<<was hoping you could be so kind as to tell me what some dead give away signs that you are attracted to someone are? and on a daily basis what kinds of things you would do for your love? and how you would woo someone, and what you would do if you were trying to get someone?
how can an entp notice you?>>
Umm, do you have a crush on an ISFP?! Hehe...
Well, from an ISFP woman's perspective, here is what I like in a pursuer:
First off, if I'm not pursued by a man, I'll try to pursue HIM, and that never works out too well for me. I like the other person to take the initiative -- get my number, call, ask me out, take me out, etc.
Something that some other types might underestimate: ISFPs are sometimes (I am always) drawn by people who dress well. Look at ISFPs and ISFJs and see what they are wearing. I don't mean you have to be trendy, or flashy. But I love to see someone I'm interested in wearing clothing that fits them properly, and whose colors are warm, lovely, interesting, or well coordinated. My ISFJ boyfriend and I were both attracted to each other partially based on being impressed with clothing selection. Yes, this does sound terribly shallow. But it's not exactly as shallow as it looks, I don't think. It's more about expressing personal style and it really makes an SP comfortable to see pleasing colors, textures, patterns, and this then will well-accentuate the body which is going to come across sexy. Some N types do try to dress well, but their downfall is sometimes that their outfit ends up looking sloppy. To them I would suggest this one important tip: YOUR CLOTHES SHOULD FIT.

It'll make your look work so much better. You could also watch one of my favorite shows, "What Not to Wear" (TLC Fridays at 9pm).
**Take initiative/the lead with pursuing a female ISFP.
**If you spend time around her, dress well and make sure the clothes fit. Lots of lovely colors (no lime green, please).
**Use humor to flirt with her.
**Talk about exciting things -- what you want to do in the future, ideas for fun outings, what you would do with HER.
Now, to turn it around, my dad is an ISFP and I know how he got my mom. First of all, she didn't even know he liked her -- for weeks. They'd spend time together among friends, and he'd just sit shyly, have a drink or something, and listen to the others converse. In fact, my ISFP dad watched as his NT brother pursued my mother (she's an INFJ), and she ended up rejecting my uncle. In the end, he called her and they'd talk on the phone quite a bit. Then, the first time they were alone together, romance was afoot. ISFPs do like action. If you get one alone and kiss them (if they like you back), you will see some action. With all my boyfriends, I kissed on the first date (and more...) but that was because I liked them a lot. Dates I've been on with boys I wasn't interested in... those guys don't get a kiss.

Things I've done to pursue a guy (who didn't pursue me/didn't know I liked him)... offered to cook them dinner, buy them little gifts, make them gifts, write them songs... standard ISFP stuff.
Anyway, good luck getting that ISFP! Let me know if I can further help...