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miss deceit

Aug 22, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Just thought this would be fun, try to put first impressions out the way and just answer based on this plz

1. How would an author describe you in a book? Write the paragraph that would introduce you in a novel.
Hmm well I haven't done fictional writing in a while so I'll just list some things that would be described:
- Smirk
- Casual dress sense
- Black and red aesthetic
- Trickster/mischievous/chaotic personality
- Laughing and joking in serious situations
- Total shit stirrer

2. Think over the past day or week and make a mental list (you can also write it here) of ways other people have annoyed, angered, or otherwise bothered you - any situation where people have done one thing, while you wished they would have done another. Look at each of these instances and answer (you can make a list or make note of general patterns - an example is good):

a. How would I characterize the trait that bothered me?
b. Why did it bother me?
c. How did I react?
d. How do I wish I would have reacted?
e. If there was a discrepancy between c. and d., why did it come up?

- People being illogical by claiming to be two types at once - this was consistent behaviour over time so I had to block this person (also partly due to other things). I wish things didn't have to go that far but it was necessary.
- People being overly sensitive - Called it out and I'm glad I did
- People being salty over video games - also called it out and glad I did, just wish the other person actually addressed it instead of trying to change the subject

3. What holds you back in life? This can be an internal or external force. If that thing were gone, what would be different? What would you do?
Money, because I wish I had more money so I could do more, go out more etc. Not only this, but I'd also be able to afford better technology (Eg. a better computer) so I could then have more editing freedom over the content I upload onto youtube. I also wish I were able to study as many courses as I like at university because there was about 7 or 8 I wanted to choose from and I had to just pick 1.

4. Your deepest secret has just been revealed to the person or people from whom you most wished to keep it. How do you feel? How do you react? What are the results on your life?
Well depending on the secret I might not be too happy, but I'd also enjoy the chaos of the situation. If it was revealed by another person, I might want to do the same back to them but like it wouldn't be "life ruining".

5. You are offered one of three gifts: a bottle filled with water from the Fountain of Life, a crown which will give you peaceful dominion over the world's people for your entire (full) lifetime, and a ring which will unite you with your true love and ensure a happy, passionate marriage. Which do you choose and why? What are your hesitations and motivations?

The crown, I feel like if I had control over the world's people it would allow me to have a much easier time doing what I want. The ring didn't interest me because I'm not one for marriage at all, and with the bottle of water (assuming the fountain of life would give some sort of immortality) I might be tempted by the immortality because it gives you all the time in the world to do things you want to do - I think that would also be a curse in that you'd have to live through catastrophic events.

6. You are offered one of three houses. The first is located in a big city and has historic and artistic value: it was designed by a great architect and was owned by interesting people in the past. Owning this house is very prestigious and guarantees you social status and a circle of friends, but it also comes with responsibility - you must keep the house up to code, manage the household, and give parties and events. The second house you may design using your imagination - literally your dream house - it is located in a very secluded location and no one is allowed to visit this house except you and your immediate family. The third house is very nice, but has no particular aesthetic appeal - a McMansion in short. It is in an extremely convenient location and is very secure. It is impossible for thieves to break in and it has no danger of natural disasters. You are guaranteed to be able to sell the house for double the price in twenty years. Which do you choose and why? What are your hesitations and motivations?

The 2nd house, the fact no one can visit wouldn't bother me. The house itself would probably be full of hidden passages and rooms and the such, because that's something I've always thought would be fascinating to discover. The first house could tempt me but the responsibility definitely turns me off. The third house doesn't tempt me at all, I don't really care for the security and it's a risk I'm certainly most willing to take if it gets me a house that I want more.

7. You are offered one of three doors. The first opens to a world that is dangerous and demands mental or physical skill to navigate through, but also has great rewards to be gained: think of the worlds portrayed on the shows Game of Thrones or Supernatural. The second opens to a world that is full of wonders, magic, and knowledge, which can be learned or experienced, but there is little solid resting ground - think of the worlds portrayed in the shows Doctor Who or in the multi-media phenomenon A Hitchkiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The third opens to a world where you may experience a life of peaceful, uneventful poverty - think of the hobbits in the series Lord of the Rings or most of the animals living in Narnia. Which do you choose and why? What are your hesitations and motivations?

This would definitely be between the first two, the third door sounds tedious. On the one hand, the first door might be quite fun to try and navigate through and the rewards would likely be worth it and I'd certainly have the mental skill to come out on top (not so much the physical skill though LOL). On the other hand, the second door sounds very interesting and like there'd always be something new going on. The fact that there's little solid resting ground isn't a big deal to me. So all factors considered, I'd go with the second door.

8. What do you wish people understood about you? Talk about a time you were misunderstood.

So the biggest one I've dealt with is people getting the wrong idea when I play devil's advocate. A lot of my family members in particular thinking I'm doing it to be argumentative (as if that's a bad thing which I don't see how it is). In reality I'm often doing it to gain more knowledge and I want to learn more about the other person's point of view. I will also sometimes do it to test if the other person really knows what they're talking about.

9. What do you hope people won't notice about you? What are you uncomfortable being teased about?

Hmm this is a hard question, I hope I'm not seen as boring. I'm sometimes uncomfortable being teased about looking more "boy-ish" cause I'm a trans woman.

10. What's worse - to be seen as caring more than you do or less than you do? Why? Do you think you come across one way or the other? Do you typically pretend to care more or to care less?

Honestly, more because then people make the assumption you're over emotional when you're just trying to make a point. I think sometimes I come across as both depending on the situation. If it's something that I strongly believe then I might come across as caring more than I do but then with emotional or serious things I probably don't come across as caring enough (and tbh, I usually don't care).

11. Think about a time that someone else tried to control your actions - to tell you what to do, to manipulate you, or influence you. How did you feel and how did you react? What went through your mind?

I mean I don't like it but I'm sneaky about it - I usually just manipulate/troll them back and take the piss out of them. Quite funny tbh.

12. When you first meet someone, what are your first thoughts? What judgments do you make and what kinds of considerations do you have? Are you more concerned with what they think of you or what you think of them? If you are preparing to meet someone new, what do you hope about them and what do you fear about them?

Well my biggest hope is that they can take a joke and aren't boring. I'd also prefer it if they can handle political or theoretical discussions and the sort. To test this I usually just jump in and start bringing these things up to see how they react. If I'm meeting someone new I'm usually quite excited about it.

13. Think about the last time you cried (if you've recently lost a loved one or gone through another similarly difficult experience, you can go back further and choose a random instance). What caused this? Who was around? Were you crying out of sadness, joy, frustration, or some other factor? How did you feel afterwards? Did it change anything? Is this typical for you?

Hmm, last time I cried I actually didn't know what it was about and I never really figured that out cause I didn't wanna dwell on it. No one was around, I don't typically cry when other people are around. I felt fine afterwards though. If I do cry it's usually when a long sequence of things really have not gone my way and I get frustrated. Crying is definitely not something I do often though.

14. Think about the last time you felt really happy, joyful, or satisfied. What caused this feeling? What was different? What keeps you from feeling this way all the time?

Well on Tuesday just gone I was very elated after I'd been to university. I do Media Production, and on Tuesday for our first session we made a short news show. I was using something called a vision mixer (basically what is used to switch between cameras and VTs on the broadcast) and I was so excited that I got to play around with new technology. Not only that, but of course I had a bit of fun with it outside of what we were supposed to be doing.

15. If you were a tragic hero, what would be your fatal flaw? If you were a character in a comedy, what would be your distinguishing trait (i.e. stingy with money, fastidious, shallow, pretentious, etc.) Do you think others would agree with these?

Tragic Hero - my fatal flaw would be that... I don't really care about being "heroic" and I'd get distracted by my own personal wants/desires a lot. Probably chaotic neutral in this role.
Comedy - of course my "distinguishing trait" would be that I'm a trickster. Causing chaos, stirring the pot etc. I guess in this aspect I'd be chaotic neutral or chaotic evil.

16. Think over the past day or week and make a mental list (you can also write it here) of ways that you have done badly - by yourself, by others, etc. - any time that you have done something, and wish you would have done better. How would you characterize these instances? What caused you to fail and what was your reaction? Are you more likely to be hard on yourself or to find excuses for yourself?

I usually end up making excuses for myself. Haven't really failed too much recently actually, but when I have it's usually been in team or group games. I much prefer to do things individually in that sense - more freedom over how I go about things and I don't have to accommodate people as much. For example, my favourite Town of Salem role is Jester as it allows me to be very creative with my strategies in a way that only impacts me if it goes wrong (And it's really fun to mess around as jester as well)

17. a. Imagine meeting an evil version of yourself - your 'dark side' - and describe this person.
b. Describe your ideal self.

A - I guess an evil version of me would be someone who cranks the chaos and fucking with people up to criminal proportions (eg. Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa is someone I think would be basically me as a villain). The "furthest" I have personally went recently was when I joined a relatively new INFJ server on 2 accounts to troll, got modded on one account and essentially destroyed the server then turned the leader and his best friend against each other messing with them between the 2 accounts for a bit of a laugh (and it definitely gave me that laugh). Idk if that would be considered "dark" though (someone with Fi can help me there LOL)

B - Ideal self would be someone who's really fun to be around, not necessarily well-liked but maybe some infamy because that would be kinda fun. I would wanna have enough money to do the things I wanna do, have a nice house etc. I'd also love to run a successful youtube channel. Oh and I'd also love for a "reddit mysteries" type video to be made about me lol.

18. What is your experience with and how do you deal with the following:
a. loneliness
b. doubt
c. boredom
d. laziness
e. temper

A - I rarely get lonely cause I always find something to do and I'm not a relationship focused person
B - It's not so much doubt I get as it is just wanting to do more than I'm able to do
C - Similarly to A, I can remedy boredom quite quickly.
D - If I slip into laziness, I usually try to like listen to upbeat music to get me more motivated.
E - When I express my temper it's usually a rather brief outburst, although I guess I do get annoyed more than I'd like to.

19. Which of the 'seven deadly sins' - pride, wrath, sloth, envy, lust, gluttony, avarice - do you relate to most and why? Which do you relate to least and why? Feel free to go into depth about these.

Pride - I relate to this one quite a bit because I can be quite the bragger when I've won something or been successful
Wrath - I can get quite vindictive sometimes, want to deal back damage someone has caused me.
Sloth - I guess I can be quite lazy sometimes, but it's not too big an issue
Envy - I will admit I can get jealous when people are outperforming me at a game but it usually makes me want to improve myself
Lust - I have cheated before, so I guess I can be quite lustful. I guess in a film I could be the femme fatale - I do enjoy flirting.
Gluttony - I'm not a foodie so in the literal sense it doesn't apply too much but I do enjoy new experiences and seek them out so I can be gluttonous in that sense.
Avarice - I'd say I can be greedy in that I want to accumulate more resources but it's in the motive of freedom.

20. Link a song you relate to and explain why.

So I like a good gamble, so that's the first thing. I also think this song appeals to my chaotic energy with that trickster vibe to it openly talking about messing with people. Overall just a very me song

Saturnal Snowqueen

Solastalgia 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Jan 9, 2019
Instinctual Variant
From this one, I'm going to say 7w8. I get the sense that gluttony is your sin-the way you're attracted to all the courses at school, the way you want to have enough resources to have freedom, wanting to rule the world to get what you want. The way you want to stir the pot so much is very assertive triad, and boredom seems to be a thing you really want to avoid(it's easy to cure, trying to avoid laziness, chaos > security. You are able to see the fun in situations-like even though you wouldn't like having your biggest secret revealed you see that there is chaos and fun to be had. 3 and 8 are definitely there too. 3 with the way you get jealous of others outperforming and being a bragger and wanting to put on an attractive image. 8 because of how much control and independence you need in your life(and there's nothing 9 or 1 about you.)

miss deceit

Aug 22, 2017
Instinctual Variant
From this one, I'm going to say 7w8. I get the sense that gluttony is your sin-the way you're attracted to all the courses at school, the way you want to have enough resources to have freedom, wanting to rule the world to get what you want. The way you want to stir the pot so much is very assertive triad, and boredom seems to be a thing you really want to avoid(it's easy to cure, trying to avoid laziness, chaos > security. You are able to see the fun in situations-like even though you wouldn't like having your biggest secret revealed you see that there is chaos and fun to be had. 3 and 8 are definitely there too. 3 with the way you get jealous of others outperforming and being a bragger and wanting to put on an attractive image. 8 because of how much control and independence you need in your life(and there's nothing 9 or 1 about you.

Interesting, how about tritype order and variants?

Saturnal Snowqueen

Solastalgia 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Jan 9, 2019
Instinctual Variant
Interesting, how about tritype order and variants?

I'd say 738 order. You seem to care a lot about your image, and your 8 seems to be mostly in service of your 7 which makes it more obvious as a wing than a fix. I'd say so/sx though I mostly see so with how much influence you want to have other people and liking to have an audience. I'd say sx second cause of your femme fatale-ness, but yeah, it's mostly sx.

miss deceit

Aug 22, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I'd say 738 order. You seem to care a lot about your image, and your 8 seems to be mostly in service of your 7 which makes it more obvious as a wing than a fix. I'd say so/sx though I mostly see so with how much influence you want to have other people and liking to have an audience. I'd say sx second cause of your femme fatale-ness, but yeah, it's mostly sx.

Idk though because like So is the one I'd view more like a playground (which is how I've heard the second IV described) in terms of stirring the pot and just fucking with the social order for fun.

Opal Star

Aug 4, 2020
Instinctual Variant
I agree with [MENTION=38618]Saturnal Snowqueen[/MENTION] on your enneagram being 7w8 and your tritype being 738.