Heh... I don't even know what to think of this:
Fi, Fe, Se, Si, Ne, Ni, Te, Ti
I didn't read all the pages here, but do they normally stack like that rofl.
Fi 7, Fe 4, Se 2, Si 1, Ne (non-existent rofl), Ni -3, Te -5, Ti -6
I came out as an ISFP. Very little of the information and video applies to me, though. I have no problems using my words to describe my thoughts or feelings (which is just the most profound area of disagreement).
People fondly (and mockingly lol) refer to me as a hippie. I'm only artistic as it applies to writing poetry, novellas, and music. I couldn't care less (personally) about fashion or interior design. I do not seek out new things. I would be quite happy living in a cave in some forgotten part of the world
I'm an INFP, so I think the test needs more tweaking and that I need to get better at answering questions

I loved the way the questions were set up and I only had a, truly, hard time with 2 questions:
17: both the second and last answer applied equally.
21: "I focus on others needs and take on their needs and values as my own." I do focus on the comfort and needs of others, but I do not take them on as my own. The second answer also applied equally (if not better. But I had to go with the third answer (here in quotes) because I abhor chaos and negative emotions/actions and strive for harmony).
OH! I think I may be FINALLY understand the abbreviations. [... or not lol]
Highlander wrote (page 2)
"You're not an Fi dom. These are the raw scores.
Fi=8,Fe=-1 so Feeling is 7
Si=3,Se=2 so Sensing is 5
Ni=0,Ne=-5 so Intuition is -5
Ti=-7; Te=0 so Thinking is -7
It thinks you are an ISFJ because your feeling and sensing scores are so high and you come out as an introvert."
So, "F"= feeling; "S"= Sensing.......... ? "i" then is introverted whereas "e" is extraverted? Hmmm...
Introverted [extraverted], Intuitive [sensing], Feeling [thinking], Prospecting [judging]
How did Highlander arrive at ISFJ? Must be J because thinking is in the negatives? No, I'm out of order. Doggone it, now I've just confused myself more

Where is the "raw scores" for Prospecting and Judging?
If you're "i" or "e" based on raw data, the above would be i=11/e=2 (because, yeah, I suck at math and I'm not even going to attempt figuring in negative numbers).
While I'm giving myself a headache with all this thinking, when we get our score, why do the positive numbers go to 8, but the negatives only to 7? Is it because 0="8"?
Hehhe, I quit... I'm going back to bed
**I wanted to hide this ramble behind "Spoiler". Trying to figure out how to execute the command, just broke me brain some more :tantrum: