Lol. Here's my Awakened Animal Flying Squirrel 4th level wood kineticist...
"My name is Loras, I speak for the trees...!"
Loras Truffula.............. Kineticist 4
Awakened Animal
Flying Animal
Perception +8;
Languages None selected
Skills Acrobatics +7, Arcana +6, Athletics +1, Intimidation +7, Lore: Awakened Animal +8, Lore: Guild +6, Medicine +8, Nature +8, Stealth +7, Survival +8
Str +1,
Dex +1,
Con +4,
Int +0,
Wis +2,
Cha +1
Items Unarmored
AC 17;
Fort +12,
Ref +9,
Will +10
HP 54
Speed 20 feet
Take Flight
(Awakened Animal)
Prerequisites flying animal heritage
Frequency once per round Though it's not fully effective, much of your ability to fly has stayed with you. You Fly. If you don't normally have a fly Speed, you gain a fly Speed of 15 feet for this movement. If you aren't on solid ground at the end of this movement, you fall.
Battle Medicine
(General, Healing, Manipulate, Skill)
Prerequisites trained in Medicine
Requirements You're holding or wearing a healer's toolkit. You can patch up wounds, even in combat. Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds and restore the corresponding amount of HP; this doesn't remove the wounded condition. As with Treat Wounds, you can attempt checks against higher DCs if you have the minimum proficiency rank. The target is then immune to your Battle Medicine for 1 day. This does not make them immune to, or otherwise count as, Treat Wounds.
Timber Sentinel
(Impulse, Kineticist, Plant, Primal, Wood) A slim, symmetrical tree travels from the Plane of Wood. You conjure a tree within 30 feet, as a protector tree spell of a rank equal to half your level rounded up. If you use this impulse again, any previous one ends, and an ordinary tree remains.
Hail of Splinters
(Impulse, Kineticist, Overflow, Primal, Wood) A fusillade of jagged splinters flies from you. Creatures in a 30-foot cone take 1d4 piercing damage and 1d4 persistent bleed damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC.
Level (+2) Each type of damage increases by 1d4.
Tumbling Lumber
(Impulse, Kineticist, Primal, Wood) A slew of logs eject from the Plane of Wood and slam into your enemies. They roll in a 10-foot-wide, 30-foot-long line. Non-magical difficult terrain on any ground the logs roll over is smashed flat; greater difficult terrain remains. Each creature in the area takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and might be moved by the logs, depending on its Reflex save against your class DC.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage and is pushed out of the line in the most direct path available.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is knocked prone.
Level (+3) The damage increases by 1d8.
Channel Elements
(Aura, Kineticist, Primal)
Requirements Your kinetic gate isn't active. You tap into your kinetic gate to make elements flow around you. Your kinetic aura activates, and as a part of this action, you can use a 1-action Elemental Blast or a 1-action stance impulse. Your kinetic aura is a 10-foot emanation where pieces of your kinetic element (or all your kinetic elements, if you can channel more than one) flow around you. The kinetic aura can't damage anything or affect the environment around you unless another ability allows it to. Channel Elements has the traits of all your kinetic elements. Your kinetic aura automatically deactivates if you're knocked out, you use an impulse with the overflow trait, or you Dismiss the aura. Though you can't use new impulses while your kinetic aura is deactivated, ones you already used remain, and you can still Sustain any that can be sustained. Stance impulses are linked to your kinetic aura and end when the aura deactivates.
Elemental Blast
(Attack, Impulse, Kineticist, Primal) With a wave of your hand, you collect elemental matter from your aura and swing or hurl it. Choose one of your kinetic elements and a damage type listed for that element, then make a melee or ranged impulse attack against the AC of one creature. Add your Strength modifier to the damage roll for a melee Elemental Blast. If you make a 2-action Elemental Blast, you gain a status bonus to the damage roll equal to your Constitution modifier. The element determines the damage die, damage type, and range (for a ranged blast). A damage type other than a physical damage type adds its trait to the blast. • Air 1d6 electricity or slashing, 60 feet • Earth 1d8 bludgeoning or piercing, 30 feet • Fire 1d6 fire, range 60 feet • Metal 1d8 piercing or slashing, 30 feet • Water 1d8 bludgeoning or cold, 30 feet • Wood 1d8 bludgeoning or vitality, 30 feet
Critical Success The target takes double damage.
Success The target takes full damage.
Level (+4) The damage increases by one die.
Base Kinesis
(Impulse, Kineticist, Primal) It's trivial for you to create some of your element or alter a portion of it that already exists. Choose one of your kinetic elements to affect. This impulse has a range of 30 feet, and the Bulk of the target must be negligible or light. The GM decides what Bulk the element is. You can't affect an element that's magical, secured in place (like a stone mortared in a wall), or attended by a creature unwilling to let you. Choose one of the following options, though the GM might allow you to make similar small alterations. Base Kinesis can't deal damage or cause conditions unless otherwise noted. •
Generate You bring an ordinary, non-magical piece of the chosen element from its elemental plane. The element can be used for any of its normal uses. For example, air can be breathed by an air-breathing creature, and fire casts light and can ignite flammable substances. •
Move Move an existing piece of the element up to 20 feet in any direction. If you bring it into your space, you can catch it in an open hand. You can Sustain the impulse to keep moving the element. •
Suppress You destroy an existing piece of element, such as snuffing out a flame or evaporating water from a cup. This affects only natural forms of the element, not durable, crafted goods like a stone statue, metal lock, or wooden door.
Level (+4) The range increases by 15 feet, and the maximum Bulk increases by 1 (allowing Bulk 1 at 5th level).
Extract Element
(Impulse, Kineticist, Primal) You extract elemental matter from a creature's body to weaken it and take its power for your own. Target a creature within 30 feet that has a trait matching one of your kinetic elements or is made of one of your kinetic elements. The target takes 2d4 damage (with no damage type) and becomes susceptible to your impulses, depending on its Fortitude save against your class DC.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage, and you add some of its elemental matter to your kinetic aura. Your impulses bypass any immunity the creature has to their elemental trait or traits, and the target takes a –1 circumstance penalty to its saves and AC against your impulses. If the target normally has a resistance that would apply to damage from one of your impulses, ignore that resistance; if it normally would be immune to that damage type, it instead has resistance equal to its level to damage from the impulse. You can't target a creature with Extract Element if elemental matter you extracted from it is already in your kinetic aura. These effects last for 5 minutes or until your kinetic aura ends, whichever comes first.
Failure As success, but the creature takes full damage.
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature takes double damage.
Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d4.
Focus Spells (0 points)
Protector Tree
Additional Feats Additional Lore,
Awakened Animal Lore,
Elemental Familiar,
Flying Animal,
Group Coercion,
Intimidating Glare,
Versatile Blasts
Additional Specials Awakened Animal Size (Small),
Kinetic Aura,
Kinetic Gate (Single Gate),
Kineticist Element (Wood Element),
Wood Impulse Junction