You're right, thanks

. I'll try to remember that. I just sometimes feel like it's my fault because I was the one who made them upset, even if I didn't do anything 'wrong.'
Hey Coeur! Aww, I know you want to do the right thing for everyone but I think the best lesson for an INFP to learn is that sometimes love is TOUGH love. Being good to people is not necessarily always making them
feel good at any cost. And doing right also means doing right by yourself, not necessarily always trying to accomodate others.
And at the end of the day, people expect you to be an individual and do a good job of expressing your wants and desires. That's kinda the minimum expectation for each of us.
If you don't do that, in a way you are misleading people and not keeping up your part of the unspoken social pact - because people will think that you WANT certain things and LIKE certain things when you are merely accomodating them. That's why they will be upset or hurt when they find out this isn't the case, because they felt
misled, not because you do not like or want something.
I think as you get better at this (along with strong boundaries and tough love!), you will see more non-bad-crazy people attracted to you - because they will see who and what you are actually about.
Right now when your goal is to be really nice to everyone and all the stuff that gets wrapped into that like "not imposing" you really quiet your own ego - and you are signalling to the world that you are a grand Receptor/Receiver and don't take this the wrong way, but 'passive' - and the only people who will go out of their way to seek you out will be kooky and troubled ones because you're the only one who will give them the attention they want and they can encroach on you.
Once you become more about yourself, taking a stand, asserting who you are - you will give out a clearer signal of who you
are then more 'normal' people will be attracted to you because they see you, not your desire to not hurt others. They can also sense that you're able to keep up your part of that unspoken social contract.
Honestly, most normal healthy people (the kind you want attracted to you! lol!) are
not interested in taking advantage of your kindness. Normal healthy people do not want to feel
responsible for you in a way or like they have second guess how you really feel.
Troubled people though WILL flock to that - you're like an attention buffet!
I know for an INFP it feels like a damned if you/damned if you don't situation, because really - why are people always getting hurt or disappointed "no matter what you do"? (<--At least one or two INFPs irl have told me this)
But really, most normal healthy people actually
want and expect you to be more selfish and assertive and will not mind getting rejected by you. Everyone gets hurt and rejected and healthy people have learned to get over and process it quickly or not be bothered. In a way, you do people a favor by rejecting them because it gives them an opportunity to grow as people and learn to deal with disappointment. And people may not like rejection - but there is big difference in someone not being pleased with something you do and not liking you as a person. Healthy people are able to separate the two and will not hate you or think you are a bad person for not agreeing with them or not being romantically interested in them.
In fact, people will think better of you for it because they know they can depend on you to represent yourself in a clear and honest way.
So good luck!
