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Who wants to talk about astrology?

Mind Maverick

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2018
I know not everyone does, but many take his word of mouth as gospel especially on a typology site like this that is based on Jung's theory, which ironically has its roots in astrology.
Not everyone is going to get the esoteric arts, that's fine, whatever.
MBTI type is not determined by where and at what time or date you were born, and how the planets and stars aligned...not only that, but the commonly used astrological signs aren't even the actual astrological signs based on alignment. So MBTI / Jungian Theory / etc. is a terrible comparison regardless of anything Jung believed. At least the theories are backed by some degree of evidence, ie neurological scans show SPs have tennis ball patterns, etc.

But besides that, why are you even here if you have such an abhorrent distaste in astrology anyway?
I came here to talk about astrology...exactly like the title says. It isn't called, "who wants to come agree with us about astrology?" Besides, it's good for people caught up in it to see stuff like this in my mind's eye.

I don't understand why you have to be such a gadfly and continue disparaging the content in this thread. Just move the fuck on already.
1.) I am discussing astrology. Since when does someone have to agree with everyone to talk about it on a thread?
2.) I have only been replying to people talking to me directly or talking about what I have said at this point anyways.

In any case, none of this is a personal attack to anyone.

Lady Lazarus

Jun 30, 2014
Instinctual Variant
MBTI type is not determined by where and at what time or date you were born, and how the planets and stars aligned...not only that, but the commonly used astrological signs aren't even the actual astrological signs based on alignment. So MBTI / Jungian Theory / etc. is a terrible comparison regardless of anything Jung believed. At least the theories are backed by some degree of evidence, ie neurological scans show SPs have tennis ball patterns, etc.

I came here to talk about astrology...exactly like the title says. It isn't called, "who wants to come agree with us about astrology?" Besides, it's good for people caught up in it to see stuff like this in my mind's eye.

1.) I am discussing astrology. Since when does someone have to agree with everyone to talk about it on a thread?
2.) I have only been replying to people talking to me directly or talking about what I have said at this point anyways.

In any case, none of this is a personal attack to anyone.

INFJ 6w5.

Mind Maverick

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2018
INFJ 6w5.

Cool. Type me as that. Type isn't an identity, and peoples' opinions of it don't matter to me. Now fuck off and stop talking to me--especially spam replying to me with some type while knowing you're full of shit just as an attempt to provoke me.

Lady Lazarus

Jun 30, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Cool. Type me as that. Type isn't an identity, and peoples' opinions of it don't matter to me. Now fuck off and stop talking to me--especially spam replying to me with some type while knowing you're full of shit just as an attempt to provoke me.


Ok, ok: alternatively, 6w5 INFJ.

Lady Lazarus

Jun 30, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Are you so sensitive? Lol

You've got me. Every time someone doesn't confirm my type I have a little fit during which none of my actions reflect any of the words in my posts. :cry:

Mind Maverick

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2018
That's ok.

I guess we'll let the mods decide that, since you seem to follow me around the forums.

5. Provocative, Bullying, Hostile, and Trolling Behavior
Flaming, insults, provocative, and personal attacks are not allowed, including in reputation comments, private messages, visitor messages, Vent, Discord or social groups. This includes items such as the following:
Instances where a member insults, attacks, or abuses, another member. Insults are defined as speaking or treating another with disrespect or scornful abuse. Examples of prohibited behavior include calling another names, putting them down, attacking another’s character, humiliating or affronting them, or posts that disparage, discredit, belittle, libel, slander, malign, defame, or denigrate another member.
Apparent intents to enrage, disparage, or antagonize another user of the forum, especially repeated instances of such.
Constant backbiting and/or aggressively confrontational posting.
Threats of harm to any individual, groups of individuals or to this forum.
Posting or communication that vilifies, degrades, attacks or incites prejudicial action against a person or group on the basis of race, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity, disability, appearance, mental capacity or sexual orientation.
Repeated instances of spamming, consistent off-topic posting or history of thread derailing.
Exception to the above: There is leeway for obvious jokes (where the other poster clearly acknowledges this).
In addition to specific posts, a poster's pattern of behavior related to all of the above will also be considered. This includes, for example, several low-level instances of the above over time, whether direct or indirect. The primary consideration will be the overall impact of the poster on other forum members.

Lady Lazarus

Jun 30, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I guess we'll let the mods decide that, since you seem to follow me around the forums.

5. Provocative, Bullying, Hostile, and Trolling Behavior
Flaming, insults, provocative, and personal attacks are not allowed, including in reputation comments, private messages, visitor messages, Vent, Discord or social groups. This includes items such as the following:
Instances where a member insults, attacks, or abuses, another member. Insults are defined as speaking or treating another with disrespect or scornful abuse. Examples of prohibited behavior include calling another names, putting them down, attacking another’s character, humiliating or affronting them, or posts that disparage, discredit, belittle, libel, slander, malign, defame, or denigrate another member.
Apparent intents to enrage, disparage, or antagonize another user of the forum, especially repeated instances of such.
Constant backbiting and/or aggressively confrontational posting.
Threats of harm to any individual, groups of individuals or to this forum.
Posting or communication that vilifies, degrades, attacks or incites prejudicial action against a person or group on the basis of race, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity, disability, appearance, mental capacity or sexual orientation.
Repeated instances of spamming, consistent off-topic posting or history of thread derailing.
Exception to the above: There is leeway for obvious jokes (where the other poster clearly acknowledges this).
In addition to specific posts, a poster's pattern of behavior related to all of the above will also be considered. This includes, for example, several low-level instances of the above over time, whether direct or indirect. The primary consideration will be the overall impact of the poster on other forum members.

That sounds good and also, very INFJ 6w5.

I've never been afraid of punitive action of any severity on a forum, lol, so in that sense it also sounds good.

Mind Maverick

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2018
The bolded line, I relate to that completely, I just explore the possibility out of curiosity even if I'm sure it's pointless just in case it offers anything else that might be valuable.

If only the people who get so offended when you disagree with their belief in astrology would do the same.

Lady Lazarus

Jun 30, 2014
Instinctual Variant
If only the people who get so offended when you disagree with their belief in astrology would do the same.

If only we wouldn't call people idiots and expect them to react with neutrality toward us. They're just so irrational!

Regardless, I believe in you INFJ 6w5, I know you'll figure out the mystery of why they actually got so offended one day. :)
Apr 24, 2016
MBTI type is not determined by where and at what time or date you were born, and how the planets and stars aligned...not only that, but the commonly used astrological signs aren't even the actual astrological signs based on alignment. So MBTI / Jungian Theory / etc. is a terrible comparison regardless of anything Jung believed. At least the theories are backed by some degree of evidence, ie neurological scans show SPs have tennis ball patterns, etc.

Astrology is just another personality theory like MBTI, but it's even more intuitive in its approach than MBTI, thereby not making it easily proven in a concrete format. The signs are also used as symbolic content for the energy field of the sign itself. And whether you believe in it or not, there is a beauty to it in regards to its rich, symbolic content in connection to mythology, alchemy, and the tarot as well. It would be interesting to look into just to expand your knowledge in general as well as an aid for finding connections to other archetypes too. Also, eerily enough, somehow my own chart is very intricately accurate to the point where it's not vaguely descriptive at all. I'm not sure why this is, but just like with any personality theory, you take what you find helpful to you, and I personally find astrology to be very eye-opening for me. Not everyone is going to like it, just like not everyone is going to find MBTI useful or the enneagram and the Big Five either. And astrology, whether you like it or not, has its ties to Jungian typology. Understandably, it's going to be harder to find some validity in it if you're not deeply ingrained in the esoteric element of science to begin with. It's also understandable why astrology is looked down upon because of the pervasive Sun sign horoscope crap, which I admit isn't doing any good favors toward the already negative stigma of it either. And Carl Jung obviously found something in it that was beneficial for his own psychoanalytic theory, so by calling it utter hogwash you are discrediting Jung in a way as well.

I came here to talk about astrology...exactly like the title says. It isn't called, "who wants to come agree with us about astrology?" Besides, it's good for people caught up in it to see stuff like this in my mind's eye.

1.) I am discussing astrology. Since when does someone have to agree with everyone to talk about it on a thread?
2.) I have only been replying to people talking to me directly or talking about what I have said at this point anyways.

In any case, none of this is a personal attack to anyone.

Well you quoted me and I never cared to talk to you in the first place. I know you coincidently also happened to make posts beneath mine talking shit about astrology, which was probably indirectly aimed at me, so I felt a need to make at least one solo interjection.

Additionally, the OP made it clear in his post that he didn't have interest in talking to people who were going to make an uproar over this either. And you kind of did make it a personal attack by calling people who take interest in astrology idiots in one of your posts before this:

Yeah ngl I'm Ne enough to be one of the idiots that would explore the possibility because I seem to consider the 1% even if I'm like "heh yeah right," but it's still stupid af and rather easy to disprove / invalidate.

Also, I really don't care to continue this conversation because I know how this goes everytime and have zero patience right now, so I'm calling it quits. Buh-bye.

Mind Maverick

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2018
Astrology is just another personality theory like MBTI, but it's even more intuitive in its approach than MBTI, thereby not making it easily proven in a concrete format. The signs are also used as symbolic content for the energy field of the sign itself. And whether you believe in it or not, there is a beauty to it in regards to its rich, symbolic content in connection to mythology, alchemy, and the tarot as well. It would be interesting to look into just to expand your knowledge in general as well as an aid for finding connections to other archetypes too. Also, eerily enough, somehow my own chart is very intricately accurate to the point where it's not vaguely descriptive at all. I'm not sure why this is, but just like with any personality theory, you take what you find helpful to you, and I personally find astrology to be very eye-opening for me. Not everyone is going to like it, just like not everyone is going to find MBTI useful or the enneagram and the Big Five either. And astrology, whether you like it or not, has its ties to Jungian typology. Understandably, it's going to be harder to find some validity in it if you're not deeply ingrained in the esoteric element of science to begin with. It's also understandable why astrology is looked down upon because of the pervasive Sun sign horoscope crap, which I admit isn't doing any good favors toward the already negative stigma of it either. And Carl Jung obviously found something in it that was beneficial for his own psychoanalytic theory, so by calling it utter hogwash you are discrediting Jung in a way as well.

Well you quoted me and I never cared to talk to you in the first place. I know you coincidently also happened to make posts beneath mine talking shit about astrology, which was probably indirectly aimed at me, so I felt a need to make at least one solo interjection.

Additionally, the OP made it clear in his post that he didn't have interest in talking to people who were going to make an uproar over this either. And you kind of did make it a personal attack by calling people who take interest in astrology idiots in one of your posts before this:

Also, I really don't care to continue this conversation because I know how this goes everytime and have zero patience right now, so I'm calling it quits. Buh-bye.

Ewww drama. NTY. tl;dr

As for what I skimmed over and saw...

To be completely honest, I didn't even know I posted under you. I still don't know which post I posted under you with. Even if I had commented on something pertaining to a post you wrote, it doesn't equate to a personal attack towards you. As for me "calling people who take an interest in typology idiots" that is taken out of context and is a misunderstanding. What I said was, "ngl, I would be one of the idiots..." obviously I'm not sincerely calling myself an idiot, therefore am not sincerely calling others idiots either...it's just a phrase taken far too personally, and all of this is being blown way out of proportion right now. Please leave me alone now, I have no problems with you and I prefer to keep it that way. This is all very menial.


perfect person
Sep 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
lol yea but then it's just statistical probability...all the signs are fragments of universal human nature and malleable character. Barnum Effect. I mean cmon...Aries are impulsive? Anyone can be...

i don’t think that descriptions of the different signs are vague or easily applied to anyone :shrug: i have a pretty clear and distinct archetype in mind for each one.


Nov 3, 2017
I too recognize myself in my natal chart and find astrology a great thought exercise (a little more realistic than some of QM assumptions).

Moon, Asc - Pisces
Sun - Capricorn, X house, Conjunct Neptune and MC
Neptune - Sagittarius, Conjunct Sun and MC

Just out of curiosity, could you guess my type?


May 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
As much as I dont belive in that superstisious stuff such as astrology, astrology is pretty unique personality system, compared to MBTI. I mean in astology each sign has It's own animal/planet/god/whatever associated in it, makes it "Colorfull", unlike MBTI which is just 4 letters, completely grey and boring.

My sun sign is pisces, moon leo.

Yeah, I wish I had other sun sign.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
Ive been told I have an interesting chart, but not really sure how its interpreted.



Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I used to be really into astrology when I was younger. I don't follow it now, but I recall my chart being really fire/water heavy and me being a Mercury Rx/Leo dom lol

View attachment 20865
Or Rather...
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Leo
Ascendant: Pisces
Last edited:

Mind Maverick

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2018
Also not into astrology, but in the actual one that NASA states would technically be the correct alignment (which includes the 13th sign and constellation Ophiuchus),
I'd be a Pisces.

In the mainstream but technically inaccurate one which these charts use, I'd be...
Sun: Aries
Rising: Pisces
Moon: Aries
Mercury: Aries

Still lol-ing because all of this would still be wrong according to NASA even if astrology was credible, and not only that, but the 2 signs are basically polar opposites.

Oh, and btw, modern astrology which these charts use also level out the dates when in fact the constellations are not so evenly distributed and there would be shorter time periods for some signs and longer for others.