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- infp
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- 4w3
How do see Haruhi as infp? I've never seen her typed infp before. Kind of makes me smile because my mother said I was just like her.
He's not charged by social interaction and prefers to be alone. His Se doesn't show except when under great stress, as opposed to his Fi which is quite evident and makes him act like the supreme moral authority of the world. Why's he an extravert?How so? His Fi is so low he can't find true feelings for anyone but himself. his Fi when manifested comes in the form of macro ethics and on principles. As for introspection, I prefer to be alone more than hang out with others a lot of times; a good portion of the last 10 years I'd choose reading a book, playing a game, etc over partying. I honestly don't think he's an I. Can you give any real objective examples of him truly being an I other than he likes to spend his time alone while killing people in a notebook (that he has to write inside)?
Really don't know the names 100% so if I mispell
Mikado Ryūgamine - ISFP ?
Masaomi Kida- ENFP?
Celty - ESXX ?
Shizuo Heiwajima - ESTJ?
Izaya Orihara - Evil ENTP with devloped planning skills fyi, ENTPs can plan
Shinra Kishitani - ENFJ? I'm shooting alot of guesses off here, but hey. I haven't seen the entire anime
How do see Haruhi as infp? I've never seen her typed infp before. Kind of makes me smile because my mother said I was just like her.
I'm not completely sure. I could see a case for ISJ , INP or INFJ. come to think of it though, INFJ makes more sense. she's a little more directing and ambitious than most INFPs.
PS: do you have a favorite host?![]()
Torn between Tamaki and Hunny. I'd totally pick Hunny as my host though. We both have a rather unhealthy junk food obsession and are big kids most of the time. Definitely would bring an introvert out of her shell.
Does anyone want to try their hand at Tokyo Mew Mew?
Shut up I kinda liked it.![]()
Serei no Moribito
Balsa: ISTP 8w9 sp/sx 8-1-9 RCoeN
Chagum: INFP 9w1 sx/so 9-1-2 xxxAI
Tanda: INTP or ISFJ (Si/Ti) 9w1 or 6w5 sp/sx 9-6-5 RCxAI
Torogai: xNTJ 8w7, or possibly 5w4, sp/sx 8-5-4 SCxEI
Shuga: INFJ 1w9 sx/so (maybe sx/sp) 1-9-6 RCxAI
Toya: ESTP 7w6 so/sp 7-3-6 SLOAN
Saya: ISFj 9w1 sp/sx? 9-6-2 RLUAN
Nanai: ESTJ 1w2 or 3w2 so/sp 1-3-2 SCOEN
Jiguro: ISTx 8w9 sp/sx 8-3-5 RCOEN
Wait... Aren't the bolded in the same center (head/heart/gut)? Or do you use a different triad system?
You're right. Lately I've been rather arbitrary in what triad system I use; mostly either the traditional heart/head/gut triads or Magic Porifen and Evan's own system of Pursuing/Anticipating/Avoiding - Turbulent/Controlling/Suppressive. It's gotten to the point where I sometimes just pick the three enneatypes that fit best; I really should stick to one system.
In the heart/head/gut theory, I would type them as:
Balsa: 8-5-3
Chagum: 9-2-6
Tanda: 9-6-?
Shuga: 1-6-4 or 1-5-4
Toya: 7-3-9
Nanai: 1-3-6
Code Geass
Lelouch - INFJ
Schneizel - ENTJ
Suzaku - ISFP
Death Note
Light - ENTJ
Near - INTJ
Mello - ENFJ
Misa - ESFJ
Mikami - INTJ
Spice and Wolf
Holo - ESTJ
Lawrence - ENTJ
Suzaku is ISFJSome mistakes in your typings:
Lelouch is INTJ
Suzaku is xNFJ of some sort
I think Misa is an ES?P of some sortLight is also INTJ
Near could be INTP, not really sure actually
Misa is ENFJ
Mikami may be ISTJ rather than INTJ
i concede, lelouch is more of an INTJ, but at times he seems to be and INFJSome mistakes in your typings:
Lelouch is INTJ
Suzaku is xNFJ of some sort
I concede, Light is an INTJ, i forgot how he detests the world, although his previous life might have been more social, as the chapther "How to Read" in the manga describes himLight is also INTJ
Near could be INTP, not really sure actually
Misa is ENFJ
Mikami may be ISTJ rather than INTJ
Suzaku is ISFJwhat makes you think he's N?
CC I think is an INFJ. when you look at what she was like when she was much younger, it was very FJ-ish and not at all like an INTP.
i concede, lelouch is more of an INTJ, but at times he seems to be and INFJ
now i think CC is either an INFP or and INFJ (she's definitely and F, the flashbacks prove it)
i disagree Suzaku is an 'N', he must be an ISFJ
I think Misa is an ES?P of some sort
What makes you say Misa's an ENFJ? , she's definitely an 'S' , she just can't see far ahead, she's too glued to present situations
I think Mikami's an 'N', he can read Kira's ideals and motives to a degree
that's Fi, not NiESFP would be the second most likely type for Misa after ENFJ for her. She does use Ni at times; her grand entrance sheme for example and her devotion to the same ideal world as Light.