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Will learning Bible verses make you less likely to do evil?


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“If one reads a Bible will they do less evil? Those who collect secular wisdom does collecting all these quotes from the giants of philosophy prepare one to be wise?

I have found gross generalizations by those that believe and don’t believe. I can’t stand Christopher Hitchens who’s an atheist. He says that religion is the reason why a lot of suffering goes on this world.

I don’t concur. Whether we have religion or not people will continue to emotionally, physically, psychologically and sexually abuse their fellow Homo sapiens. Worst parents who have their 3-5 year old children sodomized by various animals.

Then their are those who take Hitler and Stalin as being atheists and generalize that atheists
who don’t believe are the singular worst aspects of humanity and much evil is done by an atheist.

Folks this is what I call a correlation. It proves nothing. People who espouse this view that the greatest evil is done by atheists is a generalization, all or nothing thinking, black and white thinking and emotional reasoning.

These are cognitive distortions. Taking a sample size and then generalize to substantiate ones position. People we are not thought to learn critical thinking.

Likewise memorizing all the secular quotations of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and the giants of the field of philosophy does not prepare a person who has not been taught to think.

Both church goers and collectors of wisdom of the famous philosophers can’t create the wisdom they read. They can merely mouth it like a parrot. When push comes to shove people when triggered will revert to a base emotional response.

One must learn to critically think for themselves to make some judicious decisions. Going to church, mosque, temple or any source of worship does not teach people to think for themselves.

That is why Soul Family: Important Toplcal Issues of life as Well Questioning in Life. was created, a private hall of wisdom shared among peers.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
Those who say religion is the main cause of human suffering, is this true?

“There are learned men and women of disparate belief and lack of belief. I for myself don’t believe in anything unless it can be proven by science in the here and now and the results replicated.

I personally don’t think humanity can evolve until we take responsibility for our own lives. Until we accept responsibility for our own salvation as Buddha acknowledges we shall never evolve.

This not waiting for a deliverer to come save us. Some say religion is the main cause of much of the worlds misery. I would say with religion or without it humankind would continue to do what is referred to as evil.

This is due to the power of our unconscious. Here lurks hidden unconscious stereotypes and prejudices.

As an addition blind spots, ignorance and cognitive distortions like emotional reasoning cause suffering.

Additionally rationalization and denial done in the name of love have led to many gross injustices and outright persecution.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Knowledge can be taught. Wisdom comes from within. That is why reading all the secular and religious verses and quotes will never make you wise.

Nor will it prepare you adequately to deal with triggers. You will revert to your primitive base emotions and react accordingly due to your own unconscious conflicts, unresolved issues, emotional baggage and psychic wounds.

Instead of taking time to learn and memorize the wisdom of the ancients, why do we not help to learn to think for ourselves.

Imagine that: If we are taught active listening skills, emotional intelligence and mindfulness at an early age, a whole race of Buddhas.

Sadly this will not occur. First people want an easy solution. They think there is a new spiritual awakening with raising your frequency and vibrancy.

Do you really think that real change will manifest without attention to detail, educating our young with cognitive mindfulness of their thoughts, writings, speech and actions?” LightSun