Thanks for your questions.
What was my objective? Nothing I can pin down and say, "I desire X result." It's just something I have to do is talk about my faith. It's a similar feeling as Jeremiah felt when he said, more or less, that he has a fire in his belly and he just cannot keep quiet. (If you are wondering, I will try and keep my posts relevant to the topic and not start religious debates where they do not belong. The thread concerning death does seem somewhat relevant to religion since pretty much all the major religions do believe in life after death.)
As far as converting people is concerned, it is a desire I have, but at the same time, I do not believe in forced conversions or anything like that. Also, keep in mind that I am an INFP so it is very much more about me sharing my experiences than it is about pushing my values on other people. Do I have strong convictions? Yes, very much so. Am I going to try and force those convictions on other people? No, not at all. Plus, as someone else in the thread already said, changing someone else's mind on something they have stong beliefs about is dang near impossible anyways. In other words, my approach is to sow seeds and let God take care of the rest. I am not actively trying to convert people. I am sharing what I must. I don't believe I have any power in myself to change anyone's mind on anything.
I really had no expectations in sharing what I did in the OP. I should expect hostility at this point given that this is not my first rodeo. I have found when it comes to religion, many people are overly critical and resistant to what I am saying as a Christian no matter how polite, caring, kind, etc. I have been. I have been mocked for my beliefs many times. Usually, it does not bother me too much. I try and stick to the argument at hand most of the time. Does that mean that I am never upset at what someone says about me? I would be lying if I said I never get upset at people being hostile towards what I believe when in fact I try my best not to mock other people's beliefs or belittle them or whatever other negative thing that makes it personal.