think i'm a 6w7. this thread makes me question
enneagraminstitute said:
Misidentifying Sixes and Sevens
Sixes and Sevens can be mistyped when there is confusion between main type and wing: that is, between a Six with a Seven-wing and a Seven with a Six-wing. Both are Thinking types, and both are driven by anxiety, although they cope with their anxious feelings in strikingly different ways. Sixes tend to react to their anxiety by fretting and becoming more anxious. They may react counterphobically by reacting against their fears, but react they do. Further, anxiety tends to make Sixes more pessimistic and negative about themselves and their prospects. They can be full of self-doubt, while being suspicious of the motives of others.
Sevens, by contrast are extremely optimistic, and react to anxiety by looking for enjoyable distractions. Sevens suppress their self-doubt as much as possible, and try to keep everything upbeat. Sevens tend to deny the dark corners of their souls, sixes tend to get stuck in them. Sixes, however, have a heightened sense of responsibility and do not allow themselves to "goof off" until all of their obligations have been met. Sevens, for better or for worse, are far more spontaneous, and resist having too many expectations placed on them. They want to be free to come and go as they please, and find the Six's persistent sense of commitment potentially limiting and dull. Sixes tend to find the Seven's lifestyle flighty and irresponsible. In short, sixes seek out structure and guidelines: Sevens resist both. Compare David Letterman (a Six) with Jim Carey (a Seven).
Nomenclature said:
I was talking to a 6 the other day (you know Korrbin, right?) who said that he wasn't much of a traveler (in the context of me saying something about joining the Peace Corps... i.e. overseas and long-term) because it was like, "I wouldn't want to make a commitment and limit my options. What if it ends up not being what I expected and I can't back out of it? [...]
Thing is, 6's NEED to have something to anticipate and align their plans and backups.
yeah. i relate with that. i actually love love love to travel but i hate the idea of getting trapped in something for the longterm. i can also wing it really well in the moment but i dislike going into something knowing i have to wing it. it's kind of exciting but also nervewracking.
Marm said:
I have the terror of making the wrong decision, I have a lot of those traits.
But I'm just not as carefree. I'm just too intense and worried about certain things.
ICUP said:
Fear of death seems to be somewhat common for 6w7's.
seems to be somewhat common for
me, i'm afraid of nothingness.
Nomenclature said:
Lady X said:
and 7 is what?? afraid of boredom? being trapped? not being able to experience all the things you want to experience?
Being confined by your circumstances. Not being able to move around. I imagine with 6's it's more like, "What's holding me back is that x is the worst that could happen, and there might be something better that I missed" and with 7 it's like, "Why would that hold me back? C'est la vie. RIGHT NOW there isn't something better, so I'll go for it." I wouldn't know, though. Head and gut fixes aren't in my repertoire.
i'm afraid of making or having made the wrong choice, which will cut off future options, or trap me when there's something better. it's sort of weird, it's anticipatory fear. it's totally imaginary.
i'm really good at making my own personal hell like that, even over really stupid little things like choosing a shirt color. example: do i want the red or green? hard choice... i do like plants more than fire... but i feel fiery sometimes... mom likes red better, dad likes green better, i don't want to choose between them... what if i get the red then i really would rather have the green... or vice versa... ok i'll get the green... then i go home and wonder if i should have gotten the red. i don't think like that all the time, but frequently enough. the odd thing is that once pressure is applied, it gets a lot easier for me. if i'm under fire because of a deadline or some other pressing circumstance, and don't have time to overthink it, then i make really good, quick decisions.
CzeCze said:
Which distilled, is basically we are afraid to be utterly alone and forced to be with ourself and alone with our deepest, darkest fears and pain. [...]
Options and the new days gives me hope. 7's are essentially optimistic. 6's are vigilant.
assuming i actually am a 6w7, i don't think it's really that different. "vigilant" is not a word i easily recognize myself in - more "overthinking". always constantly analyzing everything. options and new days give me hope, also - i love nothing more than a bright morning and a day wide open - but i also fundamentally want structure. i want the new day but i also want an established circle of friends to contact if i feel like hanging out. i want a secure home i can go to if i'm feeling tired. i want a defined purpose in my life and i want a secure system that i can return to or deviate from at will. and speak of deviate - i'm an ace at loopholes. i always liked the funny saying "learn the rules so you know how to break them properly." i agree with that. learn the rules so that when you break them, you can do so consciously, intentionally, and with good reason. and skillfully! i love to see well-handled breaking of rules.
A 7 will reframe, minimize, or ignore or basically escape from a problem if it bothers us too much and the idea of fixing it or dealing with it fully makes us anxious. A 6 may become pre-occupied or anxious about even a potential problem but will figure out how to either pre-emptively neutralize it, safely have it pass it, or be prepared for a battle with all the possible scenarios worked out.
yeah. example - i got an odd call from work today. my boss asked if i was coming in, i told him the time, he said, okay, and hung up. my mind immediately spun into creating many different scenarios of why he might call like that, several of them notably negative. i thought of things i might have done wrong and how i would explain it, reasons they might be upset with me and how i would defend myself, even how to preempt them if they were thinking about firing me. when i got into work, i learned that he was just double-checking because someone lost the schedule.
A 6 is more like the paranoid survivalist hunter who knows the landscape is dotted with enemies and draws a map with and maybe builds a neato long range gun to snipe enemies at a distance then maybe yells for good measure, "F*CK YOU - YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET ME TODAY' before scurrying back to their giant stockpile of cans in a post-apocolyptic world. If that makes sense. Dale Gribble from 'King of the Hill' is a poster child for (hysterically paranoid) 6/5's.
haha! though i have to try to emphasize that i don't feel like it's gloom and doom or anything in my head. yeah it's feisty and defensive sometimes, and reactive often, but i'm a pretty positive person in general, and my overall inner landscape tends to focus on the positive. it's just when i sense that there might be a danger to my sense of happiness and stability that i go into battle mode. i think the above might apply more for 6/5? i definitely fly by the seat of my pants on a regular basis. but yeah, i like cool techno gadgets...
A 7 feels like 'I make things happen, I can find things, experience things, make things' etc.
A 6 is more 'anything can happen to me, people can bother me, disasters can strike, I must be ready because nothing is gonna get one over on me'
I think those are accurate ^^
i'd immediately associate more with that 7, but i still think i'm a 6. i think it's hard for any ENFP to stay negative, regardless of enneatype
i believe that the world is fundamentally good but i'm also afraid of other people, who can hurt me and ostracize me and limit me.
6's worry more about security and also the health of the group they belong to. The group is part of their identity.
A 7's scope is more global.
what do you mean by that? like you don't affiliate, so you're more global?
the way i see it, we're all part of groups - human species, a gender, a nationality, an ethnicity, things in the universe, etc... there are infinte groups. the scope is not lesser just because it is broken up into categories. sometimes i can feel "us vs them" but you can affiliate with the "enemy" on the same grounds. in the office, my coworker and i are affiliates against our boss, but in the city, my boss and i are affiliates against other companies. it's all about levels.
perhaps a 7's scope is more