High Up. First floor appartments are creepy
I dont think im a 'house' kind of person. I like appartments, appartments are cool.
with a core theme (rather simple, whites etc.) and rooms with different themes.
Ya know, the sex den, the arabic cushion place, the social room (living room) etc. with different colors and vibes.
a balcony, there has to be a balcony, with two or three big confy chair and some foldable ones for company (cool foldable ones)
Open Bar kitchen (i that how you call it or am i being influenced by ahem, outings), American bar?
fridge with ice maker, air based dyson-type drier (because the traditional ones are shitty) in the bathroom, a shower place that actually closes (it can be the bathtube I mean but it has to close for realz, otherwise I always end up flooding the place ! Full Body Air Drier (can probably tweak the hand drier, have a small engine and have it go up and down on two sides in some corner ... (or in the shower directly but then I have to make sure its water proof)
Small (2 ppl max) Sauna just next to the bathroom (but not part of it).
All house electronics are of course monitored via my cellphone / computer (web interface is alright, platform-dedicated interface is best)
the internet is fast, delay makes me crazy
Lots of windows. I don't give a shit about privacy, I'm probably 300 feet above you.
Bed is large, but doesn't have to be 'ultra king size' as long as it's enough for 3

. High Quality Mattress, doesn't have to be the ridiculously super expensive ones, just the one that make sense based on comfort, health and amount of time spent on it.
i don't have to ask who is there etc at the door, there's a video display inside the door at more or less head level ( can be a bit lower to adapt to hobbits) (Children I mean)
Next to water would be nice, (animals like water, sue me), but im not especially attracted to the sea (land creature don't like salty water, follow your instincts: say NO the the sea)
less than 10 mins away from activity / dense places (doesn't have to be ibiza, just not some shit hole away from civilization)
A pantry separate but adjuct to my bedroom (so I leave the bedroom clean at all times), if possible the clothes just roll out of the place or turn like a carousel.
energy efficient bulbs, because they make sense. Lights switches off if nobody's in the room ('d have to set that up in a non energy intensive way and allow for people not to move and not have the light switched off on them, passive infrared receptor maybe?, simple pressure pads under sofa cushions, but no that'd require wifi etc. probably. I can figure it out if/when required)
Alarm clock is connected to sound system and lighting and optimized based on sleep movement patterns and time of lights switch off. (I switch off the light only when I go to bed, it's a habit i want to keep)
surround speakers around the place with different channels for each room.
Workroom if needed, the workroom has to be silent, like, really silent, any sound or stimulation has to be my choice. I'm talking sound proof door etc.
The workroom features digital whiteboards (saving stuff up automatically, with a smartphone like 'flip through' interface, I can then select stuff and put them in separate folders through drag and drop and access it on my cellphone/computer), computer of course, treadmill with laptop / notes rack. Virtual office setup with wall projectors (led) or screens + sound on 2+ walls (can include the door which would be concealed)
AC is regularly maintained and kept clean
No TV is needed
Solar powered Electronics chargers in main rooms (usb etc. port directly on power socket, adapted to international power sockets, solar panel on balcony. Battery in the house that redistributes the current to main electronics with automatic switch to general AC when they run low)
Or maybe something connected to my computer, but like, actually TV with channels etc. Not interested.
There has to be a bean bag or really comfy chair, It can be suspended somewhere not to take space and drop down in a corner when needed.