple global view I hope to provide as a conceptual idea that seems to make sense within my mind.

Please don't post a reply for a bit because I have much to,cut and past and it will take maybe one or two full posting pages.

I will start this exercise tomorrow.

But just as a little teaser for those who have read my post on the dark energy number, if you look at the table of DNA and count the 64 twice and subtract three twice you get the number 122.

I will post a pic and you will intuitively work out witch three to subtract from the count and and one 64 is for DNA of genes and the other is for bacteria please note that I have not checked if there are also 64 for bacteria but I am thinking with out first checking that it is most likely so.


Well as you can see I am thinking it is the; STOP, STOP, STOP.

Just of the top of my head I would think of the six STOP's and the six instincts and the six pointed figure and at a solar system level, the six asteroid belts between Mars and Jupiter.

That's just something to consider as a possibility I still need to work my number pattern that has three Zeros a One and two Nines into the conceptual idea first. I am thinking that the three zeros may have a simple like with the three primary points of 3 6 9 and the T C A of the five letters within the DNA and RNA molecules. T & U for uracil maybe the clue , two sets of three a T or a U.

It kinda reminds me of zero at point nine and nine at point nine having four components at three points if you get my thinking it's like a simple but complex switch.

Any way the Dark Energy number is one hundred and twenty two zero's and some thing like a 138.

A very long number. I kinda think of it as being like one of Greater Natures Cosmic DNA-RNA code numbers for supporting galactic structure. Life as in organic life being a structure. So the importance of there being a link, and I am thinking it maybe an important thing to think about and explore as a posable model.


The body relies on bacteria single cell bacteria cells and it out numbers 20:1 the normal cells that we think of as running shop via genetic information. the reality maybe that single cell bacteria genes may affect our health and personality.

The point is two sets of genes maybe responsible for the evolution of our health and perhaps personality.

these two Ted Talks tuned me in and you may like to visit TED TALKS and watch them for an overall understanding.

How bacteria "talk" - Bonnie Bassler
How bacteria "talk" - Bonnie Bassler - YouTube

Rob Knight: How our microbes make us who we are
Rob Knight: How our microbes make us who we are - YouTube

atoms alive episode 4 DNA: Code and Expression
atoms alive episode 4 DNA: Code and Expression - YouTube

Catalyst - Custom Universe (2013)
Catalyst - Custom Universe (2013) - YouTube

Professor Leonard Susskind -Catalyst - Custom Universe (2013)
So, the dark energy is not exactly zero, but the first 122 decimal points are zero. That's crazy. That is really one of the craziest things we've ever discovered.

Professor Brian Greene - Catalyst - Custom Universe (2013)
The amount of it is bizarre. It's a number that has basically a decimal point, 122 zeros and something like a 138 at the end. It's hard for us to imagine starting with a theory, doing calculations, and, after some number of pages of scribbling, having .000... All these zeros and then a one pop out of our equations.



Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Mixing the enneagram and MBTI is like crossing a fish with bicycle.

So I suppose being a Social dom 5w6 and an ENTP is considered "normal"?

Only under or via stress. The kinda stress that hold the tension of mood to the self's own experience of character. Agenda driven focus for the 5w6 and an ISFP focus would be considered also normal.

And an INTJ lead retort or INTP lead Roebuck could be considered normal for a 5w6.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
It means I may have got the ball over the line and scored a tri or kicked the ball and scored a goal.

It means if you are interested in self and the universe and how dose it work more clues may be presented via my contribution. It means scientists may make real leaps in knowledge if my work is correct. It means a lot if it is true and correct.

Maybe there's no ball.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Quant foam, Bifurcation between atoms. strong force ,quarts and there workings and Dark energy on the other side of quantum foam QCD.

Dark energy Dark matter.


Quantum foam = fuzzy strings = Possibility; hosted by dark energy/dark matter.




Active member
Feb 5, 2015

The one thing I note that you did not touch upon is the usage of the hearts electromagnetic field. Anyone who is worth there salt kind of knows that presence and receptivity play a role and that there are seven fields seven layers of information one field being Self as a separate entity within the environment observed. I think I can understand your final statement that there is much debate and no consensus exists. Perhaps a different approach is needed. Remember 95% of the universe is invisible energy dark energy and if it is host the game you are playing of mapping how the brain organizes information may need to broaden to include the quantum biological dynamics at work receptivity and presence.